Possible Hermie- Macro Picture - hopful to get an expert opinion.


Well-Known Member
Hey All!

So my buddy and I were looking at our plant, currently in flower and noticed what we thought to be Pollen sacks!
It`s in week 2 of flower, we were looking at all of the new bud sites when all of the sudden...


What is this.... :shock:

It looks like one side is a Bud Site with a pistil coming out - and the other is a pollen sack.

It`s growing strong, as you can see (Under minimal CFL)

Thank you for your Advice and taking the time to check this out.

Much appreciated!


Active Member
Pick it off and slice it open and see what's inside? Sometimes the calyx's swell so much they can look like pollen sacks.


Active Member
Congrats! Its a he-she, haha :)
Your plant still looks good tho, its probably just a stray. You either stressed your girls or its genetic, but best thing to do is pick'em off and keep an eye out for more.
Ive had a few hermies in my day that didnt even have active pollen so non of the nearby ladies seeded. So dont sweat it too much.


Well-Known Member
If any open up and do have pollen spray down the area with water so the pollen cant float away and cause you trouble


Well-Known Member
I don't think it takes an expert to tell you those are male flowers.... It's a hermie
I know i dont need an "Expert", just nice to see what the "pros/ more experienced" would say- rather than 10 people with 5-30 posts a piece giving mixed feedback.
+rep for pics someone can actually see.
Not a problem, I too dispise 1.3Mp Shit-pix
i think its 100% female, no yellow bananas
I thing you may be wrong...
Pick it off and slice it open and see what's inside? Sometimes the calyx's swell so much they can look like pollen sacks.
We picked a few and some split open in sections, similar to what a flower would and others are, as you said, "swollen" and looked as if there was a Pistil inside.

Much appreciated to all those that have posted +Rep to those who HELP(ed)!



Active Member

We picked a few and some split open in sections, similar to what a flower would and others are, as you said, "swollen" and looked as if there was a Pistil inside.

Doesn't sound like a male flower then. Hopefully there's not too much to worry about. On my last grow I had a lot of this and it confused the hell out of me, then the calyxes stopped swelling like that the closer it came to harvest. Just keep an eye on them :D


Well-Known Member
We shall!

Final question to those who know-
How fast do pollen sacks mature, or how long until they open and pollenate.
I have heard that they (the plant) are able to continually produce sacks until late flowering.
Will it get worse as it matures or about the same- regardless we'll be picking them off.


Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply's guys, I took off most of what I can see but tonight before the lights go out im gonna take her out again and go threw it again and make sure i dont miss any!