post your smoking utensil


Well-Known Member
tonight ive just got a metal pipe i made from hard-ware store pipe fittings. awesome place for piece making and just fun.

bout, 7inches of 1/8 and 1/4 inch brass tubes. nice and chilled smoke if i put it in the feezer. XP

I'm not a huge fan of metal pipes, but this one is good. i must admit. >.<


Well-Known Member
ehh I hate regs. Why not grow your own? Life is so much better when you don't rely on the man.

I'd rather have my nugs than a bong too that's why I don't sell them.

i am, but i only have a couple going, i have to plant a couple more though. i want a BIG grow, but in the mean time there's not much i can do, you know?


Well-Known Member
I want to see more pieces!

I'm still smoking out of my sherlocks, trying to get them dirtier for the color change

awww wicked i need to spread more love around before i give you more. DAMN man i've given hella people rep here lol.

but yeah i like your av, its really random but it geeked me out so + rep to you when i can actually give you some!! ow oww


Well-Known Member
my family, i only use the bubbler with the doughnut anymore and i keep a pipe in my tool box, a chillum for my travel piece and maybe i use another small pipe some times for hash but really the rest are just extras from when i was learning how to blow glass, the little guys where the only ones i made cause i suck but the rest were made by close frnds

so where are everyone elses



Well-Known Member
oh yea that black and blue bubbler has a windmill in it when you kill the carb hole it spins as long as its not coated with resin to badly


Well-Known Member
nice! it must be a bitch to scrape tho :P
i dont scrape pipes i clean them with alcohol and seasalt i used to just not clean em and get a new one but ive moved since then and dont see 3 diffrnt ppl every day that blow glass, i dont have the equipment always used thers and havnt done it in 4 years so thats out, so yea alcohal and salt works wounders


Well-Known Member
yeah, but I'm a resin man, I smoke my resin :P

yea man, always comes in handy when your stash is running low... i got a 2.5 " glass pipe i been using for the past 2 months ... that bitch is very resinated now ..... take resin hits out of all 3 holes :)


New Member
I've always used alcohol and rice to clean my stuff. I'll give the Sea salt a go tho ;-).

Here's my cute little CHEAP Eleffont :roll: glass pipe. Gotta luv the carb!! I have a bubbler with doughnut as well Tussell...what a great little idea that is.

out. :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
just as i suspected i go through the trouble of finding some of my pipes take a pic post it on a thread about smoking utensils that has ventured far from the topic to try and bring it back but no.... resin is more interesting thanks you all stink eccept fluffy he had somthing nice to say about my pipes but everyone els i guess is just here to say. resin oh yea ive smoked resin, i got so much resin its bigger than my cock, resin gets you wasted dude, cant i just get a few, nice pipes man lookin great thanks for going through the trouble of takin pics and posten em on here for us all to see.. hmmm i guess thats why not many others are postin pics....... srry just a lil rant i forgive you