President Obama Apologizes

It sounds like to me that the party finally might be over for those thieving scumbag insurance companies, where REAL competition now will cull the herd of those vampires that have set the prices for way too long. Those companies killed thousands of patients in the process, because that treatment was not covered, so let them die. Those were the real death panels and if Obamacare is good for anything, at least it is shaking up that scam called insurance in this country.
Yeah, making it a criminal offense to not buy insurance is really sticking it to the insurance
The other alternative is to not buy any insurance, pay the fine, then when you get sick get the insurance. No pre-existing conditions anymore.

I have a pre-existing condition of "self ownership". I think I'll tell them to fuck off on all of it.
Point of view is important. Yours may improve after the proctologist gives you a head extraction .

The criminal part isn't the not paying it part, it's the demanding that others MUST pay for not buying something.

So you dont believe in carrying auto insurance?
So you dont believe in carrying auto insurance?

I believe people should be free to make choices and live with the benefits or consequences absent any third party edicts.

There are two kinds of people, those that want to run others lives and those that don't. I think we know which kind you are and which kind I am.
I can't stand liars, liars at this level of government should get the boot in the ass..The lies will only get bigger from here on out ....imo..
i hate to interrupt what could be your third 9 or 11 post of the night, but the mandate involves a NON CRIMINAL tax penalty, you lying sack of shit.

now carry on.

Didnt obama promise us this wouldnt be a tax also?

I just want to keep my own insurance an pay for my family.

Its funny to see his lapdog media actualy reporting against him.
I figured they would just not cover the story of his apology for lying to us about obama care.

Didnt obama promise us this wouldnt be a tax also?

I just want to keep my own insurance an pay for my family.

Its funny to see his lapdog media actualy reporting against him.
I figured they would just not cover the story of his apology for lying to us about obama care.

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This is why the left hate FOX news so much.
Progressives cant get away with all the shit they used to, it's getting harder and harder for the MSM to conveniently ignore the stories.
But they do their best to bury them by a 30 second mention.
I can't stand liars, liars at this level of government should get the boot in the ass..The lies will only get bigger from here on out ....imo..

Obama has the uncanny ability to stay one step ahead of burying himself politically.
He evades letting each scandal become entrenched in the headlines by creating another and another and another.

We don't hear much anymore about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, having the IRS target his political enemies,or attacking Libya without congressional approval.

How in the hell could this guy even think about a legacy.
Obama has the uncanny ability to stay one step ahead of burying himself politically.
He evades letting each scandal become entrenched in the headlines by creating another and another and another.

We don't hear much anymore about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, having the IRS target his political enemies,or attacking Libya without congressional approval.

How in the hell could this guy even think about a legacy.

You know that's not being honest. Headlines jump from one "scandal" to the next, because nothing ever sticks, it's the Republican party trying to stir up dirt, when there is never really any dirt there.
Obama has the uncanny ability to stay one step ahead of burying himself politically.
He evades letting each scandal become entrenched in the headlines by creating another and another and another.

We don't hear much anymore about Fast and Furious, Benghazi, having the IRS target his political enemies,or attacking Libya without congressional approval.

How in the hell could this guy even think about a legacy.

Maybe because nothing you mentioned is a scandal
You know that's not being honest. Headlines jump from one "scandal" to the next, because nothing ever sticks, it's the Republican party trying to stir up dirt, when there is never really any dirt there.

Well let me ask you this, did Obama deceive the American people when he said "you can keep your health plan if you like it, no matter what"

Did the Obama administration know within 24 hrs that the attack in Benghazi was committed by Islamic terrorists?

If your answer is no to either, you're credibility is zero.