Poll : Will you vote for legalizing for just the people this time and not business?

Would you vote for a people only legalization in 2012 and not business?

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 90.5%
  • No

    Votes: 6 9.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
This is an experiment of choice.

Question: Will you vote in 2012 to legalize only for the people and not business in 2012?

Please keep replies hate free.
I voted yes because I believe that living breathing people are the foundation of our Country and legalizing for them is the start of all things.
I'm not quite sure I understand the question.... that may be due to high THC levels in my body right now but.. could you please explain? :)
Should we start with rights for the living breathing person to have, grow and consume cannabis this time around and skip the business aspect to any initiative/law we try to pass this time?

Take away the punishments and establish rights for people that do not include business this 2012 cycle.. Did I do okay?
Much better thank you. The problem isn't you. It's my severely compromised cognitive skills. (Super Silver Haze)
I really dont see what the problem is to having both. People should be free to grow smoke cook whatever and business should be free to attempt to make a profit. The problem occurs when you put one in front of the other
I really dont see what the problem is to having both. People should be free to grow smoke cook whatever and business should be free to attempt to make a profit. The problem occurs when you put one in front of the other

I'll not try and Say I understand the whole issue to a great depth of clarity.
What I see is that Commerce is the domain of Government to control.
So I would think it is possible to legalize for the people and that by our constitution, the Federal cannot take those State originated rights away.
I assume it will be a "baby step" and I hope it could be something we can all build on.

I'm all for Ernst's Fine Cannabis shoppe.. And I am okay with surviving in the business because I have great produce at competitive prices when anyone can grow a pound or two. I'd call that a free market with a plant.
So far no one wants to vote no.
I'll not try and Say I understand the whole issue to a great depth of clarity.
What I see is that Commerce is the domain of Government to control.
So I would think it is possible to legalize for the people and that by our constitution, the Federal cannot take those State originated rights away.
I assume it will be a "baby step" and I hope it could be something we can all build on.

Good point +rep for your reasoning that actually makes sense with some thought put into it. Now how do you get a solid base of people to feel the same way? I'm the pisser and moaner without any improvement ideas myself guy in the meeting haha
I'm all in favor of discussing plans but as the best of any of us know we must poll first.

This I will say, I have taken time off like most have an many do not know the race is on.

Let's ring this liberty bell a while longer. We are still waiting for some no votes and perhaps they will share their point of view.

Again I hope we can keep the hate factor down.
I'll not try and Say I understand the whole issue to a great depth of clarity.
What I see is that Commerce is the domain of Government to control.
So I would think it is possible to legalize for the people and that by our constitution, the Federal cannot take those State originated rights away.
I assume it will be a "baby step" and I hope it could be something we can all build on.

I'm all for Ernst's Fine Cannabis shoppe.. And I am okay with surviving in the business because I have great produce at competitive prices when anyone can grow a pound or two. I'd call that a free market with a plant.
So far no one wants to vote no.

Commerce "between" or "among" the states was alleged to be what the Commerce clause was for. They seem to have gotten a little carried away with that and have granted themselves the power to regulate everything. Of course I never agreed to any of it in the first place, so I will simply try to live a just life and ignore stupid laws that punish people when their behavior harms nobody.

I'd vote for anything that reduces harm (government) but obviously prefer all out unmitigated freedom. The fact anybody can be jailed for self ownership is clear evidence of the work that needs to be done educating people that cannabis legalization is about much more than cannabis, it transcends the substance and is really about liberty for ALL peaceful people. If they can put you in jail for a plant, they can put you in jail for anything else they dream up. When one peaceful person's liberty is threatened, everybody's is in jeopardy.
i completely agree ^^^ if they can arrest us for a harmless plant think about what else is going to happen! i would love nothing more than to get mary j to the point where it has no punishments but i also think we have bigger issues to fight for than this!
I would love to just vote on just the individuals right to grow ...I feel that this last go around was hampered by business/caregrowers that still wanted to maintain the profit end of growing and contributed to the downfall of the last vote...I even saw people on this site saying we should vote no ....so instead of gaining ground we gained nothing...I never blame or fault the next man for feeding and protecting his family...just be a man about it
I have a question..

Not one No vote? Is it that no one want to be known to vote no or is it that taking this baby step towards Legalization is the Bomb?

That we don't need 1 million and someone to write an Initiative we just have to stand up and say Legalize US!
Yes and the kind of Legalization that is for the people first. Horticulture rights for all People to this amazing plant.
Not to be confused with decriminalization where one is still subject to arrest for horticulture activities.
i've seen pot classified as "a mild hallucinogen"....seems to fit the term to me, but truth is, your body naturally feels the same high that pot offers, under differing types of consciousness. Smoking good pot, to me, is like daydreaming...which certainly isn't illegal...and neither is dreaming

so basically, you're told which realms of consciousness are acceptable and which aren't

and i agree with you- the cannabis legalization effort, when it comes down to it, is more about WHO would stand to gain from what the FARMER grows....so he's told to pay a "special doctor" (who chances are, is no smarter than you nor I) to purchase a prescription (since it HAS to be so controlled)...and then the department of health & human services wants their cut of your pie too...

all of these "regulations" are just taxes. that's it, taxes. nothing more/nothing less

but wait, who put all the time and love into the crop in the first place?

....This is why I HATE hearing people say "TAX AND REGULATE WEED! REVENUES OF BILLIONS!" ...uh no, keep your hands in your pockets

If pot were totally legal and NO regulations were set, the free market would compete like it's supposed to, to offer the highest quality product at the lowest cost. but of course when it comes to businesses, our government has it's "favorites" with their own guys in the house fixing and rigging the game for themselves
Isn't it odd that the result of prop 19 is Taxes like we never have seen before and that some make millions while people still go to jail.

Kinda our worst nightmare situation? I'm not for letting any group try and define Cannabis as anything more than a useful plant.
It will get worse if we try and classify Cannabis as a Goods and treat it like wine as some suggest is our next best hope.

Why can't we just simply legalize it for the people first I ask.
Yup, I agree

BTW Ernst- I don't live in Cali (or a medical state for that matter...but the black market of course, is strong here)

Could you list some of the regulations (taxes) behind the medical pot market where you are? I'd be curious to hear the whole scoop...to find out what one must pay out of pocket in "overhead costs" before any actual investment is made toward growing the crop