Pot smokers safer drivers. It says so right here.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Could believe I was seeing this in sort of main stream site msn.

Article below or link http://money.msn.com/auto-insurance/stoned-drivers-safer-than-drunks-carinsurance.aspx

Pot smokers get into fewer deadly car crashes than beer drinkers, a recent study (.pdf file) finds, although its authors say the conclusion shouldn't be seen as encouragement to smoke marijuana and drive.
Your car insurance company certainly isn't cutting stoners a break.

The study found that in the 16 states where medical marijuana is legal, there has been a drop of nearly 9% in traffic deaths since the laws took effect and a 5% drop in beer sales. Marijuana and alcohol are substitutes for each other, the researchers found, with fewer people drinking alcohol in states with medicinal marijuana. Pot use, however, increases.

"Use of marijuana, in general, increases in states that have medical marijuana laws," says D. Mark Anderson, an assistant professor of economics at Montana State University and co-author of the study with Daniel Rees, an economics professor at the University of Colorado, Denver.
[h=2]Drugged or drunk, your car insurance doesn't care[/h]Driving under the influence is often assumed to involve alcohol, but it actually can involve any substance that impairs judgment. And to an insurance company looking at your driving record, it's all the same.
"When it comes to drug use, there's no middle ground, there's no safety zone," says Eustace Greaves, an independent insurance agent in Brooklyn, N.Y.

In New York, for example, a person who drives under the influence loses his or her license for at least a year, must turn in vehicle license plates and carry the infraction on his or her driving record for 10 years, Greaves says. "As soon as you lose your license, that's going to be reported to your insurance company," he says. (CarInsurance.com's "What's Your Limit?" tool, though geared toward those planning to drink, spells out the state by state penalties for a DUI conviction.)


When you are allowed to drive again, your insurance rates will be higher and you won't qualify for the car insurance discounts that longtime drivers usually enjoy, Greaves says.

If you legally carry medicinal marijuana in your car, you may be able to get out of a traffic citation if you're stopped by police -- and thus avoid increased car insurance rates or cancellation. But your car insurance company will drop you if you're convicted of driving under the influence of drugs, whether used legally as a medicine or not, says Raphael Baker, an agent in Atlanta.

Your policy will be rewritten by a nonstandard company at rates that are usually twice as high as standard rates, Baker says.
[h=2]The science isn't definitive[/h]While the university study showed a direct link between marijuana and reduced alcohol consumption, it wasn't clear about why pot smokers get into fewer deadly car crashes. The researchers cautioned that legalizing medical marijuana may result in fewer traffic deaths because it's typically used in private, while alcohol is often consumed at bars and restaurants. Pot smokers typically stay home and use the drug without driving, while alcohol drinkers typically drink away from home and then drive home.

The two substances affect drivers in different ways, either of which can lead to accidents while driving. The study's authors found previous research suggesting that drunken drivers underestimate how badly their skills are impaired, and thus drive faster and take more risks. Stoned drivers, however, tend to avoid risks.

Traffic fatalities are the leading cause of death among Americans ages 5 to 34, according to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. Since marijuana is typically used by younger people, at least recreationally, Anderson said the study could be a step toward decriminalizing marijuana use and lowering traffic fatalities among younger people.
I'm surprised a stoner of your magnitude has never heard of hotboxing! smoking in a vehicle with all the windows up for that extra bit of awesome
I might be unclear on terminology, but isn't "hotboxing" filling a car or other enclosure with weed smoke? "Up in Smoke" (Cheech&Chong) comes to mind ... when the cop finally pulled them over, all he wanted was some pizza. cn
I'm surprised a stoner of your magnitude has never heard of hotboxing! smoking in a vehicle with all the windows up for that extra bit of awesome

Shit, I've did that outside the hackerspace I belong to today. Ever do a vacuum cleaner in a closet? It's old school but it will f you up.
I passed out once and woke up the next morning in the closet no one came and got me. I think that was my brother's doing. Believe me he has paid for that.
Do you remember the household vacuums that you could reverse the air flow? You need one of those and it needs to be a tank type, not a bag. You need it to make it blow not suck.

You need to make a large aluminum foil bowl form it to fit inside the vacuum it needs to have a top or it will just blow away. Make sure you don't burn the house down. A two speed works better, use the lowest speed the lower the better.

You need to place a large amount of mj in the bowl.

put you and the vacuum in the closet the smaller the closet the better.

Get mj burning,

Put it in vacuum,

close the tank,

turn on vacuum immediately.

If done right it produces an incredible stream of mmj smoke.

We used to take turns in the closet or go in groups. I had a lot of fun, though I don't remember much.

Of course they didn't have the vaps back then which is probably better for you but not nearly the same amount of fun. It was a great way to get to know someone.

Edit: Come to think of it I think they put it on a rheostat
One time in high school a friend and I baked my car big time... it was sitting in the drive way, we just did it for the extra fun. Smoked a 2 gram jibber with the windows up, opened up all four doors, and watched the cloud of doobage loom over the highway and into the neighbors kitchen window... our work was done there, and off we went.

It was possibly one of those instances where an innocent bystander could have achieved the highly speculated "contact buzz"
One time in high school a friend and I baked my car big time... it was sitting in the drive way, we just did it for the extra fun. Smoked a 2 gram jibber with the windows up, opened up all four doors, and watched the cloud of doobage loom over the highway and into the neighbors kitchen window... our work was done there, and off we went.

It was possibly one of those instances where an innocent bystander could have achieved the highly speculated "contact buzz"

lol, and they wondered why they had the munchies.
Remember those round like a ball vacuums that housewives used back then. Those were the best and if I remember they put some kind of rheostat on the motor.
lol, and they wondered why they had the munchies.

If they were wondering anything, it was probably " what is that smell in the kitchen"

Honestly, it kind of back fired on us, the original plan was to smoke outside, but it was really windy. The wind was the part that didn't cooperate, if it did the cloud would have loomed in by us and we could have spent some more time enjoying the ambiance.