Post Office Called


A friend from California mailed me some buds via the USPS about three weeks ago. It never arrived. Today I get a call from a LA telephone number stating he is with the USPS and they have a "Priority mailed package" for me and asked me to call.

What should I do?????????

bomb hills

Well-Known Member
I remember a story in the paper in my hometown where the post office could smell pot in a package. So they got the police involved, called the guy to come get his package, and arrested him when he did. Was more that your 12 grams though, something like a pound. Just let it go man.


Well-Known Member
why and how are they "calling you" in the first place.

A friend from California mailed me some buds via the USPS about three weeks ago. It never arrived. Today I get a call from a LA telephone number stating he is with the USPS and they have a "Priority mailed package" for me and asked me to call.

What should I do?????????


Well-Known Member
A friend from California mailed me some buds via the USPS about three weeks ago. It never arrived. Today I get a call from a LA telephone number stating he is with the USPS and they have a "Priority mailed package" for me and asked me to call.

What should I do?????????



Well-Known Member
Call back and ask what they want you to do. When they tell you to come pick it up, yell, "fuck off pigs!!" and blast an airhorn into the phone. :D

Then quickly change your name and move.


They probably checked my name and got my telephone number from the internet.

The weird thing is I live in eastern part of the US and this post office is where the package was mail in Cal.


New Member
If it were me I would just let it go. I am assuming your friend di not put a return ddress on the package. If he did and they have not contacted him, you may want to call and find out what they want. Worst scenario is you say you have no idea what is in it or who sent it and you don't want it. Good Luck! You cannot be arrested for someone mailing you something illegal until you take possession of the package. If so I am quite sure there would be a bunch of posts here about people getting busted because the customs dept contacted the DEA about seed orders.


Well-Known Member
If it were me I would just let it go. I am assuming your friend di not put a return ddress on the package. If he did and they have not contacted him, you may want to call and find out what they want. Worst scenario is you say you have no idea what is in it or who sent it and you don't want it. Good Luck! You cannot be arrested for someone mailing you something illegal until you take possession of the package. If so I am quite sure there would be a bunch of posts here about people getting busted because the customs dept contacted the DEA about seed orders.
yeah i would call. By not calling you are hidding , Just call and say whats up. when they tell ya say really. that is fucked up....good luck


Well-Known Member
u cant get busted for picking up a package. u have no control over what other people send u. if this was the case u could send drugs to anyone you hate phone ahead with a tip off to the police. hey presto cunts in jail. are your fingerprints on it? no did u grow it? no can they prove you asked for it to be sent? no you have total deniability. even if they wanted to bust you they wouldnt have a leg to stand on.

go get your weed brother, dont let that shit go to waste.


Active Member
Call and ask them who its from....when they say"no return address"...tell them to open it and tell you what it is. Then tell them its a mistake and that you don't do drugs, but you wouldn't mind if they smoked


I thought about returning his call, but I do not see what that will accomplish. They are not going to mail it to me. My answering machine doesn't give my name or telephone number, so they don't know I ever got their message.

After I got the call yesterday, I checked the Internet and there has been a scam going around the US where someone calls pretending to be a USPS employee looking for valuable information. I checked on the return number and it is legit and the shipment was mailed in LA where this man called from, but a careful person most likely wouldn't return the call anyway.

I'm still thinking that I need to ignore it.


Well-Known Member
Your not responsible for what is sent to you but once you accept it your done. The red flag for me is Priority = 3 weeks? Call back and ask who it is from and than say your not expecting any package is there a return address on it, no OK I don't want it. DONE
i had something like this happin from a buddy in calli he was shipping me seeds then i got a fucked up letter staped to death by post office saying it was dammaged in delivery and seeds were missing stoped me from growing for 6 months due to not know wtf was going to happin no need in having that worrie mostly if u can grow good if not better than was being shiped to u i say fuck the pigs man just becarefull no need to waste growing time locked the fuck up more less waste money u could have upgraded your grow room with paying a court lol :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Tell them to post it on then, that's their job, what they were contracted to do, not receive it and then tell you you have to go pick it up :D