Well-Known Member
You can for sure read it!It's a pretty long book but an excellent read. The movie is so close to the book, its incredible. You should google it and watch it, just be prepared, its 6 hours long, a 3 part movie series about end of times. Excellent writing!
If its not too big a deal, I'd like to read it. I'm a writer myself, nonfiction. I published several articles on ehow a few years back. They bought the rights to them when they 'closed' their publishing gig, Made me an offer for rights and sent me a nice check. Easiest money I ever made
I've been eating like a fiend! thought I was preggars for a minute there. Turns out it was just the pot...hahahaa
Personally I hate all forms of my writingafter I finish it. Idk why people have read it and say it's really good and to keep going but i just dont know.
Fun fact in jail I drew picturea/wrote stories for canteen.
I was also the brewer so it tells ya a lot. (Im a drunk)
Butter chicken bought and ate. Now to get drunk as hell