Problem with 1 week plant ( First Time Grower )


Hi all,

My little recent born plant have the second pair of leaves looking like they are sad and thoose 2 round leaves are kinda lime green to yellowish color ( I dunno if this is normal )...

My soil is 40%vermiculite 40% coconut soil and 20% a pre mix of potting soil that comes with a lot of stuff and nutrients but not in a large quantity...

Growing under CFLs temp about 80F

It just completed 1 week since it had it pop out the seed.

Is this over watering? Or over nutrients?

I just fed it 1 time with an ''all nutrients brazilian fertilizer'' that sells here... And still diluted less then 1/4 of what they say on the bottle and water it less then half a cup.

Looks like the place that some water+fert drops falled on the leaves kinda burned it have a little brown dot on it

Please check the picture

Thank you all



Well-Known Member
What is your pH? You need to have a pH of 6.5-6.8 in your soil and your water. Also make sure you measure the pH of your water after you add any ferts to it as they will change the pH.

You don't need to give nutes yet either, there should be plenty in the soil for a small seedling.


Active Member
The soil looks VERY moist, possibly overwatered and the plant is too young to be given nutes- even diluted, which is why most people use a good soil that has all the stuff baby plants need. I know you are trying to compensate the lack of nutes in the soil by adding your own diluted nutes, and that may work- but a lot of times it can lead to nute burn because nutes are so strong.
I say hold back on the water and give her plenty of light. She should come around.
Also, when it is time to transplant her, spend the extra dough to get some soil that is going to make your plant happy. Next time you plant a seed use Happy Frog for the beginning stages- it has all the good stuff to make your baby grow strong and all you need to add is water!


I don't have a ph meter... I just spent all my money with the growcase so ph meter in about 15 days I will be able to buy. Also I don't get happy frog here =( sux... I will hold down the watering for now then and no nutes next time... And I will see what happens

Thank you all


Well-Known Member
You can buy the water test drop kit at any grow store for like $7. They work well and should be cheap enough for you to get now. Two more weeks of the wrong pH isn't going to make the plants happy. ;)



I believe my soil is neutral or at least was when I first made it. If you just water with neutral solution will that keep the soil ph also neutral? Or it can suddenly change to acidic or alkaline?


Well-Known Member
Nutrients will cause the pH of your water, and thus your soil as well, to become acidic. If you don't have a test kit, how will you know you have a neutral solution? Most tap water is too alkaline, and bottled water gets acidic quickly once it is exposed to air. If you keep adding nutes without measuring your pH, you will make your soil acidic and start getting lockouts.

If you really can't get any kind of test kit I suppose you could just use tap water that has been sitting out for at least 24 hours. I wouldn't do it for a very long period of time though.