Whatcha got going on in a couple of weeks?... wanna come trim?:p
Hell no! I don't even want to trim the plants I got let alone your massive crop. I still got 3 rounds coming down from now until mid June. Plus I got my jobs, yes plural. Yeah, I am only putting in 2 days a week at my regular job now, finally some me time to have fun and enjoy some things that I havent had time for.

So about 2 weeks ago my girlfriends dad stopped by, he owns his own business that my girlfriend actually runs. They were talking how short staffed they are, and about machines that need worked on that he hasn't had time to fix due to all the chaos. I am pretty sure I was drinking and spoke up and told him I would step in, fuck me, the things I get myself into when drinking! So now 1 to 2 days a week I am working on the machines and out in a delivery van making the rounds.
Hell no! I don't even want to trim the plants I got let alone your massive crop. I still got 3 rounds coming down from now until mid June. Plus I got my jobs, yes plural. Yeah, I am only putting in 2 days a week at my regular job now, finally some me time to have fun and enjoy some things that I havent had time for.

So about 2 weeks ago my girlfriends dad stopped by, he owns his own business that my girlfriend actually runs. They were talking how short staffed they are, and about machines that need worked on that he hasn't had time to fix due to all the chaos. I am pretty sure I was drinking and spoke up and told him I would step in, fuck me, the things I get myself into when drinking! So now 1 to 2 days a week I am working on the machines and out in a delivery van making the rounds.
Yeah... don't do that LOL!... thankfully, the parents are in from AZ for the season this round so they can help out. My mom can do 1000 piece puzzles all day long, so she don't mind trimming... and we got 2 GreenBroz running dual, so, I mostly just watch the machines spin and find "other shit to do" while everyone else is hand finishing....... I hate trimming.
My girlfriend does alot of craft projects and can really focus in, she helps with the trimming and is pretty good and fast at it. She told me some time ago that she thinks its actually fun, I replied with "What the hell is wrong with you?".
I've only had 2 or 3 trimmer say the same thing, and we've been through a shit ton of them. Most people say "hey man!, gimme a shout at harvest, i'd like to make a little side money"... first shift, and you never hear from them again. LOL!
One of the main reasons I stepped away from drag racing was all the wrench time. You go out on the weekend make 5 or 6 passes, so 50 to 60 seconds of fun just to work 10+ hours during the week to get it ready for the next weekend, on top of the cost for the things that broke or need replaced. Also about once a month had to take the engine out and refresh the cylinders that were a little fried, broken rods, bent valves, don' even get me started about U joints, I was plagued by them.

I would still rather do that then trim!
Ladies are fine... I hear ya man.. I was about to start getting my Private Pilot, and dad made a decision to sell the airplane. I could have gotten my Private for cheap as we own the plane, but he was talking about insurance, hanger fees, annual inspections, shit you gotta fix, and you prob only spend 20 to 30 hours a year flying. .. not really worth it.. but yeah, i'd still rather pay that than trim:p
Ladies are fine... I hear ya man.. I was about to start getting my Private Pilot, and dad made a decision to sell the airplane. I could have gotten my Private for cheap as we own the plane, but he was talking about insurance, hanger fees, annual inspections, shit you gotta fix, and you prob only spend 20 to 30 hours a year flying. .. not really worth it.. but yeah, i'd still rather pay that than trim:p
We have a small airport here on the outskirt of town that people have smaller private planes. Yes from what I hear like you say just the fees of ownership are up there, but it is pretty cool to have your own plane. Thats status in my book.
We have a small airport here on the outskirt of town that people have smaller private planes. Yes from what I hear like you say just the fees of ownership are up there, but it is pretty cool to have your own plane.
It is... but, shit. he's a spry 73 years old, and has been a pilot for a long while.. I think he just wants an old 50's Ford pickup that's been restored from the frame up to fuck around with. He lives in Mesa, not too far from the the Barrett Jackson Auction.. He's prob gonna find a nice little jewel.
It is... but, shit. he's a spry 73 years old, and has been a pilot for a long while.. I think he just wants an old 50's Ford pickup that's been restored from the frame up to fuck around with. He lives in Mesa, not too far from the the Barrett Jackson Auction.. He's prob gonna find a nice little jewel.
I watch the auction all the time, have for years. Like on Thursday at Scottsdale every year I see a couple cars I would love to have go for cheap. I need to bite the bullet and get out there one day. Hell could probably buy two vehicles for 10-12k each come back and sell them for 25k each. Okay I gotta stop, you got me thinking while drinking and as I already said thats bad for me LOL.
But seriously, Im gonna go wash the weed off of me and go hang out with Paige before she passes out... hope your harvest is all you expected!. Peace my brotha!
Lets go!.. We'll fly you out there. Fly you from MI and you can drive it back....... ok, yeah, im on my 2nd bottle of wine. .LOL
Dude you seriously got my mind going right now, got a feeling my GF is going to think I am nuts. I would have whatever shipped backed. I got to think about this when I am sober before I can agree to anything, I am seriously considering it though!