Powdery mildew need help

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
So I'm about day 50 of flower, I noticed it starting about 2 weeks ago. Once I noticed the pm it was to late to use my sulfur burner as I'm not in veg anymore, so I went to my local grow shop and got some stuff called white wash.... I have been spraying every day and the pm keeps popping up. At 50$ a bottle for the white wash witch I am out of I'm looking for some help from you guys.... thx in advance


Well-Known Member
Find something that can change the ph on the surface of the plant thats safe. Get more airflow, and a better dehumidifier. Clean out the middles of the plants for more airflow. Water at lights on, not lights off. And remove all badly infected leaves or wash them with a cloth.

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
I have been growing for about a year now so I know most of the basics.... I have great air flow and exchange.. but I'm just worried about useing some of the products that you spray on the plant because I use my herb for medical treatment. I don't mind spending a Lil cash on my plants I just want what ever I use to be safe for my flowers. Thx again for the advice.


Well-Known Member
i hate to jump in . but ive tried everything and i think its pm as well. i though it might be the baking soda residue . what do you think? rh 47% temp 77 deg lights on rh 50% temp 72 lights off 2 fans 24/7



Well-Known Member
I've used h202 and water and it helped. I've also done 1:30 bleach to water. Light spray on the leaves then wipe away.


Well-Known Member
The only thing I've ever had success with is Green Cure, though I've never used it that far into flower.
Other than using Green Cure, I've found lowering the humidity below 40% helps as well as not allowing my grow rooms to become cool and damp.

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
Yup and whoever told you that doesn't know what they are talking about its potassium bicarbonate it's like a salt all it does is burn your pistils a lil but nothing bad and we soak em no problems at all

Afgan King

Well-Known Member
Now I'm not saying it won't degrade it some if you do too much but spraying every 5 days has never been a problem for me just spray whole plants absolutely everything from all angles