problem after flushing continued, with pic.


Well-Known Member
Well let me know how your ICE turns out, my buddy was having problems with it and maybe your doing something he isn't?
i sure will. i'll take pics of the setup here soon just lazy bongsmilie

:mrgreen: i'll also get pics of the harvest, which for ice is happening in around 20 days. the Moby Dick may take another week, she has some sativa in her and the buds are looking rather small compared to ice. but that extra week oughta dense her up
hey guys, quick question for those still checking this thread... i gave her the epsom salts and it worked...she looks greener and her main cola is gaining more rigidity. the only problem now, is that i mustve given too much magnesium, for now i have the small yellowish spots on a few of the older fan leaves. i havent given a dose of epsom in a few days, so im just hoping with the regular fertilizers i use (which contain trace amounts of manganese) and by cancelling out anymore epsom, she'll recover.
i went to the hydro store to look for manganese supplements but the guy said just to continue feeding with Hygrozyme, and Hesi Flowering. what do you guys think? is there anything cheap i can get from a grocery store that may have a little manganese in it?

idk if my fertilizers will work anyways, because i just checked and it also has magnesium. any ideas? i'd like to nip this one in the bud before it gets out of hand.

cheers all


Well-Known Member
I think you probably had a cal/mag problem, mag sorted the mag out but calcium got worse. Buy a cal/mag supplement and try that, you need a 3:1 ratio of cal to mag at abouts 90ppm calcium to 30ppm magnesium.

There are very few single manganese supplements because this is rarely the case in soil with ferts. Peace
I think you probably had a cal/mag problem, mag sorted the mag out but calcium got worse. Buy a cal/mag supplement and try that, you need a 3:1 ratio of cal to mag at abouts 90ppm calcium to 30ppm magnesium.

There are very few single manganese supplements because this is rarely the case in soil with ferts. Peace

alright thanks king, i'll do that. if i have enough mag, and i give them cal/mag, how can i keep the ratio of 3:1? wont it be raising the mag as well?


Well-Known Member
alright thanks king, i'll do that. if i have enough mag, and i give them cal/mag, how can i keep the ratio of 3:1? wont it be raising the mag as well?
What you have to do is to find out whats in your tap water, every tap water company details and gives out the information of the water they produce, by law they have to. It will contain the figures for dissolved calcium and magnesium in either ppm or mg/l, the latter needs converting to ppm to understand.

All cal/mag supplements will be of similar values. I found out my water was abouts 50ppm to 70ppm and needed small cal/mag supplement to bring up to 150ppm to 200ppm. Bottled Evian mineral water has the right cal/mag in it and is plant safe and of good pH and in top of that i see the Ionics brand ferts contain good cal/mag levels too if using the series.

I really cant make cal/mag easier for you, go get your water company yearly readings and post them here if you want me to give you some accurate analysis of your cal/mag. Obviously RO water will contain very little and needs cal/mag supplementation before giving to plants.

Took me a while to mess with the cal/mag levels to get them good but once there there you will never have a cal/mag problem again. Simplest way is to find out whats in your water then go from there, hard water has slightly too much and soft water not quite enough. Peace


Well-Known Member
I dont post grow charts, def charts or pH charts except for this one.

I take it what you are describing is like the leaf on the left to some extent, this is calcium deficiency, purple stems, leaf ends brown and spots appear, turns yellow slowly and eventually crisps and drops. This will happen to the lower fan leaves first in calcium deficiency. Peace

View attachment 1847571
thanks king for the detailed response. i found that water chart you were talking about a few weeks ago...having trouble finding it again ><

but i usually dont feed with my tap water. i used distilled water from a grocery store, the ones in the gallons. does your previous post apply to distilled water?

and hmmm. i cant tell if this is cal def or not. im not seeing any purple stems. pictures below!
(the crisping around the sides have been there since i flushed and drained all nutes out...the only new thing is the tiny little dots)



Well-Known Member
Slight nute deficiency and probably trace or somthing if i had to guess but just see how she goes as def dosent look cal deficient. I reckon a lot of problems probably running over from the flush and overfertilize so time will tell with a bit of luck.

Distilled water contains no cal or mag so will need supplemntation anyway if tap water isnt good enough. Lots of things to look into and adjust over a period of time. Peace
Slight nute deficiency and probably trace or somthing if i had to guess but just see how she goes as def dosent look cal deficient. I reckon a lot of problems probably running over from the flush and overfertilize so time will tell with a bit of luck.

Distilled water contains no cal or mag so will need supplemntation anyway if tap water isnt good enough. Lots of things to look into and adjust over a period of time. Peace
i hear that, thanks man. i'll cal/mag some water tonight and feed sparingly. i'll let you guys know.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Calcium is a hard nutrient deficiency to cure, takes some time, easier to just start the grow right i suppose. Because calcium is a passive uptake nutrient it relies on the plant being healthy and drinking lots or else it dosent absorb enough. To get the plant healthy again it needs calcium but if its not healthy it wont be able to uptake enough. Anyway i think you got other problems past and present but still distilled water needs 100ppm (2ml per litre on average for supplements) cal/mag. Peace
hey king, thanks for the info, i'll add to my water then. my ice is doing her final 2 week flush right to give her plain water, right? not water with cal/mag or any other nutes.


Well-Known Member
i would stop. stop flushing, stop feeding, stop buying air pumps,
i would also start waiting.

your shocking the babies man! give them time to cope with everything, you dont wanna flush, transplant within 2 weeks of each other.


Well-Known Member
hey king, thanks for the info, i'll add to my water then. my ice is doing her final 2 week flush right to give her plain water, right? not water with cal/mag or any other nutes.
yea this is correct, dont flush them unless theres an abundance of something. if the plant is finishing its growth tho, then no nutrients/chems/hormones to ensure a clean smooth smoke.


Well-Known Member
hey king, thanks for the info, i'll add to my water then. my ice is doing her final 2 week flush right to give her plain water, right? not water with cal/mag or any other nutes.
I use to agree a flush is good before harvest but now im of the thinking that as long as the nute strength isnt too high or burning/over ferted then no flush is needed and buds will taste great.

It absolutly shocked me to read that Al-B-Fuct dosent flush, dosent cure and quick dries buds in 3 days to which they literally seem perfect. Excess nutes causes bad taste in final bud and flushing is basically going to make your plants deficient.

Take this info and apply it to your situation, too much nutes kills bud taste when final harvest comes round, aim not to flush but have the nute levels perfect or just under perfect.

Being so close to final harvest most of the work is done, aim to do what i said but if final bud aint great we have some considerations and improvements for the next grow. Peace

Personally i cannot believe the advancements Al-B-Fuct has and is making for growing weed, the threads he writes are blowing my mind for info and i dont even grow in hydro! Everybody need to read his threads and absorb all the info!
i would stop. stop flushing, stop feeding, stop buying air pumps,
i would also start waiting.

your shocking the babies man! give them time to cope with everything, you dont wanna flush, transplant within 2 weeks of each other.
youre a little behind here nick, but i appreciate you stopping in. i didnt flush after the transplant, i only flushed one time. i use 1, (not plural) airpump, to oxygenize the water that i feed them.

both plants are doing well, the Moby is outgrowing her deficient leaves from the flush, all new growth is green and fresh :D i'll post some pics tomorrow. for now, here are some shots of my Ice. veg'ed her for around 3.5 weeks. didnt flush this one, and im just starting the 2 weeks of just water.


I use to agree a flush is good before harvest but now im of the thinking that as long as the nute strength isnt too high or burning/over ferted then no flush is needed and buds will taste great.

It absolutly shocked me to read that Al-B-Fuct dosent flush, dosent cure and quick dries buds in 3 days to which they literally seem perfect. Excess nutes causes bad taste in final bud and flushing is basically going to make your plants deficient.

Take this info and apply it to your situation, too much nutes kills bud taste when final harvest comes round, aim not to flush but have the nute levels perfect or just under perfect.

Being so close to final harvest most of the work is done, aim to do what i said but if final bud aint great we have some considerations and improvements for the next grow. Peace

Personally i cannot believe the advancements Al-B-Fuct has and is making for growing weed, the threads he writes are blowing my mind for info and i dont even grow in hydro! Everybody need to read his threads and absorb all the info!
i'l check out his threads :D


Well-Known Member
i'l check out his threads :D
Your plants look rocking dude, harvest should be real good off them, most problems i have in flowering seem to be imbalances between the amount of grow and bloom i use, the bloom can really cause problems early on if too much, nitrogen is really important still, often a flush is to correct an imbalance rather than an over fert when im in flowering but i aim not to have to flush.
:bigjoint:thanks man :D im so proud of her!! shes not THAT big, but the site i got her from did say she stays on the rather small end of the spectrum. i have my fingers crossed for an O off of her, but i really have no clue. id be happy with 7g :)

its so fun to watch them grow.

yeah im gonna try to stick with not having to flush either. i havent flushed this girl, i think shes likin that.

cheers! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I think the general idea is that plants eat salts, we add these salts in the form of ferts. If we give the plant what it needs for NPK and the rest then we should never have to flush just top the soil up with nutes as the plant lowers it from eating.

If however i fed 5-20-5 for veg the plant would have an imbalance of nutrients so even after a flush your gona run into the same problems again. Two part fertilizers allow you to add both grow and bloom in the flowering phase to alter the individual amounts of NPK per the plants needs, there is very fine line under too little, the right amount and too much and i suppose the same can be said for each individual nutrient.

You see the damage come harvest from letting your plant get badly nitrogen deficient in the same way that overfertilized plants buds smoke like crap. Flush before harvest by all means but during the grow i guess it shows we overfed or imbalanced. Aim not to flush but to simply get the ferts right, too easily have i flushed and regreted it after but it taught me not to run the nutes so dam high or add more of the bloom or grow in flowering to balance the individual NPK ratios. Peace