post your smoking utensil


Well-Known Member

reminds me of way back when ( 2 days ago ) where i made cheesecake cupcakes with canna-butter =)
-Mister Nice GUY


Well-Known Member
Yea i been trying to perfect recipes with the butter i been making. Sometimes the butter turns the end result different then regular butter. So some tweaking is needed for them to be scrumdidilyumptious! Mister Nice GUY Cooking Book ya digg!
Think it might not turn out to well to ship cheesecake cupcakes =)


Well-Known Member
SWEET, i love travelin places
I make some bomb ass foods too, I was thinking about what it would take to open up a Compassion shop that has sitdown meals for patients.


Well-Known Member
or the main chamber is a bag and everyone sucks from that bag
or possibly, however many hoses, there are bags in the hookah vape tower. I like this idea mucho.