Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

indy, tives, or brid

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Yah hooo! Finally the upgrades are done! I missed my forum all damn day... Time to make some honey hash, I am out. Dueces!!!
Here is what happened. Admin posted it in the support forum.

Loss Of Data[/h]
Dear Rollitup Users,

We at rollitup would like to extend our sincerest apologies for the recent downtime you have received. An SQL injection attack hit our server early in the morning causing a lot of our posts to be overwritten and the site was then redirected. As a result the complete backup that we have is from 20-2-2012 and this is what we had to restore from. We were able to however re-import all the users that have registered in the past month back into the system. But I regret to inform you that the post and threads are not recoverable.

Although we have removed the lines of code that opened us to this SQL injection it pains me to say that we lost a month out of rollitups history and I only ask that you bear with us while we recuperate.

Now you may be asking why we only had a backup from February. This is a good question, with a site such as ours data is our friend but it can also be our enemy. We do not like to transport our live data through the lines of the internet for just this reason, so when we do backup our data we make sure that we only get the pertinent information from the files before we shut the doors and lock them again. However as you can see this is a double edged sword.

As I write this letter our admin and coding team are putting together safe guards from this happening again.

I would ask that all comments and questions be limited to this thread only rather than being spread throughout he forum.

Once again I do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you and we hope that you still hold us in high regard and trust.

Best Wishes,
Ouch. Lessons learned here-

Rollitup *cannot* report the crime to the FBI (for obvious reasons) BUT, if someone knew somebody HIGH up who was '420 friendly' perhaps, they could locate and severly punish the perps. And I mean SEVERE. Time to layeth the smack down. ;)

This also brings me to another point- Many users here do not know enough about EXIF data being stored in the pics they upload to RIU. What this means basically is that pictures you take with modern devices encode the date time and location information where the picture was taken and stores it right in the image...including GPS location data. So the easy way to fix this is to convert the image using a number of apps out there or even use guerilla tactics if you are so inclined.

Say you have a picture of something but you don't want them to know where the picture was taken- Put the picture on a laptop (or other display device) and travel to a totally different location...say the city park or even the local court house. The main idea is to go somewhere where there are NO surveilance cameras to capture you on film. This isn't totally easy for our British brothers as they have bloody cameras everyehere now! Find your *new* location, setup the laptop or display device and take a picture of what is displayed. The picture quality will not be as good, granted, but the po pos are F&%#!@! when they try to locate where the picture was taken. If they simply check the location data it will lead them on a wild goose chase!

I'm searching for an app that modifies the EXIF location and allows you to plug in the location of choice. Would be fun to insert some GPS locations of some of our less than favorite people, yes? ;)
Be safe out there!
I miss you guys.... down for a minuet, till my shits taken care of but not out by any means. got some new strains by way of seed that will be getting popped soon enough like chem d (harbor side cut) x alien dawg and super lemon haze x alien tech (male) just to name a few... I hope all is well and that everyone is living everyday to the fullest. love to all my boys and and girls Ive missed you dearly- Chef
Miss you too Chef! My bro, I just got a truck and am so down for a visit! Hit me up in PM, I have a new number.
Games? Must be nice! 10:00 o'clock and I'm still working! :-P Ugh.

O.k. wait...I did take a small break to have some brownie :D & watch some Weeds :leaf:on Blu-Ray.
But gotta work for a bit more and then no more! Work, that is. Hopefully.

I'm just glad the site is back up! Oh, yeah and that Chef is back up as well! :cool:

Have a *stellar* Colorado weekend guys!:D
I wish I had better news seeing as how the site is back up but FFS i went into my tent last night to find a turned over roly poly type thing so i figured it had just pranced in from somewhere outside maybe no big deal. I was watering tonight and saw one more running around in circles under my pot tray.. Killed it and found another playing dead(came back to life after i snapshotted him). So I shook the hell outta my mammi and nothing came off, same as the other 2. So has anyone seen these buggers they're not roly polys but the look very similar just smaller with antennas... I'm thinking they made their way in and made my tent home but no clue.CIMG0055 (1).jpgCIMG0058.jpg Thanks fellas
BBQ'n it up today in Loveland/Foco area! Hotsause and the fam are swinging by. We got much hash, good greens and great food going down! Any of the peeps in the area wanna come hit me up.
That Sour D looks really good ColdArmy!! Sorry we didn't get much of a chance to talk last week, i am sure we will get another chance though. :)

Quick ? for the group.
I have decided i am (probably) going to flower my giant (for my little area) Qrazy Train, it is aprox 3' tall and damn near as wide. At least 10 tops at this height.
Question is this, it is currently in one of EC's smart pots, about 5 gallons i think. Pretty sure it is nearing root bound, so i plan to transplant before flipping. How big of a smart pot should i put it in? i have some 7 gallons on hand, but that hardly seems worth the effort. Should i go get a 10 gallon? bigger? Really have no idea with this, and am hoping to get to it tonight, but since the hydro shop is closed already, i probably wont get to it till monday. Any thoughts would be great. I will try to get some pics of her tonight, but that is assuming i can even stand long enough to do anything tonight.
@disposition yes that's very similar mine we're about the same size. PLEASE PLEASE tell me this is a house and not a plant bug... D: Im going on a hunt for them tonight but they were just crawling on the floor and I found a dead one in the first layer of the tent which leads me to believe it is a house bug, again no clue!