What are/were Trump's accomplishments as the POTUS?
Only one thing that I can think of.
To really, really bring to the forefront the divisions/schisms/inequality in America's society.
Before Trump there was really only innuendo, like Nixon/Reagan & the GOP in general subtly disparaging Jews/Liberals/Blacks/Gays.
But now it's right in front of our eyes (except for the Jew part, Trump wants the Evangelical vote so he's pro-Israel (but deep down inside he probably hates them both)
Trump is fucking Biblical in what he has presented/done to America.
Can we recover from Trump's legacy?
I'm not really sure that will be possible anymore.
He has taken the worst of the worst in America and smashed us in the face with it.
Was that a good thing, to kick us in the teeth/balls/vagina showing us how actually fucked up we all are by electing him?
Was he necessary in a way, a final warning to America?
We shall see
Take care/be safe