Possible bug problem


Active Member
Well I was looking over my plant while watering it a minute ago and saw this tiny little hole in one of the leaves. (tried to take a picture of it, but my camera won't even focus on something like that) Anyhow as I was sitting there staring at it after I had watered, a couple of little baby ants came up out of the dirt. Now I'm hoping they are the culprits because they are dead now. If not though, is watering and waiting for the offenders to show up about the only thing I can do?
Because I certainly have no intention of using any poison on my plants. Fortunately I'm getting some fresh seeds soon and I have a new grow space, but if I have some sort of weird ant problem, I figure that needs to be dealt with first. So far as I could tell they were the only two that managed to wander in there.
Just looking for ideas, I cleaned out the closet really well before starting to set up, so I'm kind of drawing a blank as to where they even came from.


Well-Known Member
Try diatomaceous earth. Google it if you don't know what it is. It'll kill ants, and it's nothing but good for your plants. Some folks even use it as an additive for trace elements in their soil. Most nursery's carry it these days in the pest control section. You can also get it from health food stores, because people eat it to get rid of parasites and supposedly it reduces cholesterol. It's the exoskeleton or outer shell of dead micro-organisms which are silica based and they have razor sharp edges. To ants it's like layering your soil with razor blades. It's also hygroscopic and will suck the moisture out of them, after slicing them up. Make sure you buy the right type, for killing ants. Stay away from the stuff sold for filtration.