President Obama Apologizes

death panels and redistribution and welfare!



we've heard it all before from you chicken littles, the sky never falls though.
It is not insurance anymore. It is simply a re-distribution of wealth from one class of people to another to finance a government welfare giveaway.

If you do not have a pre-existing condition clause, it cannot be defined as insurance anymore.

Obamacare is the precursor to single payer.
He knew the American people would not stomach a socialized medicine program so his plan was to slowly eliminate the private insurance industry.

Look on the exchange, I believe there are only about five insurance companies to choose from. All the other insurance companies outside the exchange will be systematically dismantled, they won't be able to conform to the minimum standard set by the ACA and maintain a viable profit. When the employers mandate kicks in next year, tens of millions more will also get their cancellation notices and will have no alternative but to buy into the exchange. Once this happens, the exchange no longer needs any of the private sector insurance companies, and who controls the exchange?
Obamacare is the precursor to single payer.
He knew the American people would not stomach a socialized medicine program so his plan was to slowly eliminate the private insurance industry.

Look on the exchange, I believe there are only about five insurance companies to choose from. All the other insurance companies outside the exchange will be systematically dismantled, they won't be able to conform to the minimum standard set by the ACA and maintain a viable profit. When the employers mandate kicks in next year, tens of millions more will also get their cancellation notices and will have no alternative but to buy into the exchange. Once this happens, the exchange no longer needs any of the private sector insurance companies, and who controls the exchange?

It sounds like to me that the party finally might be over for those thieving scumbag insurance companies, where REAL competition now will cull the herd of those vampires that have set the prices for way too long. Those companies killed thousands of patients in the process, because that treatment was not covered, so let them die. Those were the real death panels and if Obamacare is good for anything, at least it is shaking up that scam called insurance in this country.

yeah only a retard would believe that...

“What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever,” Reid said.
When then asked by panelist Steve Sebelius whether he meant ultimately the country would have to have a health care system that abandoned insurance as the means of accessing it, Reid said: “Yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.”


either you are a liar or you are retarded.
yeah only a retard would believe that...

“What we’ve done with Obamacare is have a step in the right direction, but we’re far from having something that’s going to work forever,” Reid said.
When then asked by panelist Steve Sebelius whether he meant ultimately the country would have to have a health care system that abandoned insurance as the means of accessing it, Reid said: “Yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.”


either you are a liar or you are retarded.

only one problem with that theory.

this guy


is not this guy

only one problem with that theory.

this guy


is not this guy


but thisguy:


and This guy:


play on the same team.

so barry calls the plays and harry runs the pattern as instructed. they both want the same end result, so the distinction is moot.

barry just doesnt run his damn fool mouth as much as harry, so harry is the one who revealed secrets from the playbook.

sorry to confuse you with the sports metaphors, i know The Chosen People dont care much for such things...
It sounds like to me that the party finally might be over for those thieving scumbag insurance companies, where REAL competition now will cull the herd of those vampires that have set the prices for way too long. Those companies killed thousands of patients in the process, because that treatment was not covered, so let them die. Those were the real death panels and if Obamacare is good for anything, at least it is shaking up that scam called insurance in this country.

Fucking the truth
The real death panels are over

I can't count the amount of people I know held hostage by hospital bills and soon to be bills/procedures
Ok can someone explain why for profit insurance companies being removed from a system supposedly designed around the Hippocratic oath is wrong
Ok can someone explain why for profit insurance companies being removed from a system supposedly designed around the Hippocratic oath is wrong

DOCTORS take the hippocratic oath, while insurance adjusters are bound by a different law, Fiduciary responsibility.

doctor will do whatever is neccessary to save your life and limbs from injury or disease, while insurance companies and their adjusters will do anything necessary to reduce their financial responsibility and earn a return for their investors.

insurance companies do whatever they can within the bounds of the contract and the law to NOT pay for treatments, and that results in shitty medical care and doctors struggling to keep their oath without losing their shirts on tests and treatments which are unpaid.

the ideal system would take money out of the equation, and deliver whatever care the doctors deem necessary for your treatment, but unless doctors are VERY well compensated, there is little impetus for students to enter medicine, which is where we are now.

not enough doctors = reduced supply for medical treatments, and this results in higher costs for those limited treatments, resulting in the need for a big money payors (insurance companies) to foot the bill, which they do for a profit, based on actuarial tables, which attempt to judge how much your medical bills may cost over the term of your contract, and the price of the insurance program is scaled accordingly.

a No-Limit medical insurance contract is a very spendy item indeed, thus almost all insurance contracts impose limits of one type or another.

a true national healthcare system is likewise expensive as fuck, thus it either caps treatments and doctor's salaries while imposing high taxes (england) or turns doctors into low paid civil servants, caps treatments, and imposes high taxes (cuba) or imposes cripplingly high taxes (france, scandinavia etc)

until somebody develops a race of humans who are basically worker bees who will become physicians despite incredibly low wages, or invents cheap mass produced robot doctors, medical care will always have financial limits for care and/or limits on treatments.
DOCTORS take the hippocratic oath, while insurance adjusters are bound by a different law, Fiduciary responsibility.

doctor will do whatever is neccessary to save your life and limbs from injury or disease, while insurance companies and their adjusters will do anything necessary to reduce their financial responsibility and earn a return for their investors.

insurance companies do whatever they can within the bounds of the contract and the law to NOT pay for treatments, and that results in shitty medical care and doctors struggling to keep their oath without losing their shirts on tests and treatments which are unpaid.

the ideal system would take money out of the equation, and deliver whatever care the doctors deem necessary for your treatment, but unless doctors are VERY well compensated, there is little impetus for students to enter medicine, which is where we are now.

not enough doctors = reduced supply for medical treatments, and this results in higher costs for those limited treatments, resulting in the need for a big money payors (insurance companies) to foot the bill, which they do for a profit, based on actuarial tables, which attempt to judge how much your medical bills may cost over the term of your contract, and the price of the insurance program is scaled accordingly.

a No-Limit medical insurance contract is a very spendy item indeed, thus almost all insurance contracts impose limits of one type or another.

a true national healthcare system is likewise expensive as fuck, thus it either caps treatments and doctor's salaries while imposing high taxes (england) or turns doctors into low paid civil servants, caps treatments, and imposes high taxes (cuba) or imposes cripplingly high taxes (france, scandinavia etc)

until somebody develops a race of humans who are basically worker bees who will become physicians despite incredibly low wages, or invents cheap mass produced robot doctors, medical care will always have financial limits for care and/or limits on treatments.

there's only one problem with your theory about low paid doctors and true national healthcare being "expensive as fuck".

it's called the rest of the world.

england, france, and scandinavia all pay less than we do and cover all of their citizens. we pay more, and yet you would be bankrupt if your appendix bursts. you would lose your home, if you had one. this happens to many more millions than will ever get a cancellation notice.

heck, you might even die unceremoniously in our healthcare system. kent snyder did. he didn't need to die, rawn pawl just made it tougher to see a doctor than all of the others did.

the poor in our nation are about on par with the poor in cuba. even wealthy cubans get better healthcare than our poor receive.

the problem is not with england (basically our medicare) or cuba (better than our system for the poor) or france or scandinavia (they both pay less than we do), the problem is with our system.

there are lots of great examples out there that could teach us how to do health care or education better, but you miserable fucks would never acknowledge them. but you miserable fucks have no problem bragging about austerity based on estonia and latvia.

just disgraceful.
Exactly what it is. CANNOT work, too many baby boomers cause a fat tail in the outliers of health spending. There aren't enough millenials out there with 6 figure incomes to provide the $3 million or so each boomer is going to need to try and extend their lives as far as possible. Either that or Obamacare has death panels, you decide.

Baby Boomers?
Baby Boomers?

I am sorry. Have you heard of this thing called "Medicare". If they are on Medicare how are they even part of the private insurance market?
Baby Boomers?
Baby Boomers?

I am sorry. Have you heard of this thing called "Medicare". If they are on Medicare how are they even part of the private insurance market?

There are billions of boomers not at medicare age yet, but they'll get there in the next 10 years. At the same time, we are cutting 700B from medicare to pay for Obamacare, I'm not sure how that works.
There are billions of boomers not at medicare age yet, but they'll get there in the next 10 years. At the same time, we are cutting 700B from medicare to pay for Obamacare, I'm not sure how that works.

Your math and reasoning skills suck as well
Obama makes it sound like he's sorry we listened to him, and we shouldn't have done that.
He's sorry he mislead, but it's not his fault for misleading is what it all sounded like to me.
Doesn't sound very sorry. He never went over the sorry part. Weak apology.
Obamacare is the precursor to single payer.
He knew the American people would not stomach a socialized medicine program so his plan was to slowly eliminate the private insurance industry.

Look on the exchange, I believe there are only about five insurance companies to choose from. All the other insurance companies outside the exchange will be systematically dismantled, they won't be able to conform to the minimum standard set by the ACA and maintain a viable profit. When the employers mandate kicks in next year, tens of millions more will also get their cancellation notices and will have no alternative but to buy into the exchange. Once this happens, the exchange no longer needs any of the private sector insurance companies, and who controls the exchange?

The other alternative is to not buy any insurance, pay the fine, then when you get sick get the insurance. No pre-existing conditions anymore.