Powdery Mildew and Eagle 20

It's PM season outside just a fyi. all this rain we been getting making the spores go crazy. Summer crops in Colorado can be very difficult indoors or outdoors, I wish you both the best of luck and hope you kill the PM.
Yea my greenhouse is in the mountains and all the wild plants around it have PM this year. I guess this is the most rain/flowers we have had in awhile, so humidity must be a lot higher. Do you think its okay to spray with green cure during the day? I have been spraying with other solutions in the day so far and no burning, but I can wait till dusk if it is better.

Shit spray it with the green cure to wash off the spores and the eagle should take care of the rest. It'll slowly disappear because remember it's a final manifestation like u said. So eagle killing inside could take time for it to get to the spores. Like I said seen it take weeks for all to disappear but it all does eventually. Wash em off tho bet they won't come back eagle killed the hyphae its just surviving on your environment now not the plant
Yea thats what I am thinking. Thanks for the help guys means a lot. Happy growing!

30 days is life cycle of eagle 20
Sorry you are just wrong on that. Where did you get the info for 30 days?
I provided the msds and here is an 83 page study on it. It varies by crop by how fast it is broken down.

Page 17 start the part on how long it is active. Its active a lot longer than you think.

Sorry, the msds and peer reviewed study trumps cannabis site myth.

Seriously dude. I'm sure you are good at what you do. I know you are good at what you do.

Choosing a blind eye and to belive some random number instead of msds and actual studies doesn't make it true.


Sorry you are just wrong on that. Where did you get the info for 30 days?
I provided the msds and here is an 83 page study on it. It varies by crop by how fast it is broken down.

Page 17 start the part on how long it is active. Its active a lot longer than you think.

Sorry, the msds and peer reviewed study trumps cannabis site myth.

Seriously dude. I'm sure you are good at what you do. I know you are good at what you do.

Choosing a blind eye and to belive some random number instead of msds and actual studies doesn't make it true.

I'm not turning a blind eye I'm reading now. I was always told by my old master grower and multiple others 30 days. I'm reading up on it I spray them as clones and then week 2 of 6 in veg. Then nothing in flower unless it's organic but I keep everything sterile in there for the most part. But thanks for that, it got caught up in the mix, I'm reading it now tho
I'm not turning a blind eye I'm reading now. I was always told by my old master grower and multiple others 30 days. I'm reading up on it I spray them as clones and then week 2 of 6 in veg. Then nothing in flower unless it's organic but I keep everything sterile in there for the most part. But thanks for that, it got caught up in the mix, I'm reading it now tho
Even with the info we have it may not be accurate.

I was watching a thing on cnn last night about the 1976 hazardous materials act. It grandfathered in thousands of chemiclas that were supposed to be later studied and only about 200 have been.

It even restricts epa and fda from testing them.
For real lol just had some Cali outdoor growers on here trying to say our Colorado indoor is trash lmao I was dying laughing

HaHaHA got a dude like that used to say that sheet when he first came around then we had 'I can out smoke you fest', and he admitted that Co was better. I gave him props on Green Triangle and BC (canada) but that's about it. Now when he comes from Cali he don't even 'Cali-Brag' anymore he just hits the first top shelf he can find...
That study even shows that myclobutanil when added to the soil can be changed to myclobutanil butyric acid and bind to the soil.

I would probably feel safer using it on a food product than on something I smoked. The action of smoking something treated with it is where the danger is.

I doubt cannabis has been studied to see how long it last and it varies between crops. I do know that cannabis will remove and hold toxins and heavy metals.
I used horse hair tea made from dried leaf , stops it dead
Ya gotta reapply alot but none the next day after use & my DJ Shorts Azue Haze gets mad PM
see a small area I missed down low near the right
This was posted on a thread .


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that's a variegated leaf , seems DJ's clone has a gene that goes rouge
got this from his booth @ Emerade show last winter
bud stackin in progress , she gets PM but horsetail tea cleans her up daily
leaf stems are already furry
i'll never run this again , any PM plants are never agains
PM is just in my atmosphere any time the fog rolls in &/or the temps drop
every fall that's what kills all the summer weeds is PM in the fall nites / early morns
lost 5 prebubba 98 last summer keeled over dead in one nite , cherry pie same thing
1/2 the house
there's a reason sum old genes should rest lol
everything now is checked out & inoculated with PM 1st before I gro it
lessons learned by a hard road
Bay11 died from PM in the middle of the summer & in the heat
It will kill it over a week or two if not washed off. Reason eagle is only thing that kills it is both are systemic. Kills from inside out so if you don't wash it off it will take its time to die but will be dead before the 30 days is up

It doesn't not kill the spores, it prevents proper cell production in the portion of the fungus "rooted" to the leaf. The spores spread from the surface of the leaf into the environment. The eagle is still active in the plant, helping prevent further infection, but the risk of infection is still there (dependent on the plants immune system and the resistance level of the PM to eagle).

It is for this reason that PM is so difficult to defeat. You have to attack it's "roots" and spores simultaneously.

Sorry you are just wrong on that. Where did you get the info for 30 days?
I provided the msds and here is an 83 page study on it. It varies by crop by how fast it is broken down.

Page 17 start the part on how long it is active. Its active a lot longer than you think.
Thank you. This is great information to spread around, we've all been misled on a lot of things regarding cannabis.

As more studies are done, labs are finding both indoor and outdoor garden conditions don't seem to match the test results mfgs are stating. As an example, Spinosad is quoted to be 30 days, real world testing says otherwise. I read a report from someone who sprayed a few plants, each with a few different types of spinosad product. Even after almost 2 months of further vegging before flowering outdoor, all plants still tested at around 8ppm of spinosad.
It doesn't not kill the spores, it prevents proper cell production in the portion of the fungus "rooted" to the leaf. The spores spread from the surface of the leaf into the environment. The eagle is still active in the plant, helping prevent further infection, but the risk of infection is still there (dependent on the plants immune system and the resistance level of the PM to eagle).

It is for this reason that PM is so difficult to defeat. You have to attack it's "roots" and spores simultaneously.
Wasn't meaning it like it came out lol. Eagle kills the hyphae inside not allowing the spores to live off of the plant directly anymore. Effect being now the fungi flowers must survive on environment and if environment is good they'll die. That's the one thing about pm is your rigjt gotta hit both sides. Pm is different it's one of the few that once established can live on the plants with virtually no humidity due to the hyphae being inside. Kill the hyphae and your environment if good won't allow the rest to flourish like it would or even survive. I did misquote that tho and made it sound like I'm saying the eagle kills spores directly which it doesn't unless contacted
@Afgan King That's the thing with Powdery Mildew conidia, they are unique in that they do not need moisture from the environment to be viable, as most other spores do. Powdery mildew spores will not die with the "roots", they are released into the environment and are viable without high humidity, rain, foliar spraying, etc. They (spores) need to be destroyed in conjunction with the fungal "roots".
@Afgan King That's the thing with Powdery Mildew conidia, they are unique in that they do not need moisture from the environment to be viable, as most other spores do. Powdery mildew spores will not die with the "roots", they are released into the environment and are viable without high humidity, rain, foliar spraying, etc. They (spores) need to be destroyed in conjunction with the fungal "roots".
So they can't die in the environment even as just a spore if untouched even if conditions are unfavorable? Ex: dry, hot etc
Even with the info we have it may not be accurate.

I was watching a thing on cnn last night about the 1976 hazardous materials act. It grandfathered in thousands of chemiclas that were supposed to be later studied and only about 200 have been.

It even restricts epa and fda from testing them.
Yea I don't trust the FDA, EPA, any government agency for that matter. They are all bought and paid for.

With that said, from the information I have found across the web and from people I know who have supposedly done lab tests, the half life is roughly 30 days, which means 99.9% of the chemical is out in 60 days. I absolutely despise using chemicals and have never before used them in my grow. It took me about a week to decide to use it, but when all other options are failing, I would rather try and save the crop and do some lab tests myself.

When this crop is finished, I plan on sending some samples to the lab. If people are interested in the results, I will share them here.

Also, as I mentioned previously, it is important to note there is a huge difference between indoor and outdoor. The above numbers are a reference to outdoor.

so how the fuck is this pore bastard expose to get rid of his pm ? a lot of bull shit posts bashing no real advice for him .
Unfortunately right now there is a lot of misinformation and lack of studies regarding the science behind cannabis diseases due to federal regulations. I just got done spraying the remaining spores with green cure, if that proves to be a temporary band aid I will unfortunately be forced to spray with a higher dose of eagle 20.
"Myclobutanil is approved for use on tobacco cultivated in China, however, and a 2012 study has demonstrated that 10% or more of the active pesticide remains on tobacco leaves up to 21 days after treatment, with residue present from 0.85 parts per million (ppm) up to 3.27 ppm (Using tobacco as a model for pesticide retention, it is probable a considerable amount of myclobutanil may remain present in cannabis weeks after fungicide application."
My crop still has over 70 days left so I will be interested to see the levels.

If you notice in the comments someone claims the half life is 297 days, this can be true for some indoor grows. Unfortunately the lack of sunlight makes it difficult to break this substance down.

This user tested 180 days ago, grown indoors, and eagle 20 came back zero residual.

Overall, I do not advocate the use of this product, but if you have no other choices, use it responsibly, wear full protection and give a dose less then 5ml per gallon.