Prune for no Stress/Weak Growth!

I'm abandoning this thread.
If you all think you're so much older than me,than
quit hiding behind internet anonymity to say whatever you like.

And I say "trolls" because that's what I've come to know them as
Haven't we all?

For a bunch of potheads you all sound like ignorant junkies.
Dude, they clearly don't see or don't want to see the point of your experiment and don't appreciate you documenting a 'bottle' grow.
Maybe this wasn't the appropriate forum section for your topic..
But this actually looks like a very good technique for dense SOG grows and I am very interested in the further development of your plant.
Please just ignore these people who are not interested or not giving constructive criticism.
I am looking forward to see your 400W setup and would like to know how much you yielded...
okay so everyone who is talking shit to c.indica is failing to understand the point of his advice:

here it is as simply as it can be put...

SOMETIMES when SOME PEOPLE grow cannabis they choose to remove a branch or top thier plant or fim or etcetcetc... this surely cannot be argued.

IF one is planning on doing this, it is best to have a plan in place and take off branches as soon as possible. The same exact technique is used when pruning bonsai for shape, you prune to direct growth, and it is best done (if you plan to do it anyway) as early as possible and with a pre formed plan in place.

that is all he is saying, his pics and all that are just examples of times he has employed this method. He isnt saying its the best way to grow bud, he is just saying IF you plan to prune, do so with a plan and take branches before they even become branches.

Holy SHIT,
ONE person, got the ENTIRE POINT,

Fucking morons.
(Good job Quitekeen, and thanks.)
SOMETIMES when SOME PEOPLE grow cannabis they choose to remove a branch or top thier plant or fim or etcetcetc... this surely cannot be argued.

The hell it can't be argued. The point of the "experiment" is stupid and the fact that he chose to post it in Advanced is even more stupid. If you have any clue of the function of a leaf, the fact that leaves drive production, then you wouldn't be removing anything. Look at his excuse for a plant. It says it all. Anyone that's ever grown any kind of plant before understands the functional downside to removing branches. You do that with peach and apple trees and grapevines to control production and quality of the fruit, not to an annual like cannabis.

Your just as well off experimenting with fire by shoving your hand into a burning fireplace. so with a plan and take branches before they even become branches.

Say what?

"The plan" is to grow the most amount of healthy foliage and maintain it in prime condition until harvest. Should be a no brainer.

In addition, it's all about the amount and health of chlorophyll which I've been preaching for years. There has been so much emphasis placed on chlorophyll that a meter is being offered for measuring a leaf's chlorophyll content. This link presented by Daniels -

AtLeaf is a powerful, handheld, easy to use device for noninvasively measuring the relative chlorophyll content of green leaf plants. Chlorophyll content can be an indicator of the plant’s condition.

If you want to get really high tech based on science and not anecdotal evidence, more hokey cannabis forum crap, you could use this instrument on several mutts and like a light meter have points of reference regarding genetics, the garden's cultural profile, etc. You can even store values in this instrument.

If you are going with white paint for a reflective material you should use flat white or titanium white.

are they similar or is one better than the other? I have always used flat white for my home made projects (I dont want to deal with attaching mylar). But is Titanium more reflective than flat? If it is then I am off to home depot right now!
The hell it can't be argued. The point of the "experiment" is stupid and the fact that he chose to post it in Advanced is even more stupid. If you have any clue of the function of a leaf, the fact that leaves drive production, then you wouldn't be removing anything. Look at his excuse for a plant. It says it all. Anyone that's ever grown any kind of plant before understands the functional downside to removing branches. You do that with peach and apple trees and grapevines to control production and quality of the fruit, not to an annual like cannabis.

Your just as well off experimenting with fire by shoving your hand into a burning fireplace.

Say what?

"The plan" is to grow the most amount of healthy foliage and maintain it in prime condition until harvest. Should be a no brainer.


you are a fucking moron if you think that there is never a reason to train your pot plant. You know why the method "screen of green" has won itself an acronym right (scrog)...?

so "the plan" isnt always to grow a plant exactly as it wants to grow (otherwise you would live in an equatorial region and only grow outside right?), sometimes "the plan" involves making a plant conform to the space you have available and the lights you have access to or have chosen to use (LED, t5, cfl for example). UB it would be more infuriating if you and Brick didnt already have a well known rep for trolling forums.

Fucking idiot.
the most alarming this about UB arguin with you is that he has a sticky in this very sub-forum that is all about topping your plant for more colas... and he STILL is missing the point. Lets hope he is bringing in the bacon from his grows because as an employer I wouldnt hire someone who is obviously so unintelligent.
All I got from this thread is that this site is retarded. All I ever see now are these so called "advanced" growers talking shit everywhere. Yeah maybe theyve posted a few helpful threads but to go around on every other one and just spew bullshit that is retarded.

UB i think youve posted one legitimate source of information in this entire thread the rest was just trolling. If you dont want to be helpful then just dont say anything and move on with your life. If you DO feel the NEED to post something then just try and be helpful and not a douche. Seriously every other thread i see you in your just being negative with no real purpose other than being negative. If someones wrong dont just post "omg your an idiot lulz" steer them in the right direction, anything other that that and your just being a troll. Try not to take too much offense to this, I know you have a vast amount of information stored in that little noggin of yours just try and show that side of yourself a little more.

As a stoner ive learned that if your happy and someone else is happy you shouldnt go and fuck their shit up. The people in this thread are just trying to expand their knowledge. Regardless if its SOS or not, I came here looking for viable info instead I ended up reading a 8 page argument about nothing. If your not going to be helpful then please at least try and be less of a douche about it. Thanks.

Just to be clear, Im not trying to talk shit about UB here either. Ive talked shit just like everyone probably on this thread has done at some point before. What it really comes down to is that we all need to at some point grow up.

Regardless of the amount of information you hold in you head that doesnt make you better than anyone else here. Everyone that has an account on this site is here because they want to expand their knowledge on the subject. Even is the same thread has been posted 20 other times sometimes its easier to look in the new thread that doesnt have a ridiculous 50 page argument going down it about why the thread is pointless. Also maybe there is newer information or techniques that will come up that werent in the old threads. Im not saying there is or isnt, all Im saying is that we should all be accepting that this is the way information travels on the internet. Its the same in life, you can find multiple books explaining how to cook a steak probably 100's or 1000's of books all telling you the same basic thing. Although I find a lot less people in book stores complaining about it than I do on these forums, and thank god for that too.

I mean I assume(and maybe i shouldnt) that everyone on this site is an adult so if we could all to begin to act like it I would very much appreciate it. This thread itself could be a whole 3 pages shorter if we took out all the useless non-informative brainless posts that were in here. I wouldnt have felt a need to wast 10 minutes of my life writing this, and everyone would be happier because of it.

Thats the end of my part of non-informative posts in this thread. I just hope people read it and change the way they act on these forums for the better.

the most alarming this about UB arguin with you is that he has a sticky in this very sub-forum that is all about topping your plant for more colas... and he STILL is missing the point. Lets hope he is bringing in the bacon from his grows because as an employer I wouldnt hire someone who is obviously so unintelligent.

I'm missing the point?
Pruning isn't training on annuals. It's just considered pruning.

Training involves little to no pruning. You bring up scrog, which you chop the lower growth but that has more to do an extended veg time to make up for the pruning. The goal of scrog is also to have every nug to be around the same size. It is primarily used in indoor growing when you're growing all the same strain.

I know of a lot of outdoor growers that do prune their bottom branches, but I also know an equal amount who don't. Cutting a leaf off is less productive than keeping a leaf healthy all the way through harvest. However, if you've had problems keeping all of your foliage green in the past, then pruning in advanced might be good for you. There is some speculation that topping the lower growth, applying cloning gel, and burying the branch would provide more root growth... I don't know if I buy into that, but I'm going to give it a try next go around.
I know of a lot of outdoor growers that do prune their bottom branches, but I also know an equal amount who don't. Cutting a leaf off is less productive than keeping a leaf healthy all the way through harvest.

Bingo. Someone gets it.

However, if you've had problems keeping all of your foliage green in the past, then pruning in advanced might be good for you.

If you're losing quite a few leaves, you need to find out why.

There is some speculation that topping the lower growth, applying cloning gel, and burying the branch would provide more root growth... I don't know if I buy into that, but I'm going to give it a try next go around.

No speculation, I've been advising that for years. You don't need cloning adjuncts. Post 4173 for example -
Like throwing pearls before swine.........

If thats the way you feel then just leave. Do you really just have nothing better to do?

EDIT: I read your post on that thread you posted and it sounds like there are some idiots on here that just dont get what you have to say, I get it. But maybe you should push your keyboard away and smoke a blunt before you assume everyone on here is an idiot. There is probably a bunch of good information in that thread but it would take me a month to go through that whole beast of a thread.
So funny how old guys HAVE to tell others what to do.. It's never in a respectful way either. It's always barked at you with distain and dripping with arrogance. They try to tear you down while buliding themselves up. All the time they surround themselves with weak minded fan boys. Just think bill o'reilly of pot plants.

Then 'act' like they don't know why people hate them..