Prop 8 ruled unconstitutional

If straight people can get into the states insitution of marriage then gay people should be able to also. I happen to disagree with the states involvement in marriage in any shape or form and think it should be outright abolished. Let people get married but don't involve the state IMO. It is unfair to single people of any sexual orientation that people can get married and receive bennifits.

I actually heard some married person bitching the other day because they made 100k last year and only got 3k back lmao WTF are we giving these people money for when single people like myself pay out the ass. I would be in heaven if I got even 1k back. Why do single people have to pay for married bums sucking off the states teet? Now we have to pay for more of these bums? LoL Fuck that...I just as soon vote NO on something like this just so I don't have to pay for more married bums.
Yep... 2 judges decided that the majority population of California didnt have the right to determine what constituted a marriage.

God bless America...

Democracy? ROFLMAO!
Yep... 2 judges decided that the majority population of California didnt have the right to determine what constituted a marriage.

God bless America...

Democracy? ROFLMAO!

You can't vote on civil or human rights.

By the way, isn't this the same state that voted against legalizing Cannabis?
Yep... 2 judges decided that the majority population of California didnt have the right to determine what constituted a marriage.

God bless America...

Democracy? ROFLMAO!
you said exactly what i was thinking...
So having a marriage recognized by the state is a civil or human right? Pulllease....

Having equal rights for all IS a civil/human rights issue, yes.

What I find funny is how everyone screams about majority rules when it's something they're against but if it's something they want.. fuck the majority. You can't have it both ways.
fuckkkkk marriage.....enslaves men in so many ways, we are enslaved by the increased debt, we are slaves by the womenz....FUCK MARRAGE PERIOD.
Having equal rights for all IS a civil/human rights issue, yes.

What about people who can't or won't get married? What about our equal rights? Where is our government cheese? lmao

No....No...Fuck marriage enslavor of man! Fuck grouping people togather, fuck government entitlements!
Having equal rights for all IS a civil/human rights issue, yes.

What I find funny is how everyone screams about majority rules when it's something they're against but if it's something they want.. fuck the majority. You can't have it both ways.

What I find funny is that you want it both ways too!!! Hypocrite!
This isnt about equal rights, it is about equal benefits. Lets at least be honest about the conversation.

Show me the last time a gay couple was arrested for getting married ANYWHERE in the USA... People try to act like it is being treated criminally... B.S.
This isnt about equal rights, it is about equal benefits. Lets at least be honest about the conversation.

Show me the last time a gay couple was arrested for getting married ANYWHERE in the USA... People try to act like it is being treated criminally... B.S.

Honest? YOU? bwahahahahah
It is about the bennifits and nothing more, social justice is the guise, there is plenty of gay couples that are perfectly happy with children and do well for themselves but the greedy fucks just want more money. Fuck Married people and their entitlements, it is absolutely ridiculous that a single person can make 30K and have to PAY taxes when a married couple can make like 150 grand before they have to pay a dime, WTF IS THAT? They live in the same damn economy..Single people have familys they have to take care of also.
It's funny how straight people are such experts on gay couples and what they want. It goes right along with men knowing what's best for women and their reproductive organs.
This isnt about equal rights, it is about equal benefits. Lets at least be honest about the conversation.

Show me the last time a gay couple was arrested for getting married ANYWHERE in the USA... People try to act like it is being treated criminally... B.S.
You mean like the benefit of being able to visit your spouse in the hospital? When two people get married, they are essentially joining two families to make one. That requires that the state recognizes their family relationship, whether it is benefits or rights.
It's funny how straight people are such experts on gay couples and what they want. It goes right along with men knowing what's best for women and their reproductive organs.

Then enlighten us, what more could they possibly want besides bennifits and government handouts? And don't use the nonsense about hospital visitations above. Good Luck.

I am all for gays getting married if straight people can get married but I don't believe in the institution of marraige period, so to be realistic...Yea I guees I support something like this but only because it is fair although id rather not have to pay for more married people to get free rides that are unessecary and that would include straight people.
You mean like the benefit of being able to visit your spouse in the hospital? When two people get married, they are essentially joining two families to make one. That requires that the state recognizes their family relationship, whether it is benefits or rights.

No, it doesnt, it simply requires a living will.