Prop 8 ruled unconstitutional

Then enlighten us, what more could they possibly want besides bennifits and government handouts? And don't use the nonsense about hospital visitations above. Good Luck.

Marriage is a legal contract that can only be dissolved by a write of divorcement. It is a legally binding contract that is being denied to a certain portion of society based on a religious bias. Therefore, a ban on gay marriage is illegal and unconstititutional.
And before people start jumping on me for being a homophobe...

I want the government to get out of social engineering through tax law. I would like everyone to be taxed as an individual and not have marriage benefits and/or penalties involved.

You want to talk about civil rights and human rights? Why am I taxed higher as an individual when my taxes go to paying for educational services that as an unmarried person I am likely to never use? Fairness? LOL!!!

Get government completely out of it. People can already marry who they want to FFS....
Marriage is a legal contract that can only be dissolved by a write of divorcement. It is a legally binding contract that is being denied to a certain portion of society based on a religious bias. Therefore, a ban on gay marriage is illegal and unconstititutional.

I agree and can support that notion, as long as the insitution of marriage is there then everyone should have access to it. My beef is with the insitution of marriage all togather and that is really what it is about here, I have met gay couples that do very well with kids and are well respected members of the community but they simply want to get married for more money and that is what it comes down to, they want to take more money from single people and that is why I would vote yes on a ban on gay marriageonly if I can also vote yes on a ban on straight marriage. Fuck married people they are annoying and do not deserve special bennifits over single people IMO. Personally I don't want to pay for them because I will never get married myself lol...You want to be fair then what about people that can't or won't get married?
No, it doesnt, it simply requires a living will.
A living will is very limited and has nothing to do with recognition of family members. Do you know how many contracts a gay couple would have to create in order to have similar rights to a married couple? Even then, there are benefits and rights that cannot be contracted for in any situation, especially when it comes to third parties like places of employment, insurance companies, and any place a spousal benefit is granted. These are the same situations that make civil unions a less than satisfactory substitution for marriage.
And before people start jumping on me for being a homophobe...

I want the government to get out of social engineering through tax law. I would like everyone to be taxed as an individual and not have marriage benefits and/or penalties involved.

You want to talk about civil rights and human rights? Why am I taxed higher as an individual when my taxes go to paying for educational services that as an unmarried person I am likely to never use? Fairness? LOL!!!

Get government completely out of it. People can already marry who they want to FFS....
totall agree with this but you can't have it one way really, as long as straight marriage is legal then gay marriage shouldn't be illegal.
I agree and can support that notion, as long as the insitution of marriage is there then everyone should have access to it. My beef is with the insitution of marriage all togather and that is really what it is about here, I have met gay couples that do very well with kids and are well respected members of the community but they simply want to get married for more money and that is what it comes down to, consitutional or not they want to take more money from single people and that is why I would vote yes on a ban on gay marriage just as I would vote yes on a ban on straight marriage. Fuck married people they are annoying and do not deserve special bennifits over single people IMO.

I am with you on this. I think marriage largely senseless. However I am not sure if a voting yes on a ban is a vote against marriage, or a vote for marriage with religious based exclusion. Id want to be sure my ideology wasn't tricking me into supporting a ridiculous paradigm becoming even more discriminatory.
I am with you on this. I think marriage largely senseless. However I am not sure if a voting yes on a ban is a vote against marriage, or a vote for marriage with religious based exclusion. Id want to be sure my ideology wasn't tricking me into supporting a ridiculous paradigm becoming even more discriminatory.

Yea I rewroded that shortly after writing it to say that I would only vote for gay marriage ban if I could also vote for a single marriage ban.
Delusional government. Do you or anyone you know have the authority to stop one person from marrying another? NO! If no human has that right, then neither does the government. Stop accepting government as the authority, YOU are the authority, government is but a tool for YOUR use. It is the people who give government the authority to act IN OUR BEHALF, not outside of our wishes.
So there we have it..looks like we all decided in only 4 pages and about 20 minutes...Everyone seems to agree If straight people can get married then so should gay people, however, many believe that nobody should be able to get married on the books period..There we go..How many more decades before the government makes the same determination we came to in 20 minutes? Ron Paul 2012 :)
Marriage is a religious function. Why is the government regulating a religious function?
So atheists don't get married? Religion has tried to appropriate marriage for itself, but it is not a solely religious function, it is the joining of two families.
Yea I rewroded that shortly after writing it to say that I would only vote for gay marriage ban if I could also vote for a single marriage ban.

Ah, gothcha. Then I pretty much agree with your point of view. I am ok with monogamy, spousal benefits, wanting to make someone officially part of the family, ect, but I am not for the social engineering aspect, AND I don't like to hear any whining about how someones marriage didn't work. I personally don't understand the need to stand up an announce a relationship in front of people, solicit gifts, decorate with flowers, ect, but I guess I can understand why other people like it.