Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal


Well-Known Member
well it looks like my c99 is runting out on me.. it started off well but now is way to small.. its day 12 and the newest leaves that have came in are actually smaller than the first set...

I transplanted it into a bigger pot to see if that will spur it into action

i really don't want to scrap this plant ..whats the chances of it picking up ?



Well-Known Member
Man I'm telling you.. Its a Female Seeds C99 thing. Mine were tiny like that too but they do take off after about 21 or so days. Frustrating isn't it? Stick with them though:) These are slower starters but way faster now than my last grow.


Well-Known Member
hey mech ,thanks for stopping in..is this size comparable to yours then at the same age?

kind of annoying , i picked c99 partly because of it's fast finish.. not much point being a fast finisher if it takes 3 weeks longer to veg the damn things..


Well-Known Member
Almost identical bro. It is kind of annoying but I do think they are focusing on roots right now. Comparing these to my last grow they have caught up as far as growth/day is concerned. They will probably surpass them if they continue growing the way they are. All I'm saying is the smoke better be fantastic to deal with all this worrying.


Well-Known Member
Almost identical bro. It is kind of annoying but I do think they are focusing on roots right now. Comparing these to my last grow they have caught up as far as growth/day is concerned. They will probably surpass them if they continue growing the way they are. All I'm saying is the smoke better be fantastic to deal with all this worrying.
amen ......

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Must have a runt. But runts ime produce well. And are potency gems more often than not. As my f's c99's blew out the gate and ran that way to the end


Well-Known Member
if it is a runt though ,does that mean it will just take me longer to get it were i need it to be before flowering ,or will it always be pathetic...

i dunno ,like mechanicals have followed a similar path ..maybe it just in the genes to take a little longer than normal to get going..i have noticed the root growth has been slow compared to other strains i have done .I think i read C99 is actaully an inbred line and therefore will not show much hybrid vigor..fingers crossed.

I'm not gonna chuck it out what ever happens ,i gotta try this ultra uplifting trippy high that is so famous..

Kite High

Well-Known Member
my runts usually stay short but keep short nodes and produce well and potency seems to be better...but haven't had any slow c99 from fs so speaking generally here

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Puffdat, your C99 has a full set of leaves ahead of me and i'm on day 15 now. looks like I got a runt not you.. lol
are you using nutes yet? looks like you have a couple leaves starting to turn yellow. hmm, maybe it's the lighting, not sure.



Well-Known Member
Hey adam ,i think slowness must just be a common trait with this strain.thats me you and mechanical...an i have read other reports of slowness .

I am using nutes ,1 ml of grow per litre and 2 mills bio heaven ,i also repotted into a fresh pot of all mix to see if that would help ,as last plant i did ,it started looking sucky and then i repotted it and it greened up and took off,so we'll see..

Oh and yeah ,i think the yellowing lower leaves ,may been a bit over watering .. i always start my seed off in too big of a pot and it makes it really difficult to not over water.. the top dries out as normal ,but because there is no root system down below it stays too moist..i have had this happen a lot ,but usually i just fix it by letting the pot dry out properly when i see this happening and then its fine ... guess someday i'll try and start it in the right size conatiner..

i'll keep it going ,i have faith that it can turn out good ,just gonna take and extra week or 2 veg time

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
I know people say that using a T5 for Veg will slow it down too. but i have always used a T5 for veg.. so thats not the culprit.. It must just be genetics with this strain.


Well-Known Member
Just checked the Calendar, my C99 is at day 13. It has been such a slow starter. Even smaller than yours Puffdat.. I'll likely start a journal once I know the sex. I got reg seeds so i don't want to start something that might end prematurely.

Maybe some of you experienced C99 growers can tell me, how long I can expect to wait before I'll be able to determine the sex of this strain. thx
Pre flower in about 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
Nice tidy set up man.I use a 250 watt hps with duel spectrum for veg and flower btw..

As for my c99 ,it is 2 weeks old today and has picked upa decent bit after i transplanted it into the big pot.It's also recovered from the yellowing of the lowest leaves.Which i am pretty sure was over watering.

I also noticed the underside of the leaves that started yellowing have a purple color to them..unless it was some sort of deficiency .. but the new leaves are coming in nice and healthy so far and the speed of growth has improved... notice aswell its going to have really nice side branching

so hoping things are going to go a bit more smoothly from here on.



Kite High

Well-Known Member
Nice tidy set up man.I use a 250 watt hps with duel spectrum for veg and flower btw..

As for my c99 ,it is 2 weeks old today and has picked upa decent bit after i transplanted it into the big pot.It's also recovered from the yellowing of the lowest leaves.Which i am pretty sure was over watering.

I also noticed the underside of the leaves that started yellowing have a purple color to them..unless it was some sort of deficiency .. but the new leaves are coming in nice and healthy so far and the speed of growth has improved... notice aswell its going to have really nice side branching

so hoping things are going to go a bit more smoothly from here on.

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how I do it

ps-they looking hungry...more food especially N for your babies I suggest
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Kite High

Well-Known Member
those are positronic's Claustrum btw...a really excellent strain...thats 4 of them in a 5x5x9

thank you for the compliment