no its always been about positive ambiance, thats what the thread is about. and you are free to state your opinion, i dont care, its just people usually back up their opionion with some kind of fact.
plants are living things, they grow based on their environment.
and it's not that you cant have an opinion, you just say smart ass things like "do your plants talk to you?''. no, my opionion is based on a shit load of evidence that if you play music it can provide a positive ambiance for growing.
Myth busters did a SHOW ON THIS WATCH IT I dont remember the exact results but they tested like 4 kinds of music and im pretty sure like 1 set of plants grew better but im not sure
Yeah, I think you'll find that one set of plants will always do better. The thing with experiments like this is they immediately believe it is down to the music.
Plants always vary, and if some idiot comes and plays music of different genres to them and then finds that the plants listening to say, Rock, did the best, than he will assume it's down to the music. Any logical human being can see the flaw in this experiment.
dont worry about his nonsense Chronic. just be reading through the thread its obvious that he has no idea what hes talking about. just wants to start drama. lol
Umm, if you have the exact same greenhouses, on the exact same roof, with the exact same type of plants, being given the exact same water and food. then what else is going to change thier growth patterns besides the music variable?
seriously, you can give up. you should have never started talking about somthing that is obviously wayy over your fucking head.
Titania, watch mythbusters there is YOUR EVIDENCE. There is also NO EVIDENCE that most players in baseball used steroids but we all still know it happened.I guess if you put things in caps it makes the words mean more or something. And where is the flaw in their experiment? If you watched the show you will see this until you do don't act like the people who think this has a real effect are idiots. I know for a fact it helps my plants so if you don't have something positive to say then dont say anything. Don't come on here just to make yourself feal smarter.
I am and idiot, i do not have a place on RIU, and all my opinions are BULLSHIT.