well, they´d go to heaven, pretty soon, many many people, try surviving an icelandic winter without having a home
but that tower of babel is a great point too..
ok here is humanity, united, one goal. no strife no war no anything, just man at his finest, striving for the stars (though in a very dumb and ridiculous way..lol)
then god (its written actually, GodS, in the earliest versions of these writings(jehova is actually based on 1 of two people from alien races that were worshipped as gods, funny story, but there is really no other way to sensibly read that story othervise..the babylonian writings on which the hebrew religion was obviously based on (took much from it when they were creating their own religion)
decided that, now man was dangerous to "him" (them) "cause now nothing is gonna stop them" (weird way for your loving creator to put it"
and commence to smash it all to bits..
yeah, there is no way to interpet this except as (A god is insane OR (B there´s a shitload to that story we dont know (and its then definetly NOT a story about a loving creator god, but a vicious alien race that created us as slaves

(well IF you read the earlier stories, (lol scriptures) from babylon (the cradle of civilization (its said))
insane part?
people, were united, happy, but they Were building A Tower of Clay, yes hello? how is god worrying about that?
thats akin to your kid building this little lego tower and you come screaming into his room, smash his tower, throw all his friends out of the room and make sure they never see eachother again (without some serious language difficulties (and some of them are yellor or brown now lol)
and why? "cause they were becoming like him" (probably a towerbuilder too and what? got jelous of the sons beautiful tower architecture??)
so see , there is obviously lot we dont know about that story.
read the bible (most christians dont) it doesnt make sense from the its supposed true viewpoint. read the babylonian writings, read all the scriptures that werent included in the bible, read the dead sea scrolls, read and think!
and see the bible,not as a story about god and his creation.
but as a collection of rather interesting crap from back when, in the times that cows flew and huge giants controlled the weather (yes and people with only one leg lived ona island somewhere (it TWAS a GIANT LEG AND THEY HOPPED ABOUT (true story about people believes oh 200 years back at the latest (the one legpart, you gotta go back further for the other stuff)
some useful philosophy inbetween.
you dont need god for anything btw..
heaven could be here.
all you need is love (give love and you shall recieve it (well, as long as you dont give it to assholes and dont respect true love back unless its that special someone you searched half the world for..)
its degrees of love, be nice to your neighbor, fuck your wife (its degrees of intimacy)
about the supernatural (the next world)
dont need religion for that either, same as with being good, (love) ya just need to get back to loving yourself and everything (love makes you happy) DO WHAT YOU LOVE.
im a "explorer" retired "traveller"
i did a lot of out of body experiments and all sorts of stuff back then.. travelled through other dimensions through that and saw the afterlife..
its nice.
there are many, many worlds,
not just heaven and hell (though places you could call that..)
when you die, you go where you belong (full of hate, you go to a place with people full of hate, full of love, you go to a place full of love (the party of parties, the best musicians, and the best places to chill afterwards)
though when you die,, you lose much of your fears and crap, (hey you are dead,what could worry you?)
so, end up pretty allright (till the next time they get reborn)
well, some of that might be wrong, lol.. but this much is confirmed by shamans and psychics around the world...
the life after death part, it being pretty nice there (can be) and rebirth if you want it (and the many worlds part..)
energy does not die and matter simply changes form (being energy)
now, i could tell you alot more, but im getting rather tired of writing.
besides, those of you that would argue me in this.
would have no experience with out of body trips and years of meditation, yoga and mindexpansion (years of sensory training and whatnot)
those of you who wish however, you could simply try for yourself, to get out of the body.
google OBE or simply "out of body experiences" "astral travel"
if you are dedicated you could probably do it in 2 weeks (there is no difference between a psychic man (f.e) and a "normal" man, except that the psychic one has opened himself up more)
and you dont need to be psychic to do it..
now, to get any real experience and knowledge, might take years of dedicated work.
but in 2 weeks, you might get to visit another world (though one not really real, the "astral plane" its right next to the dream plane (Real place) and you have near as much control over it as the dream world (you are omnipotent there, what you create with your mind, becomes reality for you to touch and see,
though only as you concentrate on it so, you can also enter the dreamworld, though most likely at first only asleep and through real dreams, but the OBE experience will help you to get total control over your dreams (kinda a wishfantasy, you can do Anything there, without any consequence)
"though you might have to start paying more attention to your dreams (They are messages btw) than you allready do to get full access"
as you progress, you will enter the astral realm proper (closest one to our realm) which looks alot like this one, except you can sometimes see really ancient things that dont exist anymore in our world (as the astral is not quite real and affected heavily by the human mind and what it thinks about (the holy grail is probably there and the castle of arthur (havent checked)
or you could just be skeptical and disbelieve me or you could just rely on some really old book (or the words of others)
or simply try and see for yourself.