Positive Ambience

Myth busters did a SHOW ON THIS WATCH IT I dont remember the exact results but they tested like 4 kinds of music and im pretty sure like 1 set of plants grew better but im not sure
no its always been about positive ambiance, thats what the thread is about. and you are free to state your opinion, i dont care, its just people usually back up their opionion with some kind of fact.

plants are living things, they grow based on their environment.

and it's not that you cant have an opinion, you just say smart ass things like "do your plants talk to you?''. no, my opionion is based on a shit load of evidence that if you play music it can provide a positive ambiance for growing.

The thing is Chronic, there is NO evidence for what you claim, There's only peoples opinion; hence I don't really need to back my claim up with facts.
Your calling me a smart ass, your the one inventing new physical phenomena! The thing that gets me is that your not just claiming that the it's the vibrations of the air molecules that 'stimulate' the plant to thicken up, (which could be conceivable if you put a huge sub woofer next to a plant, but I imagine even the benefits of that are negligible). It is the fact that you claim it's the music itself, as if the plants can actually appreciate it or are stimulated by the different notes, voices, or whatever! This is madness, and boarders on the delusional. It seems you've become so infatuated with marijuana that you actually believe it is a conscience being! If your so concerned with fact, lets see them.
Myth busters did a SHOW ON THIS WATCH IT I dont remember the exact results but they tested like 4 kinds of music and im pretty sure like 1 set of plants grew better but im not sure

Yeah, I think you'll find that one set of plants will always do better. The thing with experiments like this is they immediately believe it is down to the music.
Plants always vary, and if some idiot comes and plays music of different genres to them and then finds that the plants listening to say, Rock, did the best, than he will assume it's down to the music. Any logical human being can see the flaw in this experiment.
and it's not that you cant have an opinion, you just say smart ass things like "do your plants talk to you?''.

Have you ever heard of sarcasm?:confused:
Titania, watch mythbusters there is YOUR EVIDENCE. There is also NO EVIDENCE that most players in baseball used steroids but we all still know it happened.I guess if you put things in caps it makes the words mean more or something. And where is the flaw in their experiment? If you watched the show you will see this until you do don't act like the people who think this has a real effect are idiots. I know for a fact it helps my plants so if you don't have something positive to say then dont say anything. Don't come on here just to make yourself feal smarter.
Yeah, I think you'll find that one set of plants will always do better. The thing with experiments like this is they immediately believe it is down to the music.
Plants always vary, and if some idiot comes and plays music of different genres to them and then finds that the plants listening to say, Rock, did the best, than he will assume it's down to the music. Any logical human being can see the flaw in this experiment.

Umm, if you have the exact same greenhouses, on the exact same roof, with the exact same type of plants, being given the exact same water and food. then what else is going to change thier growth patterns besides the music variable?

seriously, you can give up. you should have never started talking about somthing that is obviously wayy over your fucking head.
dont worry about his nonsense Chronic. just be reading through the thread its obvious that he has no idea what hes talking about. just wants to start drama. lol
Umm, if you have the exact same greenhouses, on the exact same roof, with the exact same type of plants, being given the exact same water and food. then what else is going to change thier growth patterns besides the music variable?

seriously, you can give up. you should have never started talking about somthing that is obviously wayy over your fucking head.

There's as much proof of this, as people who claim to have been healed by holy water. If you can even give me a sound scientific hypothesis, then I may listen. And no it's not over my head, how can it be, there's nothing to know about this subject apart from the fact that it might work, or not?
Your the one resorting to foul language because your frustrated at not been able to express yourself coherently. I don't know why I am being targeted just for disagreeing, I have never been rude, just humorous. I think the only thing you know about in this world is how to grow and smoke weed, well done mate, sure the parents are proud.:mrgreen:
Titania, watch mythbusters there is YOUR EVIDENCE. There is also NO EVIDENCE that most players in baseball used steroids but we all still know it happened.I guess if you put things in caps it makes the words mean more or something. And where is the flaw in their experiment? If you watched the show you will see this until you do don't act like the people who think this has a real effect are idiots. I know for a fact it helps my plants so if you don't have something positive to say then dont say anything. Don't come on here just to make yourself feal smarter.

What is it with you lot when you say ' if you don't have anything positive to say don't say anything' What! Yes I'm sure the world would be a better place if no one said anything negative about G. Bush. Get real man. What's the problem, have I disturbed you vibe mannnnnnn. Bloody hippy.
I like to sit down in front of my plants, take a smoke and play my guitar. They haven't complained yet... interestingly I know my cat likes it, because often when I play he comes out of nowhere and is laying on the ground nearby. Now when I plug the electrics in he runs like hell.

There was an article in a recent grow magazine (about 2 mths ago?) where someone had tested with different types of music. The plants actually grew towards the speaker for classical music and grew away with the rock stuff. It seemed to be a pretty good test with lots of the variables covered. The bottom line was certain types of music helped (mostly soothing type stuff) .. all the modern and rock stuff the plants didn't seem to like.
i would, the thing is, i dont care if you believe me or not. because i have researched it. if you would like to actually learn about it, then share your opionion i wouldnt care. i mean, it just makes sense that you actually know about somthing, before you state an 'opinion' about it.

i can express myself fine, im just tired of hearing you say how wrong i am, when infact you are the one who has no clue what you are talking about. open your eyes, everyone who has posted on here has heard of it. and you act like im fucking stupid, you say ignorant bullshit about how i smoke and grow too much.

so if your going to rag on me for being a good grower go ahead, and why wouldnt my parents be proud of me? botany is not really that easy. plus i stay high, and have money.

i mean, what are you even doing on here if your ragging on me for being a good grower?

I am and idiot, i do not have a place on RIU, and all my opinions are BULLSHIT.