Pope Francis Admits That A 'Gay Lobby' Influences The Vatican


Active Member
Pope Francis has caused a stir in the religious world after comments that appeared to admit the influence of the "gay lobby" in the Vatican were picked up by a Catholic news website. The comments were allegedly made last Thursday when the pope was talking at the Latin American and Caribbean Confederation of Religious Men and Women and were first reported by Chilean website Reflection and Liberation.

“In the Curia,” Francis reportedly told his audience, referring to the Vatican's famously opaque bureaucracy, “there are holy people, but there is also a stream of corruption.”

“The 'gay lobby' is mentioned, and it is true, it is there,” Francis continued. “We need to see what we can do.”
A Vatican spokesperson later refused to comment on the report to CNN, arguing that the meeting was private.

Earlier this year Italian newspaper La Repubblica newspaper alleged that Pope Benedict's resignation was prompted by a report prepared by three Cardinals on conflict and corruption in the Vatican, including what it says is the "inappropriate influence" of a "gay lobby" within the Holy See.

The report inferred that this group was the subject of blackmail attempts, detailing an "external influence" from those with a "worldly nature."
Reports of homosexuality in the Vatican are very common — the Vatican became embroiled in a gay prostitution scandal in 2010, for example, and rumors dogged Pope Benedict himself.

Pope Francis has made reforming the Curia a key part of his reforms, AFP reports, and the inefficient bureaucracy is widely believed to be a problem in the modern church.

Source: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/pope-francis-admits-gay-lobby-225700512.html
I'm not gay and I dont approve of it but the homosexuals are not the problem, its the pedophiles!

And the Catholic church is full of pedophiles, as everyone knows.

So much for representing God! They would rather rape little children.

It disgusts Me. How could the/a church get away with it?

So are you a religious nutcase, a bigot, or both?

I posted a topic for discussion what are you offended about now?

If your asking me about my personal belief I don't care if someone wants to be gay. That is their own business and I don't feel I need to know about it. Tho for some reason tons of gays feel the need to announce it. Seems like a cry for attention and then they wonder why they get picked on for being different. The only time I have a problem with gays is when they march naked in front of children or name call people who don't agree with their lifestyle while trying to promote it. bongsmilie
I posted a topic for discussion what are you offended about now?

If your asking me about my personal belief I don't care if someone wants to be gay. That is their own business and I don't feel I need to know about it. Tho for some reason tons of gays feel the need to announce it. Seems like a cry for attention and then they wonder why they get picked on for being different. The only time I have a problem with gays is when they march naked in front of children or name call people who don't agree with their lifestyle while trying to promote it. bongsmilie

Never seen a gay man marching naked in front of a bunch of kids; sounds to me like you're fabricating issues that don't exist. Yes, a lot of their actions are cries for attention, and highly justifiable ones at that. The only way to draw attention to their cause is by making you aware of it. It seems to me that gay people make you uncomfortable; there's really no good reason for that. If someone says they don't agree with something that is as immutable as race or sexual preference, then it is fully within that groups rights to call you a bigot. You do know that implying it's a gay person's fault for getting harassed just because they are openly gay is blaming the victim, right?
You do know that implying it's a gay person's fault for getting harassed just because they are openly gay is blaming the victim, right?

Not when they are declaring it for attention. Difference will always be a reason to fight and no one would pick on them for being gay if they kept it to themselves.
Not when they are declaring it for attention. Difference will always be a reason to fight and no one would pick on them for being gay if they kept it to themselves.

and no one would pick on your for being a white supremacist, holocaust denier, and now apparent homophobic bigot if you just kept all that to yourself.
I posted a topic for discussion what are you offended about now?

If your asking me about my personal belief I don't care if someone wants to be gay. That is their own business and I don't feel I need to know about it. Tho for some reason tons of gays feel the need to announce it. Seems like a cry for attention and then they wonder why they get picked on for being different. The only time I have a problem with gays is when they march naked in front of children or name call people who don't agree with their lifestyle while trying to promote it. bongsmilie

Based on what you've said in other threads I'm floored. I didn't know white supremacists were pro-gay rights.
Never seen a gay man marching naked in front of a bunch of kids; sounds to me like you're fabricating issues that don't exist.

A quick google search and you could of seen for yourself, but I got the feeling you already know. If grown men try to march like that in my town. I will be the first one there splitting their skulls wide open.

example 1: http://www.blogwrath.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/2.jpg

example 2: http://www.blogwrath.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/3.jpg

So at what point do they get to be themselves and not under mandate to hide it from the "decent folk"? cn

Is it really that hard to not shove your sex life down someones throat? Is life that shitty that you need to tell the world who you fuck?

Based on what you've said in other threads I'm floored. I didn't know white supremacists were pro-gay rights.

I don't care what someone does in there personal life. But its wrong when gays feel they need to teach their sexual orientation to children . Let kids be kids.
I don't care what someone does in there personal life. But its wrong when gays feel they need to teach their sexual orientation to children . Let kids be kids.

So your one of those that believe that homosexuality is something taught. If your 8-9 year old son or daughter started to show their homosexuality at a young age, what would that say about you? Would you tell them " you better hide who you are around me or I'm gonna bust your skull?" Do you not believe that women should have the right to vote or equal pay ? The only way those rights were given were from open demonstration, could mention the civil rights movement and the struggles there, but I have a feeling your daddy was wearing a white hood around that time. You are not fit to walk in society and your way of thinking is a disease that should warrant locking up.
So your one of those that believe that homosexuality is something taught. If your 8-9 year old son or daughter started to show their homosexuality at a young age, what would that say about you? Would you tell them " you better hide who you are around me or I'm gonna bust your skull?" Do you not believe that women should have the right to vote or equal pay ? The only way those rights were given were from open demonstration, could mention the civil rights movement and the struggles there, but I have a feeling your daddy was wearing a white hood around that time. You are not fit to walk in society and your way of thinking is a disease that should warrant locking up.

Seems you do have an agenda trying to label people and put words in there mouth. Where on this forum did I state I was against women or their rights?

Maybe you should ask buck about women's rights since he feels sharia law is a good thing.

I don't believe yout agenda that people are born that way. I believe there is always a cause and effect behind it.

So whats your story? daddy beat the man outta you so you turned fem? or maybe your more of a butch were mommy wasn't around and daddy raised you like the son he always wanted?

We can go back and fourth all day but the original topic was about the pope and a gay priest lobby so unless your a priest this news article isn't about you. Why do you take your entitled to all the attention ? Seems like you just like crying for attention just like the gay community.
A quick google search and you could of seen for yourself, but I got the feeling you already know. If grown men try to march like that in my town. I will be the first one there splitting their skulls wide open.

example 1: http://www.blogwrath.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/2.jpg

example 2: http://www.blogwrath.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/3.jpg

None of those links were regarding anything gay. They were both about

Is it really that hard to not shove your sex life down someones throat? Is life that shitty that you need to tell the world who you fuck?

I don't care what someone does in there personal life. But its wrong when gays feel they need to teach their sexual orientation to children . Let kids be kids.

Well, your links were to blogs that had nothing to do with gay men dancing naked in front of your children. However, after I looked around a bit; I found the "gay issues" section and did some reading. I shall now include some choice quotes from your source (With my summary, of course.).

Almost all lesbians are ugly dykes:
"Does that mean that the lesbians have free access to the men’s locker room? If so, the guys wouldn’t mind a visitor, who resembles Jessica Alba. However, the most common type looks like the sweaty, stocky, and hairy butches who run the Dykes on Bikes segment of the gay parade. Those would cause irreparable mental damage, if they show up in the locker room."

Goddamit! Transexual people can't have days that Christians already have! It's offensive!:
"Fallout from that case is the proclamation by Calgary’s Muslim mayor Naheed Nenshi of a “Trans Day of Visibility”. And out of all 365 days available in a year, he chose for it last Sunday, when the Christians celebrated their most important holiday. It was a humiliating decision, which showed everybody that in the new Canadian reality the Christians should shut up and take quietly every humiliation or else face very unpleasant consequences."

Teaching kids about being gay or transgendered will make our kids easier for pedophiles to rape!:
"Their extensive knowledge of gay sex and gender confusion would desensitize them when a pedophile approaches them. And the parents are not allowed to question that monstrosity…"

If you're a gay couple, you're ruining your kids. A gay couple can't REALLY be parents. Furthermore, you're likely damaging their minds!:
"Apparently, they have two children and are trying very hard to look like a happy homosexual family. Unfortunately, within a few years, we would most likely have two messed up and confused kids, who will need years of therapy to sort out the damage to their minds. Despite the fact that “progressive educators” try very hard to convince us that gay families are perfectly fine (in Ontario, Canada, those policies are imposed aggressively), it is very hard to prove that two lesbians can successfully replace the roles of a father and a mother."

Oh, I finally got to what you talked about. Yep, there's a few dicks there. I can see why you may be opposed to that. However, it is not the dick waving epidemic you portrayed it as. Since this blog dealt primarily in Canada; I can't even say if public nudity is illegal. I know going topless is legal though.

All I can say is that you have some issues if this is your go-to source. That author is an individual with a persecution complex. No wonder you get mad about those uppity gays demanding they get the same rights as others.
Seems you do have an agenda trying to label people and put words in there mouth. Where on this forum did I state I was against women or their rights?

Maybe you should ask buck about women's rights since he feels sharia law is a good thing.

I don't believe yout agenda that people are born that way. I believe there is always a cause and effect behind it.

So whats your story? daddy beat the man outta you so you turned fem? or maybe your more of a butch were mommy wasn't around and daddy raised you like the son he always wanted?

We can go back and fourth all day but the original topic was about the pope and a gay priest lobby so unless your a priest this news article isn't about you. Why do you take your entitled to all the attention ? Seems like you just like crying for attention just like the gay community.

He was making a point, and I'm sure you got it. You know how women got the right to vote? Do you know how civil rights laws were enacted and Jim Crowe was done away with? It was all through drawing attention to their causes while everyone else bitched about how it would undo the moral fabric of our society.