PS3 vs XBOX cast your thoughts

How do you fit 50gb on a disc, and what's the point? Is there any way for movie quality to be increased to the point where a movie that took up 700mb on a DVD now takes up 70 times as much space on Blu-Ray?

I honestly have no idea how big the actual movie sizes are on the bluray. But you can download 1080p movies (actually ps3 ready) in an .m2ts file type, that are capped at 3.99 GB so you can toss them on a usb stick and plug them directly into your ps3. But you could also put 12 of them on the bluray, toss it into any bluray player and there ya go.
I own both.
I love both.
Both have game advantages.
Xbox: Gears(all), Halos,
Ps3: Socom
If ps3 would have a mic party system like xbox live, It would top it in everything for me. I still love my xbox, but I gotta hand it to the ps3.
theres this new thing called high definition. it's really cool!
Yeah, I mean we only have a couple big screen LCDs and a plasma, what is this HD you speak of?

Past the sarcasm, the legitimate answer to my question is: you don't. After a quick search to verify that HD DVD and Blu-Ray are synonymous, Wikipedia quickly showed the standard single layer Blu-Ray is 15gb and dual layer is 30gb (which is still 21x and 43x the storage capacity of standard DVDs). Here's where the numbers discrepancy hit me...SDTV (standard definition) is 480i (sometimes p) and HDTV is 720p and 1080i/p, I don't like math much these days so I estimated that 1080 is about 200% of 480. With that in mind, I would have expected HD DVDs (Blu-Rays) to be about 200% of 700mb, but Blu-Rays have about 21,500% and 43,000% more storage.
I honestly have no idea how big the actual movie sizes are on the bluray. But you can download 1080p movies (actually ps3 ready) in an .m2ts file type, that are capped at 3.99 GB so you can toss them on a usb stick and plug them directly into your ps3. But you could also put 12 of them on the bluray, toss it into any bluray player and there ya go.
4gb for a Blu-Ray movie makes more sense than 15 or 30gb. Just for funs someone find like a 90 minute movie and hit me with the file size.
A blu ray file after downloading isn't much more than a dvd.. They're usually just over 1 gig, sometimes up to 3 but not often. A dvd is usually around 700mb-1g. It's nice being able to sync with my laptop and watch movies on my ps3 but for gaming xbox still kills
PS3 network is turning into garbage. But PS3 has all the hardware you could ever want out of system.

Blu-ray is overpriced, but most of those movies are on bluray because they have alot of extras to include and DVDs can't fit anywhere near the same amount.
Yeah, I mean we only have a couple big screen LCDs and a plasma, what is this HD you speak of?

Past the sarcasm, the legitimate answer to my question is: you don't. After a quick search to verify that HD DVD and Blu-Ray are synonymous, Wikipedia quickly showed the standard single layer Blu-Ray is 15gb and dual layer is 30gb (which is still 21x and 43x the storage capacity of standard DVDs). Here's where the numbers discrepancy hit me...SDTV (standard definition) is 480i (sometimes p) and HDTV is 720p and 1080i/p, I don't like math much these days so I estimated that 1080 is about 200% of 480. With that in mind, I would have expected HD DVDs (Blu-Rays) to be about 200% of 700mb, but Blu-Rays have about 21,500% and 43,000% more storage.
alright in the end if the technology offer the same exact things except one can handle more memeory. which one would you go with?
alright in the end if the technology offer the same exact things except one can handle more memeory. which one would you go with?
Neither, who watches DVDs when you can stream, torrent, or Netflix anything you want to watch? A lot of convenience for a little quality is a trade I'll make any day for a movie I'm probably going to get bored of after the first half.
A blu ray file after downloading isn't much more than a dvd.. They're usually just over 1 gig, sometimes up to 3 but not often. A dvd is usually around 700mb-1g. It's nice being able to sync with my laptop and watch movies on my ps3 but for gaming xbox still kills
Thanks, that cleared up a lot. Makes so much more sense for an actual Blu-Ray movie file to only be about twice as large as a DVD when the resolution is only about twice as good.
XBOX 360 has better games and more online players for better competition. All my friends that play both say that competition is much more fierce on XBOX Live. It does suck that you have to pay to play, but the yearly subscription is not that bad. And you get to play GEARS. PS3 is not a bad system, but I find the controllers to be less than desirable. The fact that you get BlueRay makes the PS3. Now bluerays are 100 bucks, so not as big of a selling point.

Much love to all the gamers out there, even the PC guys that hate controllers....haha
360 all the way switched from ps2 to xbox when my ps2 broke been a xbox fan from on never had a prob so when the 360 came out i coped it love it, got a ps3 lasted like 12 weeks broke down only system i have ever had brake down on my and i still play all the old skool ones down to my atari only ones that dont work are ps1 ps2 ps3 keep them to remind me never again
360 all the way switched from ps2 to xbox when my ps2 broke been a xbox fan from on never had a prob so when the 360 came out i coped it love it, got a ps3 lasted like 12 weeks broke down only system i have ever had brake down on my and i still play all the old skool ones down to my atari only ones that dont work are ps1 ps2 ps3 keep them to remind me never again
had my ps3 since 07... :)
is zombie mode really that good on black ops? looking for a reason to buy that though im affraid of sucky expensive map packs hitting the market soon
black ops lol my GF hates them 2 words that game is the shit nice way to deal with the day and relax
blu ray is a bit of a failed technology imo, internet speeds are just too great for streaming not to be a better alternative. If i buy HD media, i just buy online and download, much easier than actual disks.

As to xbox vs ps, well personally i think they both suck, consoles are great for certain types of games as are controllers, but these days i'm used to playing games that look fantastic, so when i hit up a console game, i just can't bare to look at something so ugly.
I've got both. Innate been a major xbox fan for yrs but not that I've got a 3d led I have to say ps3 is on a whole new level. If your an online guy then I think xbox is the way to go but for graphics and entertainment def ps3.