If Home Depot only knew how much MJ the Homer Bucket has helped grow....would make a great Ad for Home Depotthe orange buckets with Lets Do This... LOL
lol, me and my wife like to play a game to see who can spot the orange buckets first when we're watching youtube vids.The buckets are so cheap....seconds to drill holes in the bottoms....and plants are fine..why not use'm .....lol...
Coming out of hiding to say damn man you gettin it! Looking good!
Still rolling along
Such a nice day, just watered...had to take a pic
Very NICEso do you have a mesh cover over the tops, just so they cant be to visible from the sky
they still would get enough adequate light, just wont be as visible..
Mesh is only in the front so when I have the flaps open for air pests are kept out. The greenhouse is enclosed. It has it's own roof...