Prune for no Stress/Weak Growth!

hey great job buddy, fuck these assholes that want to shit on an experiment just so they can appear smarter than you. i applaud the effort and i can't wait to see what you end up with. sub'd
Thought I'd throw up this timeline, days 0, 13, 17, 19, 28, 37, 40, 44.
Definately not my best grow, but certainly pretty.
F0 Alpha (1).jpgF13 Alpha (1).jpgF17 Alpha!.jpgF19 Alpha (1).jpg
F28 Alpha (1).jpgF37 Alpha!.jpgF40 Alpha (2).jpgF44 Alpha (1).jpg
Can't help but laugh!

You say all the energy goes to the roots etc.... Where do you think that energy is created? Did you ever think that it might be from the growth your hacking off? That stem ain't making any energy. Do you know what photosynthesis is?

You can have your thread. It's a waste of time.
hey great job buddy, ....... i applaud the effort and i can't wait to see what you end up with. sub'd

He ended up with the most pathetic excuse for a cannabis plant I've ever seen.

Hey BT, miss ya at the other site. Hope you re-register!

Get out ofhereyou fucks, I didn't chop off any healthy leaves, learn to read dumbshit.
Thelea\ves iI hacked off were pure yellow.

You people are fucking morons if you cantread the first two sentences of a thread.
, you gr\ow under HID's, I'm doing this plant under 60w of CFL.

(Fuck this stupid new text box)
Get out ofhereyou fucks, I didn't chop off any healthy leaves, learn to read dumbshit.
Thelea\ves iI hacked off were pure yellow.

What's the difference? You can't grow right so you lose leaves prematurely (witness that last photo). Those that do a bit better yank them off thinking it's the thing to do. And if you don't know it by now, every time you remove a leaf you jeopardize the health and production of your plants. Your photos are a testimony to that botanical fact. The irony of it all is that plant is very stressed out. You came in here, Advanced, and posed something as "advanced" under false pretenses. Not smart.

And telling you what you want to hear doesn't do anyone any good. If I had to guess, you're 15, shouldn't be tinkering with this stuff anyway, and are doing everything wrong while posing quite the opposite using some under lit situation and a stupid container that allows light to the roots. Also, if your gonna post your charlie brown, get a frickin' image editor and at least rotate the pix to an upright position.

Good luck,
Honestly bro I can appreciate your willingness to experiment , but this is a waste of time. It looks like you'd be lucky to score 2 grams off that cola when dried and cured.. For the amount of time it's going to take you to get that 2 grams ( I don't care how tight funds are ), you could have collected an eight worth of cans. Just my opinion. Good luck with everything though!
Honestly the only reason I grew this plant out is because I wouldhave hadnothing flowering at all, but now I get a littlefresh christmas bud.
& To learn thesimple noob mistakes on bottle grows before I did anything dedicated.
Well, ignoring the lowlife who thinks he can e-assault my ego,
I'm definately not 15, sir.
That's rediculous, I really hoipe there's no youngin's tryin to grow cannabis..

"Point of this Grow"
-Tokill time, waiting forthe equipment to grow more than one plant.
-To have some smoke right when I run out of my previous harvest, which was a much better grow than this poor thing.
-To learn any tips& tricks ofbottle grows before I go all-out.
-To prove that you can grow plants without anyschwag destined to become butter.

"What wasaccomplished"
I killed time,
I gotnew smoke.
I learned that these are easily overwatwered,A
Andmy entire "harvest"was AAA bud,even though it was a shitty harvest.

I'd say besides the lessons learned, everything went according to plan.
Thread closed, now fuck off you old fag.
Nice to see you kept it alive that long, now if you get maybe 100 bucks together..200 would be that much better. You can get something going you will be proud of & can slowly improve on. <3
If you plan on continuing that is Great! just see this as round 1, maybe order you a cfl lighting setup.. above 100watts.
You fucking trolls are rediculous.
These pictures are from my third harvest,
it's not like I've never done this before.
I just fucked up THIS grow, now get over it.
We've all had SHITTY grows, and a lot of you trash yours,
I kept mine and documented it.
F45 Xena (2).jpgF53 Xena (18).jpg
You fucking trolls are rediculous.
These pictures are from my third harvest,
it's not like I've never done this before.
I just fucked up THIS grow, now get over it.
We've all had SHITTY grows, and a lot of you trash yours,
I kept mine and documented it.
View attachment 2001263View attachment 2001264

Based on the amount you use the term "trolls" it would appear that you are 15, 17 at the oldest. Your plant is pathetic and should have been drowned in the canvas sack along with your reputation and dignity. It is crystal clear, or perhaps Dr pepper bottle clear, that you don't have a clue what your doing and have no right to start a thread in an advanced horticulture forum.

P.s the reason the leaves you removed were yellow is because you are incapable of growing a healthy plant.
Yeah, I just inch mine off..If it is growing somewhere I don't want it I just pinch it right off need for a razor...I laways end up cutting my thumbs and then for days they stick out like---you guessed it!---Sore Thumbs...I just kinda roll the tiny itty bitty leaf nodules right off growth is pretty easy to just scrape off...sometimes I don't know if I want to remove a piece or not til I see it actually growing there...ya know...but it seems like the thing to do...all this topping is a lot of trouble...just pinch off the part you don't want...right at the beginning...sometimes I start pinching at the third set of as in I leave the seedling with the first 2 and those 2 get giant and fat and I move all 3 in a triangle kinda position and then as new branches appear I leave 'em or pinch 'em off...depends on how I feel...I have also found that you can LST without strings and what not, just go over and gently bend that branch where you want it, just whenever I check I just bend them over...sometimes I take 2 of the 3 large branches and tie them together in a loose loop...just for fun...all I know is it makes the stems huge!!!! Hell got tired of bending one about after it started growing 5 or 6 new branches everyday so I have finally started tying it down...but seriously one day I am going to make one that looks like a unicorn...topiary MJ..but that out on the front