Professor Marijuana
New Member
As promissed I have started this to consolidate questions from a few places where this topic has come up.
I'm more then happy to answer all the questions I can. I don't believe there are dumb question , if you're not 100% certain about something keep asking a different way until I understand what you're asking and can answer it in a way that makes it perfectly clear.
To summerise this technique, it is a style of growing that doesn't require a vegging period. Stable clones of the same strain are placed into 36 hours of darkness and go directly into a 12/12 light routine, or in my case 12:15 dark and 11:45 light. In my comercial facilities all our lights are put on a post that turns the entire lighting bank on and off together. In smaller grow setups where 2, 3, or 4 lights might be on individual timers I have seen where one timer gets bumped ar runs a little faster/slower then the rest and before you know it you only have eleven and a half hours of dark. Following my way allows for a bit of fudge room.
They remain in flower the entire time require to mature. In the case of a pure indica this can be as fast as 43 days from the start of 12/12 until harvest. The fastest strain for me was 43 days, this was also the highest yielding strain producing over 11 lbs of medical grade cannabis in approximately 36 sq ft under 2,000 WATTS HPS.
When I build a new room from scratch for a new grower it generaly cost just under 5k. This is taking into account my particular guidelines my clients follow when retaining me.
Here are some of my basic standards my clients agree to when I am building their room and teaching them. Of course you aren't a client and are free to do as you please, I'll just say there are reasons I do things the way I do.
I always buy the very best products available. I have come up what I believe to be the very best pieces of each and every item needed over the five years I have been perfecting this.
I never buy used equipment. Make sure you define your goals. I believe "Less is More," KISS, take the time to understand WHY you are doing something not just that it needs to be done. Keep detail records of what you have done and the measurements of from tests. I keep a form that I record daily readings of details I monitor. It's the details that seperate average growers from master growers. Give your girls "What they want, when they want it, in the amounts they want it in." Be patient.
The wisest words I have ever heard from a grower. Growers Two rules to live by.
Rule #1, Don't tell anyone
Rule #2, When you get out of jail see rule number 1.
J Cervantes
As sad as it is. Everyone (not you specificly) will steal you nugs. Family, friends, neighbors, utility people, police, students, even those you have spent years teaching and paid their way through college(yes personal) will all steal if given the opportunity. See rule number one. My point is simply be smart and remember locks keep honest people honest. Keep things locked up around others.
So, please ask away and as this gets longer check to see if your question has already been asked.
Good Luck
Prof Mj

I'm more then happy to answer all the questions I can. I don't believe there are dumb question , if you're not 100% certain about something keep asking a different way until I understand what you're asking and can answer it in a way that makes it perfectly clear.
To summerise this technique, it is a style of growing that doesn't require a vegging period. Stable clones of the same strain are placed into 36 hours of darkness and go directly into a 12/12 light routine, or in my case 12:15 dark and 11:45 light. In my comercial facilities all our lights are put on a post that turns the entire lighting bank on and off together. In smaller grow setups where 2, 3, or 4 lights might be on individual timers I have seen where one timer gets bumped ar runs a little faster/slower then the rest and before you know it you only have eleven and a half hours of dark. Following my way allows for a bit of fudge room.
They remain in flower the entire time require to mature. In the case of a pure indica this can be as fast as 43 days from the start of 12/12 until harvest. The fastest strain for me was 43 days, this was also the highest yielding strain producing over 11 lbs of medical grade cannabis in approximately 36 sq ft under 2,000 WATTS HPS.
When I build a new room from scratch for a new grower it generaly cost just under 5k. This is taking into account my particular guidelines my clients follow when retaining me.
Here are some of my basic standards my clients agree to when I am building their room and teaching them. Of course you aren't a client and are free to do as you please, I'll just say there are reasons I do things the way I do.
I always buy the very best products available. I have come up what I believe to be the very best pieces of each and every item needed over the five years I have been perfecting this.
I never buy used equipment. Make sure you define your goals. I believe "Less is More," KISS, take the time to understand WHY you are doing something not just that it needs to be done. Keep detail records of what you have done and the measurements of from tests. I keep a form that I record daily readings of details I monitor. It's the details that seperate average growers from master growers. Give your girls "What they want, when they want it, in the amounts they want it in." Be patient.
The wisest words I have ever heard from a grower. Growers Two rules to live by.
Rule #1, Don't tell anyone
Rule #2, When you get out of jail see rule number 1.
J Cervantes
As sad as it is. Everyone (not you specificly) will steal you nugs. Family, friends, neighbors, utility people, police, students, even those you have spent years teaching and paid their way through college(yes personal) will all steal if given the opportunity. See rule number one. My point is simply be smart and remember locks keep honest people honest. Keep things locked up around others.
So, please ask away and as this gets longer check to see if your question has already been asked.
Good Luck
Prof Mj