Originally Posted by
Brick Top
On the face of it, it might sound good. But with him connected to it, it will turn out to be a disaster in the long run.
Barry could fuck up a wet-dream.
Attachment 1998167
smaller government and lower taxes is only a good idea when republicans do it.
On, the idea of it is equally good no matter who has it. It's the implementation of it, how it is done, what is connected to it that the media never tells us about and the negative long term effects it has .. and those things are always connected to Barry's ideas, and normally, in general, Democrats plans in general.
The thing about Democrats and their supporters is this. There is a problem or just a way to make things better. Some system or another is devised by Democrats and put into effect mainly, if not totally, by them. Then it is problem solved things are better, we addressed whatever it was ... it's behind us now and we never have to worry about it again, TOTAL SUCCESS. But they bitch, piss and moan up a storm if in 2 or 5 or 9 years later there is a total disaster that their TOTAL SUCCESS legislation/changes is 100% responsible for. There is almost always some long-term negative impact right behind Democratic legislation and programs and re-shuffling of departments, etc. following it like The Grim Reaper.
Instead it is always, a problem needs being addressed or an idea that sounds good pops up .... Democrats plan and implement the changes ...... then they says ... everything is better now ... we'll never have to address this again ... problem solved, system made better ... and there is no need to ever review the long-term negative impact this will have because we addressed and we did and that always equates to success ... and when it all blows up somewhere down the road it's will be someone else's fault, a new president, a different congress, something, anything that we can get the mainstream media to propagandize the public with so they will never learn that we were actually behind all the unbelievable mess, that we caused the disaster. Yep, we gave it our official Jackass stamp of approval and that pronounces both success and the end of our connection to anything and everything we do that turns sour. With that act we consider ourselves totally and completely indemnified from any and all negative repercussions, there is a disconnect now that means there could not possibly have been any connection, complicity or culpability on our part.
If, on the other hand, we get super lucky and we eventually do that one in a million thing right and we can brag about it, we'll feast off it for decades. We will remain attached to it closer and tighter than a well dug in tick. We'll all say we supported it 100% right from the start and passing it was one of the proudest days of our lives .... even those of us who were not members of Congress yet at the time or maybe were even kids when it happened.
There was a time, long, long ago, now almost in what seems to be a far off distant land, when being a Democrat made good sense, that there were good Democrats in office and to vote for.
It is a hollow shell of what it once was and inside is nothing but rot. It will pretty much preach the same old sermons of years gone by, but it does not live what it preaches.
It is nothing more than a brand name that once earned the right to top the list and was enough to prove quality came with it, slapped on pure worthless junk and trying to claim quality using the same logo that for many years has not earned or deserved the right to top the list or be accepted as a sign of quality.