Properly site your grow....


Well-Known Member
Well, i made a dumb ass move a couple weeks ago when i began my planting... I had a location properly sited using different map sources, knowledge of the area and of course, google earth... So i was driving to my location, but got a little lost of my sense of direction. (i've been away at school) so i planted in what i thought was the proper location that i had sited.. Immediately on my drive home i had regrets of where i planted and decided that i would come back and move my plants. (They were all in pots) But for me this was kind of hard to include in my sechdule, so i kept putting it off, and putting off, waiting till the end of this month when i would have time to move my plants to a safer location.. Well i went to visit my grow today, (Two weeks after seed in pot) only to find that my plants were knocked over and the soil spilt out by hands. After later inspection, i realized that where i planted was on someones property in which i did not intend to plant on... This just shows that you should not rush into your grow without being 100% confident in where your growing.. I don't have any idea how the person came across my plants, it was in a heavily bushed area with lots of dense cover hiding it, so obviosuly it is someone who owned the property.. I did not intend to grow on private property, and now i have learned from my mistake.. Now im outa bean sprouts, and have to find a way to get new seeds with low funds... this should be fun..
Please learn from this experiance, and i hope it never happens to you..


Well-Known Member
that reminds me of hunting deer on someone else's property and i stumbled on a marijuana patch. it had about 75 plants in it and was probaly a couple weeks away from harvest. So I was thinking, I'll grab a couple of buds of a nice plant when i realized the place was surrounded by trip wire!!! No shit. So I backed off slowly and started to follow the different trip lines (visually) and on every corner of this crop was a shotgun mounted in the trees attached to the trip wire. They had it set up to where if u stepped on a certain location, you were goin to get a certain shotgun.... Later that day an old man, whose not pot friendly stumbled on it as well. Luckily he saw the trip line as well, but he was so antipot he called the law dogs in to raid the crop. Once they got there and secure all the guns, they noticed funny looking things just stickin out of the groung. Well, those funny lookin things turned out to be shotgun shells converted into a poorman's land mine. They rigged it where, when u stepped on that shell, the centerfire part of the shell would get struck by some homemade spring and pin device and explode. Talking about scary!!! Anyways, be careful what u get urself into, even if it's just marijuana, cause some people are willing to kill over it!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Damn arm that's quite a story. I don't think hitting someone with a shotgun shell with trip wire is the best way to divert attention away from the grow op.


Well-Known Member
wow, that's intense.. I've heard about guns in grow houses and knives buried around peoples plants outside, but make shift landmines?


Well-Known Member
wow arm thats a heavy story thanks for sharing
yeah!!! no prob, glad to share. I would say these people were in it to win it. The sad thing was seeing the 10-12 feet tall beauties being cut down, I still can picture perfectly the buds on these things. They were like baseball bats! No shit, still the biggest bud i've seen to date. but shit thats why i grow Yeah I was about 15 when that happened, now everytime im in the woods I constantly keeping an eye out for fucking trip lines. haha. but true.. :) peace and love friends!!
