And you've learned what from repeating the same thing 5 times, with no change in outcome?I believe I've asked 5 times now.
And you've learned what from repeating the same thing 5 times, with no change in outcome?I believe I've asked 5 times now.
that you're too much of a pussy to even acknowledge facts that get in the way of your ridiculous and moronic conspiracy theory.And you've learned what from repeating the same thing 5 times, with no change in outcome?
I hardly see how the *fact* that Obama signed one bill, changes the *fact* of his life-long opposition to gun ownership. Since I've already cited the *facts* of his lifetime opposition to the second amendment, the 5-times repeated question has already been rendered *moot*. Which means, irelevant, and worthy of being ignored, nothing more.acknowledge facts that get in the way
I hardly see how the *fact* that Obama signed one bill, changes the *fact* of his life-long opposition to gun ownership. Since I've already cited the *facts* of his lifetime opposition to the second amendment, the 5-times repeated question has already been rendered *moot*. Which means, irelevant, and worthy of being ignored, nothing more.
There is no benefit to the victor, to "begin again". So, no, I don't think I will. Do over is for children.
It's not that they're libs, trust me, it's immaturity and ignorance that limits their inability to put up an intelligent argument.Silly liberals. Still think cartoons and .gifs qualify as arguments.
Couldn't? That would have been easy. Didn't? That's more like it. There's no purpose in my reprinting your juvenile attempts at couldn't even quote the
trickle down works!It's not that they're libs, trust me, it's immaturity and ignorance that limits their inability to put up an intelligent argument.
Look at the stark difference between the adolescent drivel of Bucky and abandonconflict, compare that with Canndo, even though I disagree with him, he can hold his own in a debate without acting like a spoiled kid.
In short, you have yet to answer the question - he may well be a "life long opponent" of gun ownership, I am simply asking how his signing of a bill he could have as easily refrained from signing (and another I believe making it possible for people to carry firearms on Amtrac Trains I think), comports with your assessment of his monsterous and evil plot to confiscate everyone's weapons.I hardly see how the *fact* that Obama signed one bill, changes the *fact* of his life-long opposition to gun ownership. Since I've already cited the *facts* of his lifetime opposition to the second amendment, the 5-times repeated question has already been rendered *moot*. Which means, irelevant, and worthy of being ignored, nothing more.
lol, this is just hilarious.Couldn't? That would have been easy. Didn't? That's more like it. There's no purpose in my reprinting your juvenile attempts at taunting.
I'm still waiting to see if you have even the slightest shred of a functioning frontal lobe remaining, or if ranting mindlessly and making empty, baseless claims is the fullness of your intellectual capacity.
these guys have just got to be paid posters working up a whisper campaign ahead of the 2012 election.In short, you have yet to answer the question - he may well be a "life long opponent" of gun ownership, I am simply asking how his signing of a bill he could have as easily refrained from signing (and another I believe making it possible for people to carry firearms on Amtrac Trains I think), comports with your assessment of his monsterous and evil plot to confiscate everyone's weapons.
Your second source impugned your first source. That's the entire point. Yes, guns got to Mexico under Bush. Not 2,000 guns as the LA Times claimed (your first source which is impugned by me and your second source). And the Bush DOJ immediately shutdown the operation, because guns escaping into Mexico was not part of the plan. Unlike Fast and Furious, where letting the guns go to Mexico was precisely the plan.impugning sources
Oh, yes, of course. We're a bunch of shadowy figures. It's not like this just happens to be the really big news item all over the world, in every paper, and all over the blogs, no, not that. It's not that we're discussing the big news of the day, it's all just shadowy shadows with socks and puppets....these guys have just got to be paid posters working up a whisper campaign
wtf? you are seriously mislead by whoever tells you their opinions.Oh look, a Mexican. Kindly remove the American flag for San Diego. It's Mexico now, thank for bankrupting the entire state.
For some reason I have a feeling only FOXNews would be legit for ya; sorry man I'm at work and my black liberal boss has blocked that web address =D no complaints tho. How about since you're so stern it's not legit; why don't YOU DO THE RESEARCH; I went ahead and provided you one source; your choice to find more; not mine.Is this the same CBS that Dan Rather worked for? The Dan Rather forged documents to make Bush look bad? Do you have any legitimate sources?
While I might even agree that there may be whisper camapigns (I encountered one with the Health care bill - fascinating, and it actually worked) I can't imagine such a thing happening in a marijuana growing forum. As far as Truncheon (the screen name is apropriate), he is far from stupid. No, it takes a keen mind to defend one's self with two steps and crawdading. It takes honest intelligence to defend one's convictions to the exclusion of reality. After all, a conservative IS his belief system, for them to change in any significant way would be akin to their lopping off their own arm. I can truely, never figure out why they continue to argue with us (liberals) because I know they have no respect for anyone who might alter their understanding or argument in order to adhere to subjective reality. In fact you see that as a part of their distain for liberals - they are "wishy washy" they "flip flop", they don't stand by their arguments. This is a fundamental difference between conservatives and liberals, liberals are capable if not willing, to adjust their beliefs to suit the universe. No no, Truncheon is not at all stupid, he is wise to keep his very identity from being compromised by admitting he may be mistaken.these guys have just got to be paid posters working up a whisper campaign ahead of the 2012 election.
i would rather believe in that theory than the theory that people could be so fucking stupid as truncheon.
Your source has admitted to forging documents to further an agenda. How is that in anyway valid?For some reason I have a feeling only FOXNews would be legit for ya; sorry man I'm at work and my black liberal boss has blocked that web address =D no complaints tho. How about since you're so stern it's not legit; why don't YOU DO THE RESEARCH; I went ahead and provided you one source; your choice to find more; not mine.
Isn't that Obama's handwriting? I know he uses that answer a lot but i'm surprised you got a pic of it.