Well-Known Member
I think you deeply misunderstand the concept of forums, and how people participate in them. I think you are under the impression that when you ask questions to the general public of the forum that you are only asking folks you want to answer your question.
That being said, you may also misunderstand the concept of intelligent questions, and thusly, intelligent responses. Some of your many many many many many fucking questions are somewhat intelligent and deserve an intelligent response. But most are bullshit questions, thusly will receive bullshit responses.
See how that works?
Well then, you would be wrong
I've asked each of these members specifically not to post in the threads I make because when they have in the past, it's led to pointless arguments, so to avoid this, the simplest solution would seem to be just avoid them. As you can see, they've ignored this request, justifiably labeling them a troll. They come here to stir shit up and make immature/rude comments (troll bait) hoping for a reply.
Also, it's been a long time since I gave any amount of fucks about what another person thinks of me, if I post a "bullshit" question that your superior self deems unworthy of legitimate consideration, move the fuck on, there are hundreds of thousands of other topics you could reply to that you might be interested in.