Possible hermaphrodite, confirmation needed :(



This is my first grow. Its a "bag seed", i didn't really expect much, i wanted to get familiar with the plant before i buy some real seed...
Everything is great, the plant looks healthy(there are a few leaves with burned tips tho), i topped it when it was small and then trained it in a net, got loots of new shoots and flipped it to 12/12 a week ago. Now i am starting to see both female and male characteristics...

Can someone please shatter my hopes so i can move on? :)


Is there anything i can do, eg. remove the male tops, or anything like that(to salvage what i can)?



This is my first grow. Its a "bag seed", i didn't really expect much, i wanted to get familiar with the plant before i buy some real seed...
Everything is great, the plant looks healthy(there are a few leaves with burned tips tho), i topped it when it was small and then trained it in a net, got loots of new shoots and flipped it to 12/12 a week ago. Now i am starting to see both female and male characteristics...

Can someone please shatter my hopes so i can move on? :)

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Is there anything i can do, eg. remove the male tops, or anything like that?


They do look kind of weird, but idk how to identify a hermie. I just know you can't change it back to a female tho, hahaha. Plant sex changes, what a doozi


Well-Known Member
well a peweherman is when there is both sexes
as axample here
an i think male is domanant so it is a male herm to me
i have seen more female domanant herms

have a gday


Active Member
picture 1 is hard to identify anything due to poor picture imo, second picture shows a classic male dominant hermie!

edit. Unless its herming very late, i'd just kill the plant.


Thank you all very much for your help!

Do you think that i can get some bud from the female parts if i remove the male branches or should i give up?



Active Member
as most have said it appears to be a male that has hermied and has a small % female flowers. I would imagine that unlike a female hermi you will not really be able to simply remove the male flowers as they will make up the majority of the bud. I had a male hermi once also but i pulled it as soon as the flowers showed, so idk what would happen if you finished one.


Well-Known Member
^^^ Holy shit i just hit a few plants with a Serious Seeds Bubblegum male, didn't think about my allergies until 20 mins later... not giving up my breeding ways but fuck it sucks!!!


Active Member
I'd give up on it, if you don't want to spend hours and hours, day after day. Just to discover when you dry it, that all you have is hermie seeds and not much tasty smoke. I'd recommend not using seeds from a hermie plant :)


Active Member
My instincts have always been to eliminate after any sign of balls; better safe than sorry. That being said I've never let a male open flowers but still have had seeds appear in weed that's entire life cycle is only 90 days at 12/12.IMAG0045.jpgIMAG0049.jpg
On my third grow indoors this year using CFL. 4 x 4.5 closet pulling this much last go roundIMAG0020.jpgIMAG0074.jpgIMAG0077.jpg


pray you don't have pollen allergies? :P
i dont :)

i have removed all the branches that had male parts on them, now i am left with ~50% of the plant. This will be a shock to the plant i presume, so i am to expect stunted grow, right?
This is my only plant so i dont have to worry about contamination.. Anyways, if i spot a male part again i will just dump the plant and that's it..

Thanks guys,



Well-Known Member
You could also grow him/her out and pollinate itself, I've read several times that hermie seeds are always feminized. But I also have no idea if its true or wives tale.


Well-Known Member
be very carful this used to be agood site
till so many ill informed started givin bad info

a solid male or femal forced to herm will bring femed
a herm from jump or from beginning is genetic herm and will only bring herm

please only speak whut you know
an if you are ill informed dont make the group bigger

just leave it someone will answer wit the answer not just adding to confusion

on this site if you ask 10 ppeps is it black or white
3 will say black
3 will say white
3 will say its gray
1 will say its orange
now only 3 are right but all 10 answered and 7 are wrong
why cause only 3 knows rest talkin should be listening

being the teacher when they should be the student

one used to be able to learn here was great for that

I an I