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indy, tives, or brid

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nice work all! love that sidelighting too, well built room.

HS - looks like it might be a Mag deficiency starting. 2tsp epsom salts in 1gal water, should show recovery within a few days. or foliage spray it for quicker results (just a little less MG in the spray)
Haha, I was gonna say ask ec, he's my weed encyclopedia. The plush looks great, I'm sure it smells great to... Hows the candy kush smell? I was thinking of reversing a mars to do a mars candy...
LMAO she smells identical to OG kush just a lighter version. The Plushberry smells good just like all the PB ive smoked b4 good looking chef and EC. Chef i see you growing so many exclusives its crazy
That Kandy Kush looks great. Was just thinking of ordering some of that. My Chocolope turned out amazing, if the Kush is of the same quality it's going to be killer.
MG def. starts in the lowers, veins remain green while the rest starts to yellow from the edges inward, leaf turns yellow, curls up and dies. leaf edges will feal dry/crispy. as it advances moves to middle and upper half and the new growth shoots will change from pale green to white. stems/petioles will turn purple as well. it's a common deficiency and one of the easiest to resolve quickly (thankfully). the plant uses a lot to support healthy leaf production and structure, especially @ wk5-6 as they explode in growth
MG def. starts in the lowers, veins remain green while the rest starts to yellow from the edges inward, leaf turns yellow, curls up and dies. leaf edges will feal dry/crispy. as it advances moves to middle and upper half and the new growth shoots will change from pale green to white. stems/petioles will turn purple as well. it's a common deficiency and one of the easiest to resolve quickly (thankfully). the plant uses a lot to support healthy leaf production and structure, especially @ wk5-6 as they explode in growth

:) see. Ok here's a q for ec, I rest tap and sometimes don't get to it for 6 to 7 days. How much will this affect the O2 levels and would it be beneficial to run an air stone for a few hours prior to watering? I'm sure the answers are a lot, and yes but your the man so whacha think?
And to throw this in with chef''s ?, is it really necessary to let the tap water rest?
My RO unit sprung a leak so i had to disconnect it and took a couple days to get to fixing it, made me think of this.
Chef .... u already know the answer ;) a lot and yes. really shouldn't make much of a difference with soil plants, as the action of watering pulls fresh air down into the rootmass. with Hydro, it is a little more important. H2O temperature affects O2 absorbtion, colder water temps hold more oxygen (this is one reason why a chiller is good for hydro)

T ... with RO water, you don't need to let it sit. the whole reason for letting it sit is to let the chlorine evaporate off. RO removes all chlorine/chloromine.

another trick to neutralize chloramine is to use ascorbic acid *vitamin C*. adds some micros too. The half time of reaction between ascorbic acid and chloramine is about 4 min. 1gram to 40gals roughly. otherwise, it takes @ 24hrs of sitting out to breakdown (high intensity light can help too)
chef .... U already know the answer ;) a lot and yes. Really shouldn't make much of a difference with soil plants, as the action of watering pulls fresh air down into the rootmass. With hydro, it is a little more important. H2o temperature affects o2 absorbtion, colder water temps hold more oxygen (this is one reason why a chiller is good for hydro)

t ... With ro water, you don't need to let it sit. The whole reason for letting it sit is to let the chlorine evaporate off. Ro removes all chlorine/chloromine.

Another trick to neutralize chloramine is to use ascorbic acid *vitamin c*. Adds some micros too. The half time of reaction between ascorbic acid and chloramine is about 4 min. 1gram to 40gals roughly. Otherwise, it takes @ 24hrs of sitting out to breakdown (high intensity light can help too)
chef u r the shit
Eye candi i dont know how i left you out of this post when it was supposed to be directed to you and chef lol but
Word. Haha no I'm kidding, I'm nothing compared to you guys, literally. All of my knowledge comes from you guys. strains, I got lucky with, and thats mostly due to the help I've received from this forum. In all honesty, I really feel as though I need to step up my game, cuz everyone I'm on here I'm like damn that looks way better than mine.. Haha the GRASS is always greener or pinker or pineier or skunkier or whatever on the other side of the... Well not always :) and sauce is playin cuz he DOES grow better than me :) and ec is the for real go to guy in this forum.
Yea that is very good to know i always knew EC knew his shit. We have our own "Weed Scientist" in our own back yard :D
All my Romulan clones Sproated roots still looking good standing tall. Ill put them into party cups tonight take a few cuts of Cheese Quake and my veg room will be basically clear but flowering room is tied up another 8-10 weeks( What a good problem to have right?) Anybody heard from Indi?
Indi been hiding out in his layer working on ec and chef seeds! Got the romulan and afghooey going strong. All seeds are going strong. Indi. Outro
So she's been cut and tomorrow she'll go straight in to flower. Ive spent to much time vegging cuts up that havent been flowered out to put a bunch of time into making a bush, but three or four big heads should give us an idea of wether or not to work with the clones. It looks like a more thin leaved pheno at this point soooo ya. 120511 011.jpg
Mmmmm tahoe :)
View attachment 1922021View attachment 1922020View attachment 1922019View attachment 1922018View attachment 1922017View attachment 1922016View attachment 1922015View attachment 1922014Hi all-

Been quite some time since I posted *any* bud porn, but here's a few in progress, day 39. Looking pretty decent so far, but nothing compared to the amazing stuff in this thread so far!

Pictured are some G13 Royal Kush, GHS Super Lemon Haze, AK-47, Dutch Passion Bluberry. Been wanting to get some good Afghooey and Purple Urkle soon to try out. Shout out to my fellow CO folk!