Problem!!! almost a month into flowering and still no buds or pistils


Active Member
i was being sarcastic, but i was lookin around at my friends house today and i came across some brand new 50w HPS lights so i snagged one of those, but i need a ballast that has ASI or something like that in it so it'll work, anyone know where i can get a cheap ballast that supports this kind of light


Active Member
home depot has 50w hps but i think they only sell the whole thing ballast, bulb, fixture...
how much you think they are cuz if they're a decent price for the whole kit-n-kaboodle ill buy it but i was thinking about searchin my neighborhood at night for people with these lights outside there house and just steal their ballasts lol:fire:


Well-Known Member
not sure how much it is i looked on thier website but i couldent find it. stealing anything is a bad idea. hah... on that topic i once walked out of a HD with a 70w HPS security light.


New Member
let me get this straight.. your growing in ur parents house, your prolly underage, and now you have turned to stealing from your friends house and wanna steal from other houses in ur neighborhood.. I think you need a fucking role model. Either that or a good ass whipping.If you stole from me I bet you wouldnt wanna steal anything else.

this thread - /FAIL


Active Member
man sticky your a fuckin idiot. Here people are trying to prove why pot should be legal and your going around and stealing shit from other people so you can grow it. Giving potheads a bad name. Anyway in my opinion you should be kicked off of this website. Your a terrible example for what MOST HONEST potheads are.


New Member
man sticky your a fuckin idiot. Here people are trying to prove why pot should be legal and your going around and stealing shit from other people so you can grow it. Giving potheads a bad name. Anyway in my opinion you should be kicked off of this website. Your a terrible example for what MOST HONEST potheads are.

believe it or not there are a ton of young ass wannabe's like him on thsi site.. Its petty depressing actually. +rep for your views though :smile:


man sticky your a fuckin idiot. Here people are trying to prove why pot should be legal and your going around and stealing shit from other people so you can grow it. Giving potheads a bad name. Anyway in my opinion you should be kicked off of this website. Your a terrible example for what MOST HONEST potheads are.

i agree with you.... we dont need his kind around here


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
man sticky your a fuckin idiot. Here people are trying to prove why pot should be legal and your going around and stealing shit from other people so you can grow it. Giving potheads a bad name. Anyway in my opinion you should be kicked off of this website. Your a terrible example for what MOST HONEST potheads are.
:-P:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:very true.:leaf:


New Member
actually i didnt steal it from my friends house, we had time on our hands and we were looking around for bulbs and we came across a few new 50w hps's and he let me have one for a few weeks till the flowers are more mature so shows how much you fuckin know me. I dont steal from my friends or other people cuz i know how it feels to have something expensive stolen and you guys are all takin shit all serious in this forum like your all "innicent" so get off my damn pipe. I joined this site so i could have succesful grows, not to be banned cuz i posted something idiotic up.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i was being sarcastic, but i was lookin around at my friends house today and i came across some brand new 50w HPS lights so i snagged one of those, but i need a ballast that has ASI or something like that in it so it'll work, anyone know where i can get a cheap ballast that supports this kind of light
then i would watch what you say. its right here. you said you SNAGGED IT :finger: so your going to say you did not say this.


actually i didnt steal it from my friends house, we had time on our hands and we were looking around for bulbs and we came across a few new 50w hps's and he let me have one for a few weeks till the flowers are more mature so shows how much you fuckin know me. I dont steal from my friends or other people cuz i know how it feels to have something expensive stolen and you guys are all takin shit all serious in this forum like your all "innicent" so get off my damn pipe. I joined this site so i could have succesful grows, not to be banned cuz i posted something idiotic up.

you werent banned just cause of your "idiotic" post... you were banned because i would almost be willing to bet my left testicle that you are under 18....

as far as for this part;

"I dont steal from my friends or other people cuz i know how it feels to have something expensive stolen and you guys are all takin shit all serious in this forum like your all "innicent" so get off my damn pipe".....

you had just stated previously that you would go around at night lookin for a ballast to steal from some neighbor's house:fire:... so get off of your high horse..

i dont have anymore time for you today though; its my wife's b-day...tryin to get out of here.. i'll let fdd deal with you now;-)


Well-Known Member
how much you think they are cuz if they're a decent price for the whole kit-n-kaboodle ill buy it but i was thinking about searchin my neighborhood at night for people with these lights outside there house and just steal their ballasts lol:fire:

looks like you want to be a thief. :wall:


Well-Known Member
actually i didnt steal it from my friends house, we had time on our hands and we were looking around for bulbs and we came across a few new 50w hps's and he let me have one for a few weeks till the flowers are more mature so shows how much you fuckin know me. I dont steal from my friends or other people cuz i know how it feels to have something expensive stolen and you guys are all takin shit all serious in this forum like your all "innicent" so get off my damn pipe. I joined this site so i could have succesful grows, not to be banned cuz i posted something idiotic up.

weren't you banned? :cuss:


Well-Known Member
OK I looked at your pics and it does look like your plants are not mature enough yet. Seed plants have to veg for more than a month before they show alternating nodes. If a plant is not ready to flower you cannot force it, it still wants to veg!!
actually i dont think this info is correct because i grow from all seeds and i flower when i want to. ive flowered with preflowers and ive flowered without preflowers. the plants life cycle is decided by how many hours light and dark we give it. heres pics of plants i flowered at the same time but deffinitly did not sprout at the same time.
either shorting them on dark time, or you have light leaks.