Problems with my sprout?


Active Member
I am using 2 26w CFL's. They are about 2-3 inches away. I have another one in there that is growing much better. This one just seems to keep getting taller without very little growth in the leaves. Is there a way to repair it? i was gonna add a little extra soil to the cup to shorten the visible stem.


Well-Known Member
get a fan in there blowing on the plants. helps strengthen the stems like the wind provided by good old mother nature. stabalize that stem with a stick of some kind.


Well-Known Member
yea, i agree wit un bro. bury dat bitch. me personally i like alot blue lite durin veg. rite now u can check my journal too bro. im doin 400w hps an 400w cfl (4 bulbs) an im addin 2 more tonight. i also have the lights close including the 400w hps as long as its not hot to my hand in distance. approximately like 8 inches away while the cfls are even clser. so they are kinda bushy. so if u can do more lights do it, an close as long as they dont burn


Active Member
Allright thanks. I did bury it as much as i could. it's still sticking out a lot (casue i ran out of room in my cup)

Here is a picture of my setup and other plant. Any suggestions would be great.

The picture below is an early picture. the entire setup has mylar covering it now, not to mention that the lights are MUCH lower. I am currently under house arrest and can't smoke any weed, so this is why i decided to grow it. i made this out of materials found around my house. the mylar and light bulbs were brought to me by friends.

Here is the other plant. Looking A LOT better in my opinion. i obviously don't know too much about growing yet, but im learning.

Also with the fan i was using a 9v cellphone charger to power it. i just switched it to a 12v now and it's running a hell of a lot faster (and louder :[) but hopefully that should help circulate much more air. eventually i will add another fan inside to help blow more air directly on to the plant.