post your smoking utensil

how about this, your invited to the next pot games. 5 or ten dollar donations are always welcomed and enters you in a game for a bong.
first time i invited someone from here, except for alie, she always invited......but in MN
how about this, your invited to the next pot games. 5 or ten dollar donations are always welcomed and enters you in a game for a bong.
first time i invited someone from here, except for alie, she always invited......but in MN

=) i'm invited? i'm confused. pot games? what about MN? lol :eyesmoke:
haha, if there is a way you can play over the pc then your in
unless ya wanna come cali side
i will tell ya guys the dates when i hit up my bro
f'sho, this sounds down, if I can get my bonus this month, I might be able to buy a plane ticket?~ no promises alie. :)
f'sho, this sounds down, if I can get my bonus this month, I might be able to buy a plane ticket?~ no promises alie. :)

i might just take a road trip. actually no. that would suck lol. what about no promises? i'll be there if it goes down but if not then thats cool too i guess lol
yea damn, a road trip to cali. that wont take long lol.
i am down to come visit there sometime, ever go into canada? i wanna go

never been there. i was like 10 minutes away from the border once though YEAH!!! lol. i've only been to N and S dakota,WI, Iowa, and Illinois.

I wanna go too though, they have the world's biggest mall there with like a zoo or something in the mall. its crazy!! lol just take a road trip to canada lol.

how far a drive is minnesota to Cali? a long drive, thats all i know.