Do you remember the household vacuums that you could reverse the air flow? You need one of those and it needs to be a tank type, not a bag. You need it to make it blow not suck.
You need to make a large aluminum foil bowl form it to fit inside the vacuum it needs to have a top or it will just blow away. Make sure you don't burn the house down. A two speed works better, use the lowest speed the lower the better.
You need to place a large amount of mj in the bowl.
put you and the vacuum in the closet the smaller the closet the better.
Get mj burning,
Put it in vacuum,
close the tank,
turn on vacuum immediately.
If done right it produces an incredible stream of mmj smoke.
We used to take turns in the closet or go in groups. I had a lot of fun, though I don't remember much.
Of course they didn't have the vaps back then which is probably better for you but not nearly the same amount of fun. It was a great way to get to know someone.
Edit: Come to think of it I think they put it on a rheostat