Positive people required!!


Well-Known Member
It's a pretty long book but an excellent read. The movie is so close to the book, its incredible. You should google it and watch it, just be prepared, its 6 hours long, a 3 part movie series about end of times. Excellent writing!

If its not too big a deal, I'd like to read it. I'm a writer myself, nonfiction. I published several articles on ehow a few years back. They bought the rights to them when they 'closed' their publishing gig, Made me an offer for rights and sent me a nice check. Easiest money I ever made :)

I've been eating like a fiend! thought I was preggars for a minute there. Turns out it was just the pot...hahahaa
You can for sure read it!

Personally I hate all forms of my writingafter I finish it. Idk why people have read it and say it's really good and to keep going but i just dont know.

Fun fact in jail I drew picturea/wrote stories for canteen.

I was also the brewer so it tells ya a lot. (Im a drunk)

Butter chicken bought and ate. Now to get drunk as hell


Well-Known Member
Also a really fun trilogy of movies is "the depression series" antichrist, melancholia and nymphomaniac i think is the last. Just rewatching antichrist and melancholia before the last one.

Been so long.


Well-Known Member
Long time no see!!! :D How the hell are ya man?

I love mexican food. Its awesome..

Happy Hump Day!!
I'm good! Very busy with work. Having to manage various people and projects at once. But I ain't complainin'

Mexican food is great.. it just makes your house smell "funky" for a few days.

Hope all is good in your world!


Well-Known Member
I'm good! Very busy with work. Having to manage various people and projects at once. But I ain't complainin'

Mexican food is great.. it just makes your house smell "funky" for a few days.

Hope all is good in your world!
That's great!! My hats off to ya, multitasking is an art, one I'm quite inept at lately. Kudos to you for keeping it together and staying positive! Maybe its an age thing? or a "I smoked too much pot in my life" thing. Wait..is there a such thing as too much pot? haha

All is great here, looking forward to Cat's holiday vacay, we're heading to his parent's house for Christmas. I'm really looking forward to that, the lake should be very pretty with all the Christmas lights around :)

Merry Christmas!! I hope you have a super fabulous holiday!

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
not many christmas lights up around here yet, got mine up and my christmas tree, gonna do lots of drinking over christmas haha like yaa would.

i'm dying for another acid trip lol that shit is fun as fuck


Well-Known Member
not many christmas lights up around here yet, got mine up and my christmas tree, gonna do lots of drinking over christmas haha like yaa would.

i'm dying for another acid trip lol that shit is fun as fuck
We got our tree up this past weekend.. did I show you guys?


My phone doesn't take the best pics..why would it for 50 bucks..lol hey a girl has to budget ya know!

I may finally break down and buy some rum this weekend. It's been a while, the last time I had liquor I turned into a fighting machine and let's just say the neighbors saw a side of me I never knew I had. They didn't mess with me anymore after that..lol

Other than that I am sooooo excited! Cat may be off all next week for Christmas. That will be super awesome! the best present eva! We're going to spend the night at his parent's Christmas eve at the lake. I'm looking forward to meeting his sister and seeing the Christmas lights down there, I bet it's gorgeous!

This is our first Christmas actually being together. You should see us shopping, we're like a couple of little kids, we sing and laugh and tell everyone that passes us Merry Christmas. Our enthusiasm is contagious!!! :lol: :D


Well-Known Member
I meant to take a few sleeping pills to take a nap after drinking as I was peeved.

Dumb me ate a bunch of xanax. Fell asleep but damn i may have done things...

Thats what another xanax is for bb so i ate scalloped potatoes like a boss then ate 6 mg more


O and my tree ia up as well. Its all white cuz cheistmas is a time of cocaine and heavy drinking


Well-Known Member
I meant to take a few sleeping pills to take a nap after drinking as I was peeved.

Dumb me ate a bunch of xanax. Fell asleep but damn i may have done things...

Thats what another xanax is for bb so i ate scalloped potatoes like a boss then ate 6 mg more


O and my tree ia up as well. Its all white cuz cheistmas is a time of cocaine and heavy drinking
you're such a goob..lol

you need to chill on all that bro, you're gonna kill yourself one of these days..I worry about ya
Try crack bro, shits like yummy yummy!

Honest truth

Druga are bad
don't tell him that!!! o_O

most drugs are bad but WEED ROCKS! and is so much better for ya ;)


Well-Known Member
Nopes, its Thursday brother ;)

How ya feeling today? My stomach finally straightened out. Nothing that some good ol' Arby's roast beef sammiches can't fix! :D

8 days till Christmas!!!
Stomach didnt hurtas much but I did spend the night throwing up.

Damn I could go for some jalapeno poppers