Project SAM: anti-marijuana group


Well-Known Member
Their big worry is the loss of all the jobs connected to arresting and jailing people for cannabis. So what, DEA agents and tasks force teams will lose their budgets and all their fancy tools of the trade, not to mention the correctional officers and prison contractors. The thing is- yes they will lose jobs but jobs would also be created and taxes that would have gone to prevention can be used in much more constructive purposes. In Ca it's hard to fight the biggest and most influential union in the state- The almighty Correctional Officiers Union. Of course this is my opinion but there is so much truth to it.


Well-Known Member
I guess you mean it costs 500000 grand for everything. Equipment, location, supplies, permits, etc. The permits themselves aren't overly horrible.

Just ask your state. They do the licensing.


Well-Known Member
Their big worry is the loss of all the jobs connected to arresting and jailing people for cannabis. So what, DEA agents and tasks force teams will lose their budgets and all their fancy tools of the trade, not to mention the correctional officers and prison contractors. The thing is- yes they will lose jobs but jobs would also be created and taxes that would have gone to prevention can be used in much more constructive purposes. In Ca it's hard to fight the biggest and most influential union in the state- The almighty Correctional Officiers Union. Of course this is my opinion but there is so much truth to it.
If privatization is achieved, those jobs will just change titles. Some DEA people will go to the ATF which will become the gov't body regulating cannabis. There will likely be plenty of jobs for armed bureaucrats.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
MONEY is the biggest obstacle to removing marijuana prohibition. Not me. Take the money out of it, and there is no incentive to keep it illegal or Regulated to the point where unless you are Phillip Morris it will still be illegal for you to grow.
You are fooling yourself if you think money will ever be removed from this equation.

This is all about money,............and always will be

Yes I could. I can make my own beer or wine at home completely legally. If I get a license I can then sell it....

So I could then grow my own weed. Just not sell it. You know, liquor stores, beer stores, weed stores... All they need is a permit.

Edit: I can also grow my own tobacco to smoke as well. Get a license I can then sell it.

While tobacco is harder to do, beer and wine manufacturers are popping up all the time.
It is very difficult to do this.
So what? It can be done. Just because I have to jump through a few hoops doesn't mean anything. Every business has to jump through hoops to start up.
More than a few hoops.
Of course it can be done. Almost anything can be done

If you have a half million dollars

Their big worry is the loss of all the jobs connected to arresting and jailing people for cannabis. So what, DEA agents and tasks force teams will lose their budgets and all their fancy tools of the trade, not to mention the correctional officers and prison contractors. The thing is- yes they will lose jobs but jobs would also be created and taxes that would have gone to prevention can be used in much more constructive purposes. In Ca it's hard to fight the biggest and most influential union in the state- The almighty Correctional Officiers Union. Of course this is my opinion but there is so much truth to it.
I agree with your opinion


Well-Known Member
I guess you mean it costs 500000 grand for everything. Equipment, location, supplies, permits, etc. The permits themselves aren't overly horrible.

Just ask your state. They do the licensing.
USDA-Biggie You need an inspector, You pay his salary
Treasury department-You need to have bonding

The brewers you have in the article are micro Brewerys that dont actually sell beer to go. And something you are also leaving out (in their case) is the liquor license which even in small towns in wisconsin go for minimum of 5k a piece and that is if it is even available

Here is a good link
You may not produce spirits for beverage purposes without paying taxes and without prior approval of paperwork to operate a distilled spirits plant. [See 26 U.S.C. 5601 & 5602 for some of the criminal penalties.] There are numerous requirements that must be met that also make it impractical to produce spirits for personal or beverage use. Some of these requirements are paying special tax, filing an extensive application, filing a bond, providing adequate equipment to measure spirits, providing suitable tanks and pipelines, providing a separate building (other than a dwelling) and maintaining detailed records, and filing reports. All of these requirements are listed in 27 CFR Part 19.
Spirits may be produced for non-beverage purposes for fuel use only without payment of tax, but you also must file an application, receive TTB's approval, and follow requirements, such as construction, use, records and reports.


Well-Known Member
What I envision is a mix of farming and beer/wine. That's why I say more along the lines of alcohol, but not exactly like it. There would be a level that anyone who is determined to achieve, can. Think home brew, nano brew, micro brew, brewery.

It will be grown on a farm. You then have local weed shops. Like liquor stores. The stores get licensed locally. Overall, the cost of the permit for the weed store, compared with the overall budget to open a store(building and/or remodeling costs, purchasing inventory, hiring employees, etc.) is a tiny portion of the budget. License to grow it for growers wouldn't be any more expensive. Includes different classes and levels as well. From your closet, to Phillip Morris.

Laws will vary, state to state(inserting edit here) county to county and town to town(end edit). Dont like Arizona's laws? Open in Idaho, where their regs are less stringent(entirely fictional example state).

5 grand for a liquor license? They will make up that cost quickly.

There is a process to go through, obviously. There will be costs associated with it, obviously.

But if you're determined, you get through it and open your business. If you just quit because it takes some work, then don't open one. I feel like that's what you're advocating. It's too hard, give up. Not my style.

Opening a business isn't a walk through the park.


Well-Known Member
i'm a vinter and a grower and a small business owner. I know exactly how hard it is to do the things of which you speak.
But you did them and are hopefully succeeding. If you just gave up because it was hard, you wouldn't have your business.

I also envision people growing it at home for personal use or to GIVE to your friends/family/whoever. If you sell it, pay your taxes like everyone else. Don't be a tax evader.


Well-Known Member
I also envision people growing it at home
I personally don't give a shit if they make a brand, as long as people can grow it at home. I would bet that if they made a brand of homogenous plants it might be a decent smoke, but I can't envision a big name brand of packs of joints being better than homegrown.

This group is pushing anti-marijuana rhetoric but ultimately aims for privatization.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
he just looks like a douche doesn't he?

I mean if I ran into that guy randomly on the street the first thing I would think is
............what a douche!


Well-Known Member
What I envision is a mix of farming and beer/wine. That's why I say more along the lines of alcohol, but not exactly like it. There would be a level that anyone who is determined to achieve, can. Think home brew, nano brew, micro brew, brewery.

It will be grown on a farm. You then have local weed shops. Like liquor stores. The stores get licensed locally. Overall, the cost of the permit for the weed store, compared with the overall budget to open a store(building and/or remodeling costs, purchasing inventory, hiring employees, etc.) is a tiny portion of the budget. License to grow it for growers wouldn't be any more expensive. Includes different classes and levels as well. From your closet, to Phillip Morris.

Laws will vary, state to state(inserting edit here) county to county and town to town(end edit). Dont like Arizona's laws? Open in Idaho, where their regs are less stringent(entirely fictional example state).

5 grand for a liquor license? They will make up that cost quickly.

There is a process to go through, obviously. There will be costs associated with it, obviously.

But if you're determined, you get through it and open your business. If you just quit because it takes some work, then don't open one. I feel like that's what you're advocating. It's too hard, give up. Not my style.

Opening a business isn't a walk through the park.
1 you are selling a medicen/drug --FDA
2 A consumable product --USDA
3 Taxes
4 Local regulations (dont grow by the school)
5 Big Pharma/Tobacco -- They will want in and the first thing they will do is try to lock you out with laws
6 Companys like Monsanto/ADM damn sure they will come up with some super weed and no one will want your Shwag anyways
7 Security--Damn straight the laws will be modeled after the ATFs for gun sellers. used to be anyone could get a license to sell guns. Now you have onerous rules and regulations that specify location/security systems/paperwork and inspections
8 look at Arizona and how it is illegal to grow within 25 miles of a dispensary

Take the money out of weed and there wont be no problems. It will even be easier to sell legalization to the publics- No money = no crime= no harm

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Then you wont be able to grow or sell. Period.

As soon as you introduce money into the game everyone has their hand out or wants to shut you out of the game.

Shit you dont even need to look to the future. Look at the law in Arizona about growing within 25 miles of a dispensary

As soon as you introduce government into the equation any semblance of freedom is lost. Free people buy WHAT they want from WHOM they want...or they aren't free.


Well-Known Member
If privatization is achieved, those jobs will just change titles. Some DEA people will go to the ATF which will become the gov't body regulating cannabis. There will likely be plenty of jobs for armed bureaucrats.
Yes, I agree. When certain jobs go away others open up. The thing is most of the people in these jobs don't understand or refuse to understand this. They are too comfortable doing what they do and are afraid of any changes. Plus some of the agents, etc. just have a vendetta againist cannabis, usually because of pure ignorance and close mindedness.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I agree. When certain jobs go away others open up. The thing is most of the people in these jobs don't understand or refuse to understand this. They are too comfortable doing what they do and are afraid of any changes. Plus some of the agents, etc. just have a vendetta againist cannabis, usually because of pure ignorance and close mindedness.
They are assholes and adrenalin junkies. it because they like kicking.down doors