PPFD for Vegetative state


Active Member
I’ve read a bunch of scholar journals proving Cannabis flowering excels at PPFD of 1500 even past 1800+ indoors. What I can’t seem to find is conclusive evidence on ideal veg ppfd numbers.

At the moment I’m running 3 week old clones with 300-550 ppfd planning on 900 for veg once they have some legs under em.

What works for you all? I’m using Apogees MQ-100 for ppfd readings.
1500 umols seems like too much to me from what we've experienced. If it's your first flower try 750-900 in flower.
900 in veg is going to lead to shitty deficient plants with a high degree of certainty.

The way to do LED intensity is to start out soft and with the light a bit backed off, and then up intensity slowly, keeping a sharp eye for signs of plant stress and stopping when that happens until you see the plant growing happily again. Trying to force your plant to eat 1500 umols without concerns of plant health is a surefire way of a failed grow.
1500 umols seems like too much to me from what we've experienced. If it's your first flower try 750-900 in flower.
900 in veg is going to lead to shitty deficient plants with a high degree of certainty.

The way to do LED intensity is to start out soft and with the light a bit backed off, and then up intensity slowly, keeping a sharp eye for signs of plant stress and stopping when that happens until you see the plant growing happily again. Trying to force your plant to eat 1500 umols without concerns of plant health is a surefire way of a failed grow.
Listen to rocket, lm an intense grower, no veg, 8 inch into flower full power 1 ft away, maybe 2 ft. Let them grow into it, was vegging under 1k hps so tough little girls. My light rated 1482 umol so about 1080 useable. I like to get most from light. I push them but lve had lots of problems long before leds were a thing. Just gave an edge where therecwasnt one. How much co2? Using ?
I’ve read a bunch of scholar journals proving Cannabis flowering excels at PPFD of 1500 even past 1800+ indoors. What I can’t seem to find is conclusive evidence on ideal veg ppfd numbers.

At the moment I’m running 3 week old clones with 300-550 ppfd planning on 900 for veg once they have some legs under em.

What works for you all? I’m using Apogees MQ-100 for ppfd readings.
How much co2 using ???
Thanks for all the responses and the useful chart. Co2 in veg currently is 1000 ppm with temps between 78-83 and 50 ish humidity.
Id say about 800 if pushing hard, any higher in veg they will freak out! Maybe 700 with less problems. I have hard time veg. I grow in flower. Let them tell you, id dim to 50% for 18-6, 100% 12x12 you are wasting co2 atm, higher co2 higher light more feed. Id go 600ppm 600 ppfd 60% nutes 666 always works!
I would tell anyone wondering about "intensity" to think of it on a DLI(daily light integral) level not just an instantaneous PPFD measurement.

Outdoors there are fluctuations and general rising and falling with the sun. True light integrals never reach 18 hrs outdoors so reference intensity indoors to out are kind of moot.

Once you get to 35 mols DLI(flower or veg), you really have to be on top of your game to push much past that positively IME.

DLI chart.png

Values in Light Pink represent Typical Target DLI Amounts

500 uMole
represents a Typical Desirable Light Intensity
for indoor Early Stage Growth.

1000 uMole is a High Level Intensity for both indoor and Greenhouse Supplemental Lighting
for Late Stage and Flowering Growth.

1500 uMole is a Typical Plant Saturation Level
for High DLI Crops.

2000 uMole is a Typical Maximum Natural Sun Output on a Clear Day.

....i prefer the chart of LEDTonic Blog...mucho amor a los autores de ambas cartas...mil gracias por compartirlas...

DLI (Daily Light Integral) Chart - Understand your Plants' PPFD & Photoperiod Requirements


Erik Runkle:
Vegetative cuttings (liners) - early4-6
Vegetative cuttings (liners) - late6-10
Seedlings (plugs) - early6-10
Seedlings (plugs) - late10-15
Shade plants (annuals and perennials)6-10
Foliage plants6-10
Potted bulbs6-15
Stock plants (for cuttings)10-20
Annual bedding plants10+
Leafy greens and herbs12+
Potted flowering plants12+
Cut flowers15+
Fruiting vegetables15+

Dr, Lynette Morgan:
Violets, orchids, ferns4-6
Small herbs10-12
Butterhead lettuce14-16

my POV.... en resumido que es en español y puede ser tomado como spamming ...OMG...ya dije que se podian mejorar o tunear las ideas base de las cartas de las que me he hecho eco...y que hay mas info a leer en esos temas....las infos os la puse pero habian cosas en español y otras fueron interpretadas como spam y fue borrado el hilo y no por mi...una pena por ustedes..las infos las tengo en casa en docs...por si teneis interes por esas infos...que lo dudo...si no ya me la hubierais pedido...y no ha sido asi hasta ahora...luego por info no sera....lol...


esto es para usa pero para otras partes del mundo tambien hable de donde ver las horas de sol y luna de cualquier lugar del mundo y con esos datos hacer tus calculos y hable tambien de los curiosos graficos resultantes que dan....en TimeandDate....ehhh Wilson....lol...

...i do Spamming?.... not my intention....i only share curious things i Sawed on internet....over the years....and actual updates.... spam of what?...any special brand?.... spanish or european brands?... my links videos etc...are only examples to take ideas for BRAVE DIYERS...like me.... nothing relative to buy or shell nothing.... im not a seller...not a buyer too...
...then my crime its spamming...OMG.... maybe for your POv im spammer.... change you glasses with me...you not percive me on the right direction...im not a spammer...but you think what you want sister...

creo que hago lo correcto para como estoy...no estoy haciendo negocios...ni vendo ni compro nada....solo comparto info....pero lo que yo opine os la suda.... quereis ponerme en ese grupo negativo de gente.... pero yo no estoy en el...por mucho que me intenteis poner como dealer....o negativo ....

desde mis inicios use muchas cosas ...links ...docs...tools...videos... info cruzada...en hardwares comerciales industriales ...profesionales...como fuentes inspiradoras para mi DIY especial.....
...me apoye muchas veces en temas comerciales para explicar mi punto de vista imagenes etc.......y ahora eso es tomado como spamming...curioso...lo llevo haciendo desde que por aqui ...y solo borrais lo que os interesa borrar...
no problemo con los borrados...estoy vacunado....si avisarais rapido de que entendeis por spam yo hubiese editado el post o hilos quitando esos spams que decis que hago....pero preferis no avisar... creia que era por mi español... ahora tambien por spammer... OMG....siempre le buscareis buscareis tres patas al gato.... si no es por esto sera por aquello...el pobre canario siempre es el culpable.... lol... es facil meterse con el.... y fastidiarlo... y asi me va con ustedes...

y no me une nada con LEDTonic ni con otras marcas...ni vendo ...ni compro...nada de ellos....de momento...me gustaron sus infos y sus cartas...y me hice eco por aqui...como de otras tantas marcas...quizas eso puede ser mal interpretado como spam para unos...no para mi...es su info y sus videos o docs o tools y las ideas detras de ellos ...de lo que me hago eco...y eso puede ser tambien mal interpretado como spam...de mis povs ...lo que os molesta mas es mi español...y mis criticas o especial POVs...la mayoria mal entendidas....o mal expresadas por mi...no creo que mi pov sea mal interpretado como spam...pero nunca lo sabre...no me avisais con tiempo para entender que tipo de spam es el que hago segun ustedes...pero algun dia me enterare si me lo quereis decir....spam de que?... muchos videos comerciales de muchas marcas? mucho español?.... que marcas seran las que os molestan...las que no os pagan?...ahora mas que un foro esto solo es un gran negocio que llevan unos cuantos de ustedes con pinta de foro?....mmmm...me acerco a la verdad o realidad actual por aqui?...duele oirla?...una pena sea solo por dinero vuestro interes....pero asi me lo parece a mi...desde hace un tiempo...y el malo soy yo?....OMG...

yo siempre el primero en mi lista de culpables...por supuesto...tengo autocritica...y perfecto no soy...

e function actived....aunque no se si me dara tiempo a borrarlo... lo mismo me lo borran por mi...lol...

Paz y Amor...en 2021 aun mucho mas...

Saludos desde Tenerife - Islas Canarias
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