Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

indy, tives, or brid

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You rock!!! They seem to love my tent but im glad they're not running inside my buds! Much thanks +rep be safe and hope everyone had a very green st paddy's day!!
I was going to say 'Earwigs' but that picture didn't show the tell-tale double hooked tail. (they are bad in Colorado) I stop *all* crawly things from getting into my areas with double sided bug tape. This stuff is *CRAZY* sticky and works like a charm. I have to mark the areas with caution tape though, as the mrs. accidentaly stepped on some of it once ... and it ripped the sole of of her sandals when we tried to tear it loose. Boy, did I get an earfull. Serious stuff. They sell it at Home Depot and other places, comes in rectangular sections about 4-5" wide x 9-10" long. I cut that in half length-wise and down it goes. Also a great way to stop nasties from crawling up your plants- you wrap it around the main stalk, and once they crawl up the beanstalk...they don't go any further. ;)
Wish i could have come yesterday but i was a little to tired after work anyway i really really need to stop being lazy and post some pics.... So ill take some today or tomorrow and post them IF I DONT INDI come to my house and PUNCH ME IN THE FACE lol
did indi make it? i was here all day inputting data into herb.IQ for the new rooms and girls

flipped em over to 12/12 this weekend

k finally damn it
Querkle Hanging (Shes Been in Jars 4 days now)


And Butane Hash (Ive Done 3 Runs So Far)




and my tent newly remodeled (Thanks Indi)




Bubba x Corleone:


Nothing But Colorado Bred Shit I LOVE IT :D
Looking nice fellas, ec I'm glad to finally see that led, and sauce that bubba corleone looking impressive, hows she smell?
looking REAL good HS!! I love seeing the phenos, esp a happy bubba x corleone - i popped 4 seeds in Jan, sexed em all as boys last week :( but the one choco x corleone (IC) i popped turned into a girl and is @ 14", needs xplant bad :)

interesting on the BxC, her leaves didn't seem to carry the bubba characteristics like most i've popped, but the bud structure is very similar to mom. can't wait to see how she finishes
Here is some Qleaner that is on the drying rack today. This was the main bud of a triploid plant.


  • DSC03829qleaner triploid day 59 chop.jpg
    DSC03829qleaner triploid day 59 chop.jpg
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Hs, I just realized that's the qrazy russian too! Love seeing one of my strains trucking along in your garden- I'm honored man! & thanks again to ec for the perfect name on that one too! Light it up and say dasvadanya :)
Wowsers! That Qleaner is gigantor, very nice. Looks like a Dyna-Gro advert though. ;)

-Hotsause- Impressive as well, That's an LED? What brand is that?

(noticed a small rip in the ducting near the flange though,ouch)
I have to get some pics of the DankenStein moms up soon, they are starting to take off, 2 were males but not Sativas :( Wanted to use those for grafting donors, etc...
thanks! i'll get the journal for the room started this week. truly excited to have them finally flipped. the growth is great so far and internode spacing is much tighter then expected too. the durban fems are thick stalked and short noded, one has an identical leaf structure to the mom. pheno hunting is fun!
I still got a sexy pheno of Russian you need to inspect Chef! She has all her own characteristics and what not.

I made it to Denver the other day but got stuck downtown at rock bottom brewery!

Sause, we gotta get the final touch ups to the tent for sure! Maybe tomorrow? Call ya shortly to plan. I am still getting down on the sample of Querkle too! Damn she is a pecker lifter, has me jumping the woman for some action everytime I light it up! LOL Glad I got the same cut from ya cuz that shizzy is natural viagra!
Some day 28, and hopefully halfway point pics. White Rhino's are part of 30 Nirvana beans I popped, growing in NFT/Aero:
(above) White Rhino, hybrid pheno
(above) same plant, shows internodal spacing better
(above) White Rhino, indica pheno. I'm observing 3 basic pheno variations, with minor sub variations.
(above) White Rhino, sativa pheno. Even Bushmaster sprayed every other day @ 1ml/gal couldn't keep those bitches from stretching. It did, however, give me about 8 tops from what started as 2 dominant tops. Yes, I use Bushmaster and Gravity; keep that in mind when I finally meet up with you guys and start packing bowls if you have a negative bias towards PGR's.
(above) Serious' AK47, in soil. This guy had almost zero stretch with BM.
(above) Moonberry, a strain passed around Glenwood Springs for the past decade. Also in soil.
(above) another Moonberry shot.
lookin good man a lot more buddage than I had in a month.

So I finally got my hands on some trimmers and went to ton on my ladies shaped them right up they look wonderful(beside the fact I had to cut off a bunch of dead purp leaves D:) I heard that by cutting off fan leaves, especially dead ones it send more "power" to the buds. So I cut everything that was dead to half dead pretty much every fan leaf(main veg ones) and left the two bottom nodes because they weren't all too bad. SO my q here is A) does it really fatten up your buds by cutting the leaves? B) Is there such a thing as overtrimming?like I said i left 2 nodes on the bottom and 2 on top. the bottom can go and the top is turning black so the bottom I will wait a few and the top just seems crucial. Thanks guys!!
plants require energy to grow. all leaves are sugar/energy factories, using light to convert/energize various constituent components. cutting them off and removing them will slow growth and usually stunt growth if taken in excess. so, YES, you can absolutely overtrim.

my personal thoughts on trimming leaves: don't do it unless the leaf is 3/4gone, and even then it's a visual decision. the plant will continue to absorb and use nutrition left in the dying leaf (hense yellowing as N is a mobile element within the plant). if you need to remove 'dead' material, use scissors to trim the leaf blades instead of removing the whole leaf. q: how much energy/time does it take to grow 1 fan leaf? get a rough guess in and now imagine that the plant has to try and re-do all that hard growth work for 3/4 of the plant, to get somewhat back to normal.

so what now? your flowering times may be a little delayed now, maybe an extra week or two in flowering before they finish properly. Watch for nanners as she will probably stress out now.

what trimming does fatten up the buds? lower branches! no later then 3rd week of flowering, usually each week leading up to it, prune the lowest spindly branches out, these are a waste of plant energy and it will refocus the root energy to other portions of the plant. like re-wiring the brain after a head injury, it just kinda re-routes itself for healing and now that energy is focused elsewhere then the bottom.