Property Owners, a few questions..

-what do you own?

-how much was the total cost and how much did location come into play?

-do you pay any taxes on it?

-Have you ever stolen anything?
-Are you gay?
-What is your race?

That's right, none of my fucking business.

Now try applying what you have just learned to future threads.

Have a nice day.:mrgreen:
Ok. I will play along with this thread.

I recently purchased a large cardboard box and cut a hole on the front side. That is my door. I purchased a 64oz Gatorade bottle and drank the contents. That is my urinal. I have a location with a view. An alley way between 43rd and 2nd. My neighbor thinks the end of days is coming, and seems to always be drunk.
Ok. I will play along with this thread.

I recently purchased a large cardboard box and cut a hole on the front side. That is my door. I purchased a 64oz Gatorade bottle and drank the contents. That is my urinal. I have a location with a view. An alley way between 43rd and 2nd. My neighbor thinks the end of days is coming, and seems to always be drunk.

Hey can you help me? I'm still living in my server's box. I'd like to move up... I'm hoping you can help me network! Any location for the new box I've scored? I'm willing to trade for prime location! I like to be close to the corners in the row for bid'ness you know :)
Hey can you help me? I'm still living in my server's box. I'd like to move up... I'm hoping you can help me network! Any location for the new box I've scored? I'm willing to trade for prime location! I like to be close to the corners in the row for bid'ness you know :)

Well normally my address i give out to friends is, which is at the corner of loop0 and eth0, but most can never find it! So I just tell them im a localhost.
Well normally my address i give out to friends is, which is at the corner of loop0 and eth0, but most can never find it! So I just tell them im a localhost.

Ok I fed lo1 to my box and it's running about in circles! So we have movement ;)
You should take your own advice and stop asking questions to people who couldn't care less about.

Like you are telling everyone else for posting in your silly threads, you should grow the fuck up and let people post what they want; the very thing you are doing.

See how that works? You post something others consider annoying, they post something you consider annoying... vicious circle isn't it?

I'm not directing any questions at any of the people who have taken it upon themselves to troll my threads, they happen to show up, even after specific requests that they simply skip it. None of them are capable, they like the conflict, the definition of a troll.

You might have a point if I were posting in the threads they make asking them questions directly

See how that works?

Listen you little arrogant COP WANNABE. I just posted something extremely valuable, warning people not to self-incriminate on your data mining attempts.

No, you posted an ignorant misinformed opinion about a person you know nothing about in real life

Because this smacks of data mining to hand over to porky for asset forfeiture ...... or a concomitant case of tax evasion.... Remember LEO plays this game where they call in all their sister agencies..... the IRS and Postal boys are a common tool to come in sideways when they can't quite make that foot hold to take your front doors off with explosives (don't ask--I won't tell).

So my cavil is this isn't just irritation this is downright dangerous for anyone who smokes pot in the US or a protectorate of the US. No matter what legal fiction your state is under the Feds can roll us all up at anytime.

That is why the OP is trying so hard to make those of us who rail against the data mining appear to be trolls. This could have HARSH consequences and I'm surprised it's allowed.

Are you really as daft to think the OP was asking -What EXACTLY do you own and what is the name of the city and state it's in, and also, what's the zip code, and how much did you pay for it!? It goes without saying you should never give out that type of information, and that's not what I was asking.

I was asking for answers more like "I own a house, it's near the east coast, I'm not paying any taxes on it at the moment.." Holy SHIT!!! CALL THE COPS!! ARREST THIS GUY!!!

curious, if you really wanted to illustrate your point you could go collect all the polls and question threads and put them together in a thread posted with all the links. If someone were to see them all together they may think twice.

So yep, looks like I'm a cop, you sure cracked the case...

Oh wait.. - posted 5/2/13 - posted 8/28/2012! - posted 8/18/2012

Member since 2006
Mod since ~2010

Oh, also this;



Are you really as daft to think the OP was asking

So yep, looks like I'm a cop, you sure cracked the case...

So you aren't the OP?

Thank you for posting proof. I sincerely appreciate it. Next time coordinate your posts better with the team, rookie mistakes! I despair if this is the best game they can bring to the table.

PS I liked all the sad plant pictures but until I see the string I'm in the game, mensab.
-More than 100 less than 1000 acres.
-Nothing. Inherited it from my Granddad. Didn't have a choice on the location.
-Yep. Every year.
Who the hell would own property as am indivdual amd not pay taxes pada?

Also you seem to forget where you are posting. Paranoid stoners that also love conspiracy theories are in abundance here. After so many personal polls and threads you have to expect some sort of backlash, its only a logical step.
Ok. I will play along with this thread.

I recently purchased a large cardboard box and cut a hole on the front side. That is my door. I purchased a 64oz Gatorade bottle and drank the contents. That is my urinal. I have a location with a view. An alley way between 43rd and 2nd. My neighbor thinks the end of days is coming, and seems to always be drunk.

Hey can you help me? I'm still living in my server's box. I'd like to move up... I'm hoping you can help me network! Any location for the new box I've scored? I'm willing to trade for prime location! I like to be close to the corners in the row for bid'ness you know :)

I have one large fridge box, one washer, dryer and oven box. I am willing to donate the structures
and place on the selected plot of land.

All I ask in return, is to retain ownership of the top floor of the fridgescraper indefinitely and collect 10% of all monies
generated from the rental of units. A condo association would be a great way to earn income but I will leave
the business aspect to you guys.
I'm not directing any questions at any of the people who have taken it upon themselves to troll my threads, they happen to show up, even after specific requests that they simply skip it. None of them are capable, they like the conflict, the definition of a troll.

You might have a point if I were posting in the threads they make asking them questions directly

See how that works?

I think you deeply misunderstand the concept of forums, and how people participate in them. I think you are under the impression that when you ask questions to the general public of the forum that you are only asking folks you want to answer your question.

That being said, you may also misunderstand the concept of intelligent questions, and thusly, intelligent responses. Some of your many many many many many fucking questions are somewhat intelligent and deserve an intelligent response. But most are bullshit questions, thusly will receive bullshit responses.

See how that works?
I have one large fridge box, one washer, dryer and oven box. I am willing to donate the structures
and place on the selected plot of land.

All I ask in return, is to retain ownership of the top floor of the fridgescraper indefinitely and collect 10% of all monies
generated from the rental of units. A condo association would be a great way to earn income but I will leave
the business aspect to you guys.

That's a fucking classic word right there! Fridgescraper. hahahaha.
Ok. I will play along with this thread.

I recently purchased a large cardboard box and cut a hole on the front side. That is my door. I purchased a 64oz Gatorade bottle and drank the contents. That is my urinal. I have a location with a view. An alley way between 43rd and 2nd. My neighbor thinks the end of days is coming, and seems to always be drunk.

if you cap your urinal and leave it in the sun for a week you have yourself a fine pee bomb. fuck guns. pee bombs are where it's at.
Ok. I will play along with this thread.

I recently purchased a large cardboard box and cut a hole on the front side. That is my door. I purchased a 64oz Gatorade bottle and drank the contents. That is my urinal. I have a location with a view. An alley way between 43rd and 2nd. My neighbor thinks the end of days is coming, and seems to always be drunk.

That's a fucking classic word right there! Fridgescraper. hahahaha.

It is an ambitious project so I thought a clever name for the building would
garner some free media attention and advertising. :)
hahahahaha. pee bomb. my buddy used to do that. he has a place in Queens NYC, on the 10th floor. And he has a fire escape window... with a dozen 32oz gatorade bottles.... fucking priceless...
With all due fairness you do ask an absurd amount of crazily personal questions pada. Most can easily be construed as datamining. Now I don't know why you ask so many questions and polls like you do. It could be for a psych project for college I don't know, but This really is not the proper place for questions like this imo. As for the suggestion that you are a cop. I don't believe this either. If I truly felt that a member of our mod squad was working for leo. I would leave and never come back. Probably smash my computer and burn it too. Just to be safe.

As far as the owning property and paying taxes question goes. If you own property and do not pay your taxes. You will not own your property for too much longer.

see4.....pee bombs?! Yuck:spew:
I have reached a place in my life, where all I owe is taxes and utilities. I am a firm believer in assets, not liabilities, cause if you don't own it outright, it is a liability to some degree.

I pay for 2 homes( resident and lake) about $3,370 in taxes each year. But I go to the appraisal district every year or so and get them to give me the real deal on my property value, sometimes I think they think my last name is Trump, Gates or something and/or I just built 12000sq. ft. mansion just last

