Public Schools

How many of us at one time attended public schools

  • I was home schooled

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sure he did:roll: lets see how that works out. I bet that guy will be going to Public school very soon.
You do realize you do get time off in the service. you're not working 24 hours a day. We hide out in the orange groves, because you just can't smoke weed all out in the open whilst in the military. Great memories with friends.
Friends you ask. I will one day explain what a friend is . I keep forgetting you have none.

So while you were supposed to be "protecting freedom" and the "American way of life", you were hiding in an orange grove from people that would harm you for exercising real freedom, while at the same time stealing the fruit (literally) of another persons labor.

For all of that "service time", you now get a fat pension while you sit on your ass and take the meager change from poor people who just want some clean clothes. Then you whine about who will pay for the poor kids to attend the government indoctrination schools, while you steal their mothers underwear left behind in the dryers.

That about right?
So while you were supposed to be "protecting freedom" and the "American way of life", you were hiding in an orange grove from people that would harm you for exercising real freedom, while at the same time stealing the fruit (literally) of another persons labor.

For all of that "service time", you now get a fat pension while you sit on your ass and take the meager change from poor people who just want some clean clothes. Then you whine about who will pay for the poor kids to attend the government indoctrination schools, while you steal their mothers underwear left behind in the dryers.

That about right?
You are clueless, but that's what I expect from a leeching moocher who believes that he has to give nothing back to the very system that helped him accomplish the many things he has done in his life. I wonder if your parents taught you this shit or did you learn it on your own ? Was you mother a freeloading moocher or was it your father who leeched, complained and bitched while he took advantage of everything this nation handed him. Combination of both? Tell us where did you learn this.

Once when we got "caught" by the guy who owned one of the orange grove, his only request was that we don't leave a mess. We only took oranges that hit the ground. If he had a problem with us he would have called the base or the police neither was done. You seem jealous.
No one is forced to wash clothes at my places of business. Most seem happy for the service I bring to the community. I also give back in more ways then one.
Would you mind helping sponsoring a baseball team this spring. We have two 8,9 10 age group teams we need to get sponsored so we can add to the league. If you can't no worries, we will get it done.
I like how london segued into putting in the request for "Donations" so that his own kid can play baseball.

According to London, he has plenty of money that he could donate enough to the team so no one has to go begging from others for it.

But he isn't going to do that, instead he will ask others to foot the bill.
You are clueless, but that's what I expect from a leeching moocher who believes that he has to give nothing back to the very system that helped him accomplish the many things he has done in his life. I wonder if your parents taught you this shit or did you learn it on your own ? Was you mother a freeloading moocher or was it your father who leeched, complained and bitched while he took advantage of everything this nation handed him. Combination of both? Tell us where did you learn this.

Once when we got "caught" by the guy who owned one of the orange grove, his only request was that we don't leave a mess. We only took oranges that hit the ground. If he had a problem with us he would have called the base or the police neither was done. You seem jealous.
No one is forced to wash clothes at my places of business. Most seem happy for the service I bring to the community. I also give back in more ways then one.
Would you mind helping sponsoring a baseball team this spring. We have two 8,9 10 age group teams we need to get sponsored so we can add to the league. If you can't no worries, we will get it done.

No, I'm not clueless or jealous. As far as "giving back" if a person or entity forces you to participate in something, using your own money or your parents money to pay for it ,as is the case of public schools....who should do the "giving back" ?

I do thank you for voluntarily helping kids out though. I 've coached kids and mens sports voluntarily probably when you still were out stealing oranges.

My parents taught me taking something that isn't yours is wrong. They, like you though were sometimes fooled into thinking a huge exception MUST be made for government when government steals. I've shed some of my own cognitive dissonance over the years and dug deeper, that's all.

You seem a little more confused than normal too, that happens when you disagree with yourself...
Since you seem to like the idea that "no one is forced" to wash clothes at your laundromat, why do you then say out of the other side of your mouth, it's okay for government to force people to pay for something they don't want?
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no. you are stupid. stupid and uninformed. very very dumb.

most teachers spend summers furthering their education, getting more certifications, or revising and updating lesson plans.

only a very, very stupid person would not be aware of this.

I commend you on your avatar update, very thought provoking.

As far as public schools go, if they are so good and people like them so much, what's the harm in having them compete for their "customers" rather than automatically provide a captured money source to fund them using force?
I like how london segued into putting in the request for "Donations" so that his own kid can play baseball.

According to London, he has plenty of money that he could donate enough to the team so no one has to go begging from others for it.

But he isn't going to do that, instead he will ask others to foot the bill.
Actually guy my kid does not play baseball, he plays football and basketball. Baseball is something I do for the community in which my business sits.
I think I do have enough money to sponsor a team myself, still does not stop me from asking others to help out. Would you like to participate in helping some child get shoe's or gloves if needed ? If not don't worry, it will be taken care of in one way or another. I have no problem helping all children enjoy extra-curriculum activities such as baseball, all I ask from them is to be respectful and keep those grades up...and have fun. Why do you hate kids ?
Still butthurt over being trolled. lol I notice most of you can't get over it.

I came in, told you all exactly what I was going to do, did it, you all fell for, then I stopped. You're all still feeling stupid. The rest of us are all still laughing at you.

your other account contains plenty of racism as well. you cried like little girl when i went and dug it up.

sheskunk was just an extension of your other account. it was not tyou trolling, it was you being you.

the act has served its purpose, time to go the way of the dodo. Do we really need government to tell us" Hey you ARE DIFFERENT than other people, therefore we have special programs for you." ??

and if that is you speaking out against civil rights, can you explain this?

I have never opposed civil rights, citation please, and it has to be be a quote of me saying I oppose civil rights, or something to that effect

tell me, is opposition to civil rights something they espouse heavily on stormffront, where you have been a member for 5 years?

I commend you on your avatar update, very thought provoking.

As far as public schools go, if they are so good and people like them so much, what's the harm in having them compete for their "customers" rather than automatically provide a captured money source to fund them using force?
they do compete. Charter schools as well as private schools are the competition.
Charter schools still receive funding from tax dollars and not every citizen can afford private schooling.
they do compete. Charter schools as well as private schools are the competition.
Charter schools still receive funding from tax dollars and not every citizen can afford private schooling.
How many public schools in your county? Out of all of those schools, how many can your kids attend? I have the choice of exactly 1 (out of over 200). Maybe you have more?
How many public schools in your county? Out of all of those schools, how many can your kids attend? I have the choice of exactly 1 (out of over 200). Maybe you have more?
I'm not sure what you are saying. You only have 1 public school ? or one charter school ? or one private school ?