hahah for some reason vacpurge when you post I imagine the dude from full metal jacket yelling your posts at people lol. But in reality people shouldn't be bitchin bout what your saying because the way I see it you may or may not have saved someones life or at the very least insured they had a better quality of life. I know for a fact you stopped me from going crazy indoors evaping my iso with heat, now I just let it naturally with a fan blowing outdoors constantly. The way I see it if you let it naturally evap with a fan constantly circulating fresh air in and out you'll never get enough ppm in the air to ignite a flaming ball. Just wanna say personally thanks for possibly saving my life bro. Everyone should understand the risks and hazards before jumping into something like this. I just jumped in ignorantly and I'm lucky I still have all my hair on my face and I'm blisterless. Anyway I think i'm rambling I just smoked a jibba of some good good.
really glad to hear that I was able to get someone to change their ways, for the better. thanks a lot, really appreciate that. it makes all the posts and rants and swears ive said all worth it if I can at least get people to not blast indoors. half the time I feel like im talking to a brick wall with some of these guys. you ever see the video of the guys making ISO oil inside? they evapped for 5 seconds and BOOM. didnt take much.
think of how much butane is in 1 can... itll fill a lighter like 25 times, and a lighter does 1000 lights till its empty.. crazy.
I remember making my first batch of ISO oil.... I evapped like half a liter in a small room at a buddies house, door closed... the fumes got me high/drunk they were so strong.. it still scares me to this day how fucking stupid that was, and if that room ever had a spark. I dont think id be here typing this today, not with my original fingers at least.
just please, be safe.... burns are the absolute worst pain youll ever feel. EVER. dont learn that the hard way, ive seen BHO ruin peoples lives, made one guy go bankrupt and fucked his future up. he has to work for like 10 years now and 90% of his earnings he doesnt get to keep...take the extra 2 minutes to go outside, I dont care if its not comfortable or its cold outside.
its better to lose a second in your life than lose your life in a second sorta thing.... you might not die, but youll fuckin wish ya did!!!