Yea happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Tuesday I'll take some pictures of my 3 girl, they will then be 4 weeks into 12/12. They are budding up nicely. I'm getting exited
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, those i have met and those i have not! Thanks for all the help over the year, and even more for what is coming this year!!! Hope everyone has a great day!
happy december err in 49 minuets, from the dot. <+++ ya that one. Bud set! not may favorite time of budding which is like day thirty five, when I can start sampeling the tepin profile with some certainty but still a fun time of the cycle right? keep these chem pics comming! I have one in too right now.
on the left: chem dawg d (c/o), right: ghost og (ghs), back left hiding out cuz i just took one level outta her stack: deadhead og (tcc). Comming soon: ya right like I even kno
and anyday now cs... lets see some nanners!!!
Bob said greenhouse, I checked and your right, no love... so I called him up and he broke down, its the c/o. Dunno why he said that haha, trying to keep it a secret from you guys so thanks bp haha!!! Mmmmm clone only not that its not out there...
Omg, I just got back from a voyage into dank. Saw the genetics I have but further along (and burned some of the ghost to from another friend, never had it before.. Ya I'm in love w og's ). Dude, I nutted myself upon bumping into the deadhead. Fuel skunk, pine. What I've been looking for! So my phone died but I'll get a pic next time, it was covered in velcro strength tricombs that were so big the looked like, well as sir nigel powers said," a, baby holding an apple" haha. This is gonna be a great harvest. Not to mention the chem, which I can already vouch for.. Straight goo... Sadly to everything was in hydro and prob getting that extra boost but mine will be along in due time, now all that is left is to salavate, I mean wait which will be hard... Cmon day 35
Holy shit after seeing gastankers pics im ashamed to put mine up... lol nice work
Anyway Plushberry Day 49 Since 12/12 Do These Look On Track To You Chef? I feel like my Super Soil is missing something