Prop 8 ruled unconstitutional

The state has no right to get involved between what two individuals decide. The people can't vote away one segment and allow another. Prop 8 is disgusting and shouldn't have been voted on in the first place.
So there we have it..looks like we all decided in only 4 pages and about 20 minutes...Everyone seems to agree If straight people can get married then so should gay people, however, many believe that nobody should be able to get married on the books period.
How do I prove I am legally related through marriage without the government officially recognizing marriage? I have no problem getting rid of many of the marriage benefits, but there are certain rights that are granted to spouses that shouldn't be denied any couple, such as the right not to testify against your spouse in court.
So atheists don't get married? Religion has tried to appropriate marriage for itself, but it is not a solely religious function, it is the joining of two families.

If it wasn't government regulated, no, I don't think atheists would get married. It IS government regulated, and as such, comes with financial benefits and binding contracts. The government is regulating a religious function.
and to anyone who wants to say that banning gay marriage is constitutional, allow me this rejoinder:

While I am in favor of gays having the right to marry and to take advantage of any and all benefits that may come with said legal union, it does open up a great many scenarios and arguments for others to be married. Don't know if it's a good thing or not, but it could get interesting to watch the freaks come out. Can an argument really be made against three or four way marriages? If the traditional and accepted "a man and a woman" definition can be changed relating to gender, why couldn't it be changed for the number of participants? If all that's up in the air, what about siblings, parent and child, maybe that's already legal now, no idea.

As to the military, and yes I served, the sexes have always been separated in living quarters and bathrooms/showers to prevent fraternization. It will be interesting to see how they handle the issue of billeting with the addition of openly gay soldiers.
So having a marriage recognized by the state is a civil or human right? Pulllease....

<edit> I see this has been discussed into a thin paste. Comment rescinded.

I am lol at the concept of "same-sex marriage". I was married to the other leading brand, but the sex was the same from start to finish. cn
As to the military, and yes I served, the sexes have always been separated in living quarters and bathrooms/showers to prevent fraternization. It will be interesting to see how they handle the issue of billeting with the addition of openly gay soldiers.

Homosexuals cannot get their sex partners pregnant. It's not an issue.
i don't know that the pregnancy issue was the primary reason for this. Not sure though.

That's exactly what I thought. While it is a consideration, I think it has more to do with keeping the peace and reducing complications that inevitably arise from the mingling of the sexes.