Prefower confusion!


Well-Known Member
So this is 1 of the 5 plants I had. 2 have been tossed since they showed male. The last 3 are a little bit behind. This ones showing next. Im thinking boy but I dont see any sticks yet. Might be too early to tell but I think I got a pretty good shot for everyone to look at and help me out!


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
looks 99% male but wait it out a little longer just to make careful for bananas opening up though if you got females around :)


Active Member
Looks like a male but I would wait a little longer before you pluck it. There is a chance it could be a hermie cuz it looks like theres some pussy in there too but again wait a little longer. How long have you been flowering?


Well-Known Member
I would say that's a male for sure. But I also tend to follow the "better safe than sorry" routine.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a male but I would wait a little longer before you pluck it. There is a chance it could be a hermie cuz it looks like theres some pussy in there too but again wait a little longer. How long have you been flowering?
2 days flowering. these plants showed preflowers before i switched! The other 2 werent topped so they had grown a little more and showed earlier. Im almost positive that the last 3 are showing the same signs :( that means 5/5 are males...


Well-Known Member
100% male caught it early get it out of the room ,don't you just love growing cannabis you nurture and love a plant from been small just to chop it down.i'm in the process now off rooting some males out the thai super that you get for free with every order at attitude so it is not so bad.the last order i made i was realy lucky got 5/5 females lovely.but these ones i have a feeling at least 3 are looking a little boyish mother [email protected] best thing about doing the rooting females out is the genetics are 100% female where has a femanised seed is sometime's not all it seems.