Powdery Mildew. In need of advice

Just noticed some powdery mildew on a recent harvest. Upon returning to my room this evening, I noticed that a few other plants were showing signs of the terrible stuff. I chucked those with the worst damage and sprayed the rest down with 2TBSP of Serenade to 1.5 quarts of water. Gave 2 applications to 16 plants. Hoping I didn't get over excited. I'm a mildew virgin. Any advice would be appreciated


Once you got PM, its hard to completely get rid of. Almost impossible really. Just get some Neem Oil and you'll be good to go. Neem Oil is some good stuff to use on your plants. The only thing is that PM releases spores into the air and they can sit dormant for quite a while. So unless you scrub every inch of your room with bleach, its going to come back.

I'd suggest spraying with Neem once or twice per week, just as a precaution. Its easier to prevent things from happening, then it is to fix an issue thats already formed. Also any kind of midew or mold forms when temps and RH is just right. PM usually comes from warm wetness. So if you could drop the temps a little and lower the RH, then that will help it a little too.


Well-Known Member
I've had great luck with Serenade. That does sound like a strong dose of it, but I don't think it'll hurt anything. Hopefully that will take care of it for you - I think so. I used to get PM every grow when I was first stating out, and I've taken to doing 1 or 2 Serenade sprayings per run as a preventative, and haven't seen a speck of it since.
Thanks fellas. Been holding steady. Not getting any better or worse. Does anyone know much about sulphur burners? I'd like to get rid of the whole problem before my girls get in to heavy flowering. Does the sulphur smell stick to the buds? Don't want my girls tasting like butt.


Well-Known Member
Just noticed some powdery mildew on a recent harvest. Upon returning to my room this evening, I noticed that a few other plants were showing signs of the terrible stuff. I chucked those with the worst damage and sprayed the rest down with 2TBSP of Serenade to 1.5 quarts of water. Gave 2 applications to 16 plants.
Hoping I didn't get over excited. I'm a virgin
. Any advice would be appreciated
too much info bro:?
seriously, get a dehumidifier and pull 20-40 litres of water from the air.
And for gods sake ,stop spraying them as this can cause more mold due to adding moisture.


Well-Known Member
Alright man I just went through this and 2 things knocked out pm for me . You mentioned a sulphur burner , I used a sulphur spray from Lowes . Then followed up a week later with milk spray . Milk changes the ph of the leaf surface making it uninhabitable to the pm . And clean clean clean with a bleach solution everywhere . Dont let your humidity stay high ,50 and under. I AM NOW PM FREE.