Pollen in clouds

I won't give up almost impossible getting seeds into my country
Is it possible to give too much STS to the plant you are trying to reverse
Some people have said they treat once before flip and every 4 to 5 days until flower
Others say twice before flip and every 2 to 3 days until balls appear ?

The set of instructions I got said to do the first spray at 3 weeks into flower and that didn't work worth a crap. Since then I've gone with the first spray a few days before the flip then every 4 days until I see balls forming then quit. Other stuff says before flip then just 3 more 4 days apart then stop and balls will form in the next few days.

I'm sticking with the every 4 days until balls form method as that has worked fine the last 4 out of 7 times I've used STS. I basically have an unlimited supply of STS or at least enough to last my lifetime so don't much care if I'm using more than I need to as long as it gets the job done.

About giving too much STS do you mean too strong a mix or too many sprays? I went 50% higher after my first try then bumped it up to double the amount in each batch before seeing any leaf damage and it wasn't much compared to some of the pics I've seen of other's results while I was searching around for examples.

I think as long as you start around the flip it should work fine.

Old, believe it or not, some people put poison on your dope so you think it is the greatest. It is only later that your doctor gives you the good news.
Old, believe it or not, some people put poison on your dope so you think it is the greatest. It is only later that your doctor gives you the good news.

Still haven't a clue what you're on about. I only consume pot I've grown myself and have for well over 20 years. It's them damn cigs I worry about.

If you're talking about STS I wouldn't consume anything I sprayed with that either.
We are not consuming anything treated with STS
I am only talking about the flowers that were treated with pollen,.
To completely separate plants